27 March, 2020


Posted by Socrates in food, Socrates at 9:47 pm | Permanent Link

Soon, America will be back to normal, and that means…nachos! Yeah, baby! Here’s how to make some really good nachos:

1. Get some good-quality corn tortilla chips. Not the cheap-ass ones made in New Jersey with powdered corn meal, but like these. Made in the southwest.

2. Next, put about 20 chips on a big plate, in a single layer.

3. With a spoon, drizzle enchilada sauce (or salsa, if you don’t have any enchilada sauce) onto each chip; cover each chip with sauce.

4. Now, cover each chip with sharp cheddar cheese (you can buy it pre-grated). Use plenty, don’t hold back.

5. Microwave the chips for 45 seconds or so (or use a regular oven if you don’t have one) to desired meltedness-of-cheese.

6. Add little jalapeno pepper rounds on top of chips if desired, but you really don’t need them since you already have sauce on them.

7. EAT!


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