29 November, 2016

U.S. Government Officials Will Attend Fidel Castro’s Funeral

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Castro, communism, communism as good, communist brutality, Cuba, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Socrates at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

Why would the U.S. attend a communist thug’s funeral? It only makes him look “legitimate.” Why would you want to make him look like a legitimate leader? After all, Castro wasn’t legitimately elected or appointed as the leader of Cuba (contrast that to Adolf Hitler, who was legitimately appointed chancellor).


  • 4 Responses to “U.S. Government Officials Will Attend Fidel Castro’s Funeral”

    1. fd Says:

      The thugs over at Washington city identify with thugs of any persuasion. I’d like to see both sides of the House fly to Cuba for the funeral. Let the dead bury the dead. Both governments of Cuba and America subscribe to consolidation. All the thugs are happy.

    2. Mark Says:

      “Why would the U.S. attend a communist thug’s funeral?”

      And why would communist thugs not attend the funeral of other communist thugs? The communist thugs in DC (and elsewhere) only oppose Putin because of Putin’s embrace of nationalism – the kind of nationalism that interferes with the (((New World Order))).

    3. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      In addition to this, why has the US seen fit to allow a communist dictator to exist for over 50 years, 90 miles from Key West, yet takes down the governments of countries like Serbia and Iraq which have never posed a threat to US interests?

    4. Mark Says:

      “In addition to this, why has the US seen fit to allow a communist dictator to exist for over 50 years, 90 miles from Key West, yet takes down the governments of countries like Serbia and Iraq which have never posed a threat to US interests?”

      Great insight! Actually we were fighting communism thousands of miles away in Vietnam while Castro remained unscathed in Cuba and Kissinger started the communization of Rhodesia.

      The U.S. only toppled Iraq to please Israel and seeks to topple Syria and Iran because of their anti-Zionism, i.e., Israel. The U.S. toppled Milosevic to empower Islamic terrorism via the Kosovo Liberation Army as a prelude to their support of Islamic terrorists in Russia and years later, Syria. See e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Committee_for_Peace_in_Chechnya. (Reads like the membership list of AIPAC)