8 May, 2020

PC: the Other Dangerous Disease Sickening America

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Jewed academia, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed politics, Max Horkheimer, political correctness, Socrates at 9:20 am | Permanent Link

America has a dangerous infection. Covid-19? No. Political Correctness (PC). It’s a horrible disease. You catch it from Jews. San Antonio, Texas has a bad case of PC. And of course, its mayor is half-Jewish by ethnicity [1]:

“Council members unanimously passed a (“hate speech”) resolution that specifically addresses anti-Chinese COVID-19 references, including terms such as “Chinese virus” (but it came from China!)…”said Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who initiated the resolution…”

PC is part of Cultural Marxism, which was pioneered by the Jewish-run Frankfurt School at Columbia University in NYC [2].



[1] “Nirenberg is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (from Poland and Russia) on his father’s side and of mixed Filipino, Malay, Indian, and British heritage from his mother’s side.” — Wikipedia

[2] Political Correctness is a sub-ideology of Cultural Marxism (it’s the “language part” of CM, i.e., talking/writing) and Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory (which came from The Frankfurt School); so that’s read: Critical Theory>Cultural Marxism>Political Correctness

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