Stupid White Females Seeking Diversity, or, Mackenzie Lueck Redux
Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, Diversity, diversity is hate, egalitarianism, Race Denial, Socrates, women, women and rape, women as politically/racially worthless at 11:12 am | 
Stupid White Female, at a bar: “Look, a couple of nice, manly, very hot Afreaking AmeriKwan men! I think I’ll chat them up!” (later) “Ohhhh, I think they like me! I’m getting so horny! I think I’ll go home with these two manly, vibrant, diverse Afreaking AmeriKwans and screw them both. I’ve always fantasized about doing that! What could possibly go wrong? Diversity is so cool!”
(Much later):
Stupid White Female, standing outside the Pearly Gates in Heaven: “OMG! I’ve been murdered! How did this happen?? Who could have possibly foreseen this??”
Saint Peter: “Any human with half a brain could have foreseen this.”