Black Leader Says: Blacks Are Genetically Superior to Whites
Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black culture, black health vs. white health, black leaders, genetic interests, genetics, Socrates, White race, White-culture-as-superior at 3:48 pm | 
That’s a very amusing claim, considering that Blacks suffer from many more diseases than Whites per capita, including sickle cell anemia, higher rates of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, AIDS and other STD’s, and also, injuries due to general Black carelessness, like from drug overdoses. Furthermore, the idea that Blacks get more diseases, or die earlier from them, due to “White racism” is baloney. There are free health clinics in every Black neighborhood (paid for by your White tax dollars), and Blacks are eligible for free health care under a wide variety of state and federal government programs (if you doubt that, do a web search: type in “free health care” plus your state, e.g., New Jersey. Some free health care programs don’t even ask about your immigration status! It’s great to be brown!).
13 February, 2017 at 10:48 pm
I’ve noticed that blacks over 50 look much worse than Whites at the same age. Those poor decisions and bad habits like drugs, smoking ,drinking alcohol and those sugary soft drinks really take a toll. They are are obese at a early age from no impulse control and too many ribs and malt liquor. It’s hard to find a dindo over 57 years with out a cane.
13 February, 2017 at 10:48 pm
I’ve noticed that blacks over 50 look much worse than Whites at the same age. Those poor decisions and bad habits like drugs, smoking ,drinking alcohol and those sugary soft drinks really take a toll. They are are obese at a early age from no impulse control and too many ribs and malt liquor. It’s hard to find a dindo over 57 years with out a cane.
14 February, 2017 at 2:08 pm
Even the darkest knee grow burns in the sun in about 30 min. So that extra 20 minutes of ‘no-burn’ time is real impressive.
Of course, White Scientists figured out the sunburn/cancer thing, sooo…brain superiority…..
14 February, 2017 at 2:35 pm
Negroes occupied Sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years — completely unmolested by Whites or anybody else. So why didn’t they build magnificent cities and civilizations. Those people have no one to blame for stagnation.
15 February, 2017 at 11:26 am
Surely you must realize that those thousands of years of time spent being completely unmolested by Whites were spent by brilliant black architects, scientists and nuclear engineers, sitting around camp fires, using sticks to draw up the design plans in the dirt for the pyramids and doing the in-depth mathematical calculations that NASA would one day need in order to pull off the moon landing?
Hard thinking and ciphering like that takes time, bro!
15 February, 2017 at 4:42 pm
Luke, we are not suppose to uncover the facts of Black history, especially during Black History month.
18 February, 2017 at 2:42 pm
But “Black Don’t Crack” , so , all evidence to the contrary, nigguz be su-pee-ree-yuh n’ sheeeeeiit!!!!