29 March, 2015

The Tyranny of Federal Civil-Rights Laws, Part 2: Eleven Years in Federal Prison Await White Prankster

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'hate', 'hate' crimes, Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Celler Rights Violations, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, civil rights movement, federal authority vs. local authority, federal laws, federal prisons, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates at 8:51 pm | Permanent Link

Federal prisons are worse than state prisons because inmates are usually transferred out-of-state, making family visits much more difficult [1]. Again, you can thank Jews like Emanuel Celler for America’s civil-rights laws.


[1] for example, Matt Hale was transferred from Illinois to a federal prison in Colorado

  • One Response to “The Tyranny of Federal Civil-Rights Laws, Part 2: Eleven Years in Federal Prison Await White Prankster”

    1. brenda peters Says:

      Anywhere in public, when I see nigger(s), the thought “NIGGER-ALERT” is automatically called forth to my mind and I steel myself for self defence from any unprovoked attack by niggers or simian statues in the vicinity.