27 June, 2015

White Genocide in Europe: It’s Happening Exactly as Planned

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, EU, Europe, feminism, Feminists, genocide, genocide of White culture, illegal immigration, immigration, New World Order, NWO, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White birthrates/fertility, White future at 3:44 pm | Permanent Link


“And it would be interesting to know, whether EU officials really are against the de facto illegal asylum claims. Or maybe, they are secretly interested in people like Million as immigrants, serving as replacements for the native European population. In the latter case, one could readily state, that currently everything works according to plan, albeit some minor hygienic issues remain.”

Replacements? That’s exactly right! The EU bureaucrats in Belgium want to flood Europe with millions of non-White immigrants. They say that those immigrants are needed due to the fact that Whites aren’t having enough children to meet Europe’s future needs. (That’s partly true. Thanks to feminism, White women aren’t having babies. They’re having careers instead. One possible solution to that problem is for European governments to offer financial benefits to White women who agree to have babies instead of careers).


  • 3 Responses to “White Genocide in Europe: It’s Happening Exactly as Planned”

    1. Heather Blue Says:

      “Thanks to feminism, White women aren’t having babies. They’re having careers instead. One possible solution to that problem is for European governments to offer financial benefits to White women who agree to have babies instead of careers).”

      Excellent idea. Of course, women would have babies if they got money for it. It would probably be a relief. Women will always welcome an income to help with the bills. Having a career is not actually rewarding. It’s cold and difficult.

    2. dillan Says:

      Another possible solution is just to machine gun muds as they run across the border.

      How is it that, 200 years ago, whites were so much more capable of conquering new lands and defending existing territory when they had a comparatively smaller technological advantage over the savages?

    3. fd Says:

      Good observation, Heather Blue. ‘Career’ for a woman can mean a life-time of heavy taxes with no reproduction or having babies and paying strangers to raise them. Managing the household is a noble work. The wife can think of creative ways to earn money at home.

      ‘Career’ is largely promoted by the office of propaganda. Babies are given soc. sec. numbers shortly after birth.

      All the years I worked in the offshore oilfields, the majority of crew changes were on the upper Texas coast and South Louisiana. Cajun fishermen had it going on. Their prize catches of shrimp, redfish, crabs, oysters, crawfish, etc., paid plenty. A lot of cash changed hands at the dock. Those southern boys cared nothing of federal taxes. I doubt much has changed. White men should gouge the system at each and every opportunity. Destroy the income tax system on the local level.