Being a Communist Means Always Posing as the Innocent Victim
Posted by Socrates in Argentina, Argentina's Dirty War, Chile, communism, history, History for newbies, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, Marxism, Operation Condor, Pinochet, Socrates, South America at 2:50 pm | 
Pinochet’s coup: “Chile’s September 11”? That’s real funny, but not at all accurate: the Chilean military staged a coup in 1973, and rightly so given Allende’s horrible leadership, which bankrupted Chile. But whatever; anyway, the poor, poor Marxists: they embrace the most deadly, oppressive ideology in history (90 million people murdered since 1917), yet somehow, they are always the “victims” of oppression and injustice – you see, they were only fighting for democracy and justice! (“Democracy” and “justice” are favorite words of the sneaky Marxists). If those idiots in Chile hadn’t been extremists bent on communizing not just Chile but all of South America, maybe they would still be alive today, ditto the Marxists in Argentina [1].
[1] one Chilean communist group, called Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR), has assassinated scores of people since 1973, including policemen, military officials and politicians. So much for being innocent victims
13 September, 2016 at 8:06 am
The only good communist is a dead communist. I can’t wait for ALL the communists of the world to become “good communists.”
13 September, 2016 at 9:47 am
This young lady WN is always DEAD ON with her excellent videos. Great educational video:
Crusader Girl – Jewish Privilege
Sorry about all the stuff in the comments section of the main page, but I no longer join forums.