24 October, 2019

Matt Hale: Why Is He Serving 40 Years in a Federal Prison?

Posted by Socrates in federal government, federal informants, federal prisons, Matt Hale, Socrates, War On White People, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:11 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Matt Hale circa 1996)

Had 48-year-old Illinois attorney Matt F. Hale been an average man, he wouldn’t be in prison today. But since he is a “White supremacist leader,” he is spending 40 years behind bars. And for the same reason, no court will dare to free Hale on appeal. All “White supremacist leaders” belong behind bars, you see.

According to the U.S. government, during a meeting in December 2002, Hale, the leader of a pro-White group then called the World Church of the Creator, ordered his security chief, an FBI informant named Tony Evola, to kill a federal judge named Joan Lefkow. But there’s a big problem with the Hale case. There is no evidence that Hale ordered anyone to commit a murder. None. To the contrary: Hale is heard on audiotape not telling anyone to commit murder. That’s right: You can search the government’s “evidence” against Hale yourself but you’ll find no instance of Hale ordering anyone to commit a violent crime, or any crime.

The federal government’s case against Hale rests almost entirely on Hale saying the following to the FBI informant, a statement which was, again, recorded on audiotape: Hale: “if you wish to, ah, do anything yourself, you can, you know?” That’s 99.99% of the government’s case against Hale. Note that the words “you” and “yourself” refer to Evola, not Hale. In other words, Hale, on the tape, was allowing Evola “if he wished to” to decide on any course of action by himself. Regarding those words, they could mean nearly anything. For example, they could refer to dumping trash on Lefkow’s lawn, sending her angry letters, etc. Those words prove absolutely nothing. As used against Hale, those words are legally worthless – ask any good lawyer [1]. The case against Hale is a giant nothing-burger without any french fries.

Furthermore, the jury in the Hale trial was only half-White, meaning Hale was not judged by his peers but was judged by people who likely had bad feelings towards him. Also, the jury was allowed by the judge, for some reason, to hear clearly prejudicial information (ironically from Hale himself, on audiotape) about one of Hale’s very violent underlings, World Church of the Creator member Benjamin Smith, who shot two non-Whites and wounded nine others in 1999, but who nonetheless had nothing to do with the Hale/Lefkow case; in fact, Smith was long dead by the time Hale is alleged to have ordered the Lefkow killing; one juror in the Hale case later admitted that Smith’s prior “dirty deed” had “rubbed off” onto Hale! [2]. The government was, at that time, on a nationwide crusade against the World Church of the Creator due almost solely to Smith’s violent actions.

Interestingly, Hale was persecuted by the government even before the Lefkow case: he was denied a law license in Illinois based upon his political/racial beliefs. Of course, had Hale been an antifa, a “transsexual” or a Marxist, a law license would have been quickly presented to him.

Matt Hale is in prison solely because he’s a “White supremacist leader.” On that December day in 2002, the FBI informant went to meet Hale, face to face, on the FBI’s orders, in order to record Hale’s words on audiotape. That fact alone is problematic because the informant could be seen as “fishing for certain comments” from Hale (see below) in order to please the FBI and to seal a criminal case against Hale; the FBI paid the informant $72,000 dollars for his actions against Hale.

The government’s case against Matt Hale is so flimsy, so desperate that it should have been thrown out by a federal appeals court years ago, but it wasn’t because Hale is a “White supremacist leader.” They should all be in prison, you know.


[1] For proper context, here are both sides of that conversation, according to the Chicago Tribune:

“We gonna exterminate the rat?” Evola asked in reference to Lefkow.
“Ah, my position’s always been that…I’m gonna fight within the law and but, ah, that information’s been…provided,” Hale was quoted as replying. “If you wish to, ah, do anything yourself, you can, you know?”
“So that makes it clear,” Hale added.
“Consider it done,” Evola said.
“Good,” Hale replied. (VNN’s note: “Consider it done” can have several meanings, e.g., “consider the matter dropped/finished”).
(From an article titled “Hale Guilty on 4 Counts,”
Chicago Tribune, April 27, 2004)

[2] “One juror said hearing Hale speak on the undercover audiotapes about Smith’s shooting rampage helped convince him that Hale was capable of commissioning a murder.” — ibid.


  • One Response to “Matt Hale: Why Is He Serving 40 Years in a Federal Prison?”

    1. Elmer Odell Says:

      Matt is a political prisoner. The USA government and legal system is corrupt beyond repair and only force of arms will fix it. Thousands have ended up in jail/prison for their beliefs. Matt did nothing wrong other than end up on the plate of a corrupt US attorney just as Emory Burke did many just after WW2.