26 February, 2016

New World Order Leaders Worried About Trump Presidency

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', global citizens, global government, globalization, internationalism, interventionism, interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, New World Order, NWO, politics, shabbos goys, Socrates, Trump at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

World Leader #1: “My Jewish handlers are worried, so I’m worried! They say that the world could return to isolationism and anti-immigrant bigotry because of Donald Trump!”

World Leader #2: “My Jewish handlers are worried, so I’m worried! They say that the world could return to isolationism and anti-immigrant bigotry because of Donald Trump!”

World Leader #3: “My Jewish handlers are worried, so I’m worried! They say that the world could return to isolationism and anti-immigrant bigotry because of Donald Trump!”

French Leader: “My Jewish wife, my Jewish mistress and my mistress’s Jewish girlfriend are worried, so I’m worried!”


  • 5 Responses to “New World Order Leaders Worried About Trump Presidency”

    1. Jürgen Says:

      And they SHOULD be worried.

      The Trump revolution, like it or lump it, is de facto WHITE NATIONALISM.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      I hope we get to see jew leaders like Cameroon forced to eat humble pie when they shake hands with Prez Trump.

    3. fd Says:

      To secure the Solid South, the ol’ racist Democrat party famous for hanging Negroes and killing Jew interlopers, Kennedy romanced the Klan.


    4. Frank Toliver Says:

      I have come to hate everyone making fun of Trump. He is the only anti-system candidate. You know at this point I wouldn’t care if he was given all the real estate in New York if he deported all the non-whites, jews, and male liberals while ending women’s suffrage. I have fucking had it with this arrogant jews, dumb esteemed up niggers and snickering little faggots. I hope he is holding in all his rage against everyone attacking him and ends this jew run nightmare.

    5. brenda peters Says:

      [email protected]
      Work at a shit nigga infested cityjob in this sad michigander city. Buy me a beer!