4 November, 2019

The Feminization of Academia

Posted by Socrates in academia, college, education, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, Socrates, universities, women, women and 'equality', women being bossy and demanding at 2:43 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a female university president taking the “sexist” science dean for a walk — I’ll bet he regrets that “physics isn’t for women” crack!).

Ever wonder why men are such wimps today? The entire Western world has been feminized. (American men, 1955 versus today:
— 1955: “Honey, I’m going golfing with Frank, I’ll be back later.”
— 2019: “Hold on a second, Frank — I have to ask my wife if I can go golfing today…” ).


“In other words, the “masculine” dimension to academia — rigorously, unemotionally and coldly examining facts and arguments — would be wrecked by the increasing presence of emotional and over-empathetic girls. As females increasingly take over Western universities, now constituting the majority of students in the USA…it is becoming clear that these skeptics were right.” [Article].

  • 3 Responses to “The Feminization of Academia”

    1. Stupid cunt Says:

      If you feel, it must be real, then you know the deal, and it makes your panties want to peel!

    2. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      The Wise Ones have said, and I will said it again, as I have said before . . . the Wise Ones have said:

      “Western Man made the world safe for his woman,
      And then he himself became a woman,
      Because man comes out of woman,
      But it is woman who makes him a Man
      In order for him to protect her.
      But now she needs no protection,
      So there are no Men.”

      So, the fact that the world hates us (America) for upsetting the natural order—is that so hard to comprehend? Which side are we on? To stand up for America is to stand up for this sort of thing—-multiculturalism, homosexual marriage, feminism, sex-as-recreation, the twenty different genders.

      It is a sad pity that Islam is the only organized religion standing up for the ancient traditions.

      Or is it?

    3. The Red Skull Says:

      Modern Marriage as its descended into in one picture.