22 August, 2019

Pinochet: a Documentary Film (2012)

Posted by Socrates in Chile, communism, Marxism, Pinochet at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

A 2012 film by Corporacion 11 de Septiembre. There are many political lessons here. Chile’s prior leader Allende was a vile Marxist posing as a democrat. There are lots of politicians like Allende, all over the world. They will always come to power posing as democrats. This video can be downloaded, before it disappears down the memory hole. For English captions, click “cc” on the bottom right of the video. [Video, captioned, duration is 2 hours].

  • One Response to “Pinochet: a Documentary Film (2012)”

    1. Jürgen Says:

      EXCELLENT film, and very accurate
      (I should know)