26 January, 2015

California: Lawsuit Alleges Israeli Spying at CalTech

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, jewish spies, Jewish spying accusations, Socrates, Zionism at 9:08 pm | Permanent Link

“According to the lawsuit, a small coterie of Caltech professors and administrators ignored Israeli spying and theft of taxpayer-funded U.S. technology and then retaliated against the professor for reporting it.”


  • 2 Responses to “California: Lawsuit Alleges Israeli Spying at CalTech”

    1. Joe Says:

      I read about this a few weeks ago. The Jewish traitors involved can rest assured. They will not be prosecuted to any substantial degree. A Jewish judge will surely be placed in charge ala 9/11 proceedings – and everything will dissipate quietly. Until we rid our Aegean stables – at EVERY level – of the parasitic Hebraic elements, treason, graft, usury and every other form of corruption will flourish. Our society is nothing less than a churning cesspool due to the machinations of the tribe and what they have poured into it.

    2. Bigduke6 Says:

      The Heebs have been doing industrial espionage for decades through Israel and the Soviets.. They are in every technical library in the free world stealing technology. They are Cal Tech, MIT, IIT and all the major universities of the world. But the major corporations of the military industrial complex encourage industrial espionage so they will get more government contracts to develop more technology to steal all at the expense of the taxpayer.