14 January, 2020

Donald Trump and Seeing the Glass Half-Full Rather Than Half-Empty

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, illegal immigration, immigration, Inc., media, media control, media culture, neocon ideology, Neocons, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump's border wall, Trump's policies at 12:46 pm | Permanent Link

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he can be credited with 3 very important things in America:

1. Destroying the credibility of the mainstream media.

2. Killing “mainstream conservatism,” which never conserved anything and was a joke in American politics.

3. Making illegal immigration (and a border wall) a central policy (and not just ignoring it or even aiding it like Conservatism, Inc./the GOP establishment).

Don’t forget, “the idea of Trump” (or Trumpism) is more important than Trump himself.


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