Great Quote About White vs. Non-White Immigration
Posted by Socrates in America, America's founders, anti-White themes, black culture, Christopher Columbus, colonialism in Africa, colonialism in the New World, double standards, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, White identity, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 4:40 pm | 
A quote seen on the web (paraphrasing):
“Why is it that, when Whites immigrate to Country X, it’s called “evil colonialism,” but, when Blacks/Browns immigrate to Country X, it’s called ‘progress’ and ‘a great thing’?” [1].
(The answer, of course, is that charges of “colonialism” are simply anti-White racism based upon racial jealousy and envy).
[1] the explorer Christopher Columbus could be called a “godfather” of colonialism: a White man who came to America and “oppressed” Brown people