22 December, 2015

America: Circling the Drain, or, More Moral Relativism, or, the Devil As a Good Fellow

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Hollywood, jewed culture, Jewish counterculture, Jewish pop culture, Moral Relativism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Satan/devil, Socrates, tv, tv shows at 12:16 pm | Permanent Link

Here comes a TV show that features Satan helping the Los Angeles police. Why on earth would Satan, the king of evil, help the police? Television: a vast Jewish wasteland.

[a Christian review of TV show].

  • 4 Responses to “America: Circling the Drain, or, More Moral Relativism, or, the Devil As a Good Fellow”

    1. Thom McQueen Says:

      I dunno, sounds pretty good to me.

    2. Thom McQueen Says:

      I read this book called “The Warhound and the World’s Pain” by Michael Moorcock. It was the same theme. Very good scienti-fiction book.

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      Thom is right.

      Are we standing up for Christian theology?

      Anyone the Jews demonize might indeed be an heroic and worthy individual—a certain Austrian artist, and even Satan Himself!

    4. Socrates Says:

      no, I am not a Christian, I just found the review and decided to link to it…