Missouri: Ferguson Grand Jury Reaches Decision
Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, blacks, chimp-outs, Ferguson, Socrates at 2:49 pm | 
24 November, 2014 at 3:40 pm
Let’s hope this becomes known as:
24 November, 2014 at 3:47 pm
That grand jury is certainly taking their sweet-ass time about reaching a decision. Obviously the pig should not be indicted, he was only doing his job, protecting the community and himself from an unruly Black savage. I’m sure the members of that jury want to get this over with before Thanksgiving. Are they waiting for a blizzard to blow into town, hoping it will discourage the darkies from rioting? Come on, out with it, already.
24 November, 2014 at 4:01 pm
There has been an undeclared race war since 1965 aided and incited by media whole hog, with media silence, and regime threats against yelling a word about it with PC/Red Guard ideology in in place.
The open border hostile invasion of US is another flanking pincer movement.
Oh, boy ! Just think 104,000 Haitian’s are being taken to our regime, is it under the guise of refugee status ?
2/3 of all Vietnamese are on govt aid today.
24 November, 2014 at 4:49 pm
That the cop went into hiding speaks volumes of how perverted law enforcement is. What are they doing? Why do they hide their government employees? I’m throwing the cops and criminals in the same boat. The Negroes and authoritarians deserve each other. The entire event has been a long running circus. To make things aright, the cops will shoot more Whites for equality sake.
24 November, 2014 at 9:17 pm
fd, great point. Yeah, im sure it can be a tough no-win situation for White cops having to patrol the jungle- like mud-zones. But my experience with the police has always been negative, and the cops have always been White. I’m not a fan of ZOGs boys in blue.
25 November, 2014 at 12:45 am
So the kwap was not indicted. But don’t celebrate yet, Officer Wilson, because that spade Attorney General Eric Holder might try to indict you on charges of “violating Mr. Brown’s civil rights”. Sure, Holder would be guilty of charging Wilson twice for the same crime, a clear violation of the double jeopardy clause in the Kwanstitution. But so what? The Jews and the liberal media have taken it upon themselves to decide what is “constitutional” and what isn’t. And usually only issues that harm White America are considered constitutional by those subversive rat-bastids.
25 November, 2014 at 12:46 am
Well, no indictment, Ferguson is burning, protests across the USA, etc. Another day in the rotting multi-racial mess that is America. What else can you expect. Multi cult societies have never worked, simply because they CAN’T. When you screw with natural law, you pay for it! Jews are perverts in general, but their worst crime is perverting nature to the point where things are upside down, and the Western World is a disease ridden shell of what is once was. How much sicker can USA get? Stage 4 Cancer it has.
Ah well, Maybe “ISIS” will pull some big stunt tomorrow, and take the attention away from this.
25 November, 2014 at 4:03 am
Tim McGreen Says:
25 November, 2014 at 12:45 am
So the kwap was not indicted. But don’t celebrate yet, Officer Wilson, because that spade Attorney General Eric Holder might try to indict you on charges of “violating Mr. Brown’s civil rights”. Sure, Holder would be guilty of charging Wilson twice for the same crime, a clear violation of the double jeopardy clause in the Kwanstitution. But so what? The Jews and the liberal media have taken it upon themselves to decide what is “constitutional” and what isn’t. And usually only issues that harm White America are considered constitutional by those subversive rat-bastids.
Tim, helping of clarity was good we need a second helping.
We have had nothing but one big race riot with niggers, aided and incited by jooish Hollywood/NYC media since 1965, along with constant and looting US for it.
Open borders is off the radar now, huh, the mass murdering lunatics of history are so giddy now a days I am surprised they can talk with goys with out gigging out loud in their/our faces.
25 November, 2014 at 4:03 am
Tim McGreen Says:
25 November, 2014 at 12:45 am
So the kwap was not indicted. But don’t celebrate yet, Officer Wilson, because that spade Attorney General Eric Holder might try to indict you on charges of “violating Mr. Brown’s civil rights”. Sure, Holder would be guilty of charging Wilson twice for the same crime, a clear violation of the double jeopardy clause in the Kwanstitution. But so what? The Jews and the liberal media have taken it upon themselves to decide what is “constitutional” and what isn’t. And usually only issues that harm White America are considered constitutional by those subversive rat-bastids.
Tim, helping of clarity was good we need a second helping.
We have had nothing but one big race riot with niggers, aided and incited by jooish Hollywood/NYC media since 1965, along with constant and looting US for it.
Open borders is off the radar now, huh, the mass murdering lunatics of history are so giddy now a days I am surprised they can talk with goys with out gigging out loud in their/our faces.
25 November, 2014 at 9:43 am
The Grand Jewry has given the Jew led law enforcement a green light to continue shooting to death 12 year old kids who have a toy gun that looks like an assault rifle. The Ferguson decision does nothing for White America.
The cops across the country are loading their guns to kill White people. They must take up the slack. A racial adjustment is needed. Affirmative action demands an equal number of White citizens must be murdered in the street.
25 November, 2014 at 9:43 am
Race baiting by the jews worked as planned. al, jesse, obongo, holder all had their instructions. Couldn’t happened @ a more inopportune time when obongo the jew lackey is punching through the judaic immigration plan to totally destroy amerika. The stupid niggers are just collateral damage to the plan. The took, line and sinker like a carp!
25 November, 2014 at 9:44 am
They took hook, line and sinker like a carp!
25 November, 2014 at 11:26 am
I wonder if the martyrdom of Saint Michael of Ferguson is going to result in a large number of Black cops shooting a lot of White suspects?
So far, I haven’t had many unpleasant confrontations with the po-leece, but what few there have been always involved White cops. In fact, I’ve only had one encounter with a Black cop in my whole life. It was for speeding through a construction zone on I-95 in Delaware. And he let me go with a warning to obey all posted speed limits.
I guess my appearance and demeanor do not fit any known police profiles. That could be used to great advantage for the upcoming White War of Independence.
26 November, 2014 at 4:15 pm
Agreed Tim. White police suck big time.
I’d much rather deal with a black cop. All the times I’ve dealt with black cops they let me go on my way with a warning and a “get the hell out of here”. White cops are so damn brainwashed to “follow procedure” and to treat their own kind worse than they’d treat niggers so they won’t be accused of racism. I don’t even consider White cops full fledged members of the White race anymore. They are ZOGs willing tools. Race traitors to the core. They should not be let back into the fold when it all goes down. Their martial skills would make them very valuable but their lack of a racial or moral compass makes they totally unreliable. The ones I talk to know what’s going on with race (though they aren’t jew wise) and the central banks, yet they still serve the evil beast.
26 November, 2014 at 5:13 pm
Good post, Non Ame. I have a hard time believing that Black cops would go easier on a Black suspect just because that suspect is Black. I never heard of any such case. If anything I think the Black cop would deal with a Black suspect more harshly than he would most White suspects, perhaps because the Black suspects make other Blacks look bad.
But there are plenty of cases where attractive White girls avoid getting tickets for speeding or being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct simply because they are attractive White girls. As an unattractive White male I resent that double standard! I also resent it that rich people don’t get arrested and go to jail or prison simply because they are rich. They can afford the best lawyers, they can afford to post bail, they get treated better by the System. But even if they do go to prison it’s one of those minimum security Club Fed resorts, like the one that Jewboy Bernie Madoff got sent to.
So when the Blacks and liberals complain that there are serious problems with America’s so-called justice system they are not totally wrong. But as always Blacks and liberals misdirect their anger at the wrong targets. Meanwhile the sly, cunning Jew silently laughs up his sleeve in the shadows, knowing that he is safe from being attacked by the enraged mob.