Probably the Last Words of a White Female Kwallege Stoodent in the Big Bagel, NYC
Posted by Socrates in Black Cities, black crime, black culture, college, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, feminism, feminization of the West, Jewed cities, jewed culture, jewed media, multiculturalism, Socrates, The Big Bagel, The Eurocide, universities, women, women as politically/racially worthless at 8:32 pm | 
“I need some weed, because I’m a bored, 18-year-old liberal idiot trying desperately to be cool and hip. I’m going to take a walk here in the Big Bagel NYC and look for some weed! (*skipping*) Tra-la-la…la-la-la (*skipping*)…look, there are some sweet, innocent Afreaking AmeriKwan gentlemen standing over there. They might have some weed! Hmmmmmm, how odd, this Afreaking AmeriKwan gentleman is holding a knife! Dude, like, this is sooooo shocking to me! Because every Afreaking AmeriKwan gentleman that I see on the TV is a kind, sweet, gentle, smart, wonderful human being! I don’t understand it…I…just…I…uuuurrrrkkkk!” [Article].