Mexico: Once You Know the Truth About It…
Posted by Socrates in brown crime, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican corruption, Mexico, Socrates at 3:08 pm | Permanent Link
…why would you want millions of Mexicans to come to America? (Yeah, yeah, everybody knows a “good” Mexican, just like everyone knows a “good” Jew). Mexico is a bandito state. Every service in Mexico works on illegal bribes, i.e., if you want service, then you’re required to pay off whichever official you must. Did you know that Mexico is actually a failed country? That’s right. When the majority of your states are run by criminal drug gangs, then you have lost control of your country. It has failed. In fact, Mexico is a giant security risk for America. [Article].
More about Taylor Meyer’s murder in Mexico [Here].