6 October, 2019

Sail to Cuba? Why on Earth?

Posted by Socrates in Castro, communism, Cuba, Marxism, Pinochet, Socrates, Videla at 10:53 am | Permanent Link

Young Americans set sail to communist Cuba. I couldn’t do it. Can you imagine having difficulty getting fresh water? Or a potato? My god! Wasn’t communism supposed to be a worker’s paradise? Where’s the “paradise”? I’m not seeing it.

Some years ago, I read a book written by a woman who grew up in communist Cuba. Later, for some reason, she was able to immigrate to America. In her book, she told all about her life in Cuba. The communist government there gives each household a food ration booklet (here’s one). Those booklets allow each household to buy “x” amount of food per month at government-run food stores. But, if you displease the communist government, in any way, the government will lower your food rations. So now your family has less food to eat. This is how they control people in Cuba [1]. Also, people “snitch” on their neighbors in order to get into the good graces of the communist government. So not only must you fear the communist government, you must also fear your neighbors. (I’ve heard of citizens in Cuba, with tears in their eyes, pleading with tourists or Western government officials to help them flee Cuba because they can’t tolerate communism anymore). It’s a sick, creepy, scary life in Cuba. Be thankful that you live in America, White man. (It should anger you that the “international community” never calls for the Castro brothers to be charged with “human rights abuses” (murders, tortures, persecutions, etc.); that same community demanded that Chile’s Augusto Pinochet and Argentina’s Jorge Videla be imprisoned for the same crimes, but the Castro brothers remain untouched, as if they have angels guarding them. Granted, Fidel died in 2016. When you’re a communist, you can literally get away with murder! By the way, the Cuban government is illegal. The Castros weren’t legally elected or legally appointed. Contrast that to Hitler, who was legally appointed by president Paul von Hindenburg in 1933!).

[Video, duration is 18 minutes].


[1] communist China under Mao also used to control the citizens by limiting their food availability

  • One Response to “Sail to Cuba? Why on Earth?”

    1. Joel Says:

      The question remains, is Jesus the Son of G-d, or son of the Desert Demon Yahweh?