14 June, 2014

No Museum for the Victims of Jews. Why Not?

Posted by Socrates in Comintern, communism, communism-as-a-Jewish-scam, communism-as-Jewish, Jewish racism, Jewish revenge, jewish revolutionaries, Jewish Tyranny, Marx, Marxism, museum for victims of communism, museums, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, Trotsky at 1:06 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jew, Trotsky, terrorizes Russia, circa 1917)

Yes, that’s right. Washington, D.C. has a four-story Holocaust museum, showing Jews as victims, but it doesn’t have a victims-of-communism museum (it only has a statue that’s about 12 feet tall). Why not? Maybe the Jews are worried that people will notice that the number of victims of communism is much, much greater than the number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust, and also, the Jews could be worried that at least some people know that communism was a Jewish movement [1].


[1] newbies, just like an oak tree grows from an acorn, communism grew from Jews. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Karl Marx was a Jew, and other Jews spread communism all over the world, using the Jewish-built Soviet Union as a base of operations. The victims of communism number roughly 100 million worldwide, and communism is still victimizing people today, e.g., North Korea, Cuba. Marx designed communism specifically for the White countries, especially England, in order to ruin them

  • 6 Responses to “No Museum for the Victims of Jews. Why Not?”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Czar and the Cossacks should have dealt with the Jews a lot more ruthlessly when they had the chance. Nicholas II was a good man but apparently an inept ruler who didn’t understand how poor and wretched many of the people inside his Empire were. The 1905 Winter Palace Massacre and other such incidents didn’t exactly enhance his popularity. So naturally the Jews took advantage of the situation as soon as they saw their chance.

      You would have thought that King George V would do everything he could to rescue his Romanov relatives before they were arrested by the Jew revolutionaries in 1917. But he did nothing, probably for fear of displeasing his Jewish bosses, who were busy trying to get the USA into the war against Germany. However, to his everlasting credit, Kaiser Wilhelm II did make an effort to save his cousin Nikki, even though Russia and Germany were at war. He promised safe passage for any British rescue ship sailing through German waters, even though the Churchill-led Royal Navy was blockading German ports, trying to starve German mothers and children into submission.

      Notice in the cartoon above that a “White Army” prisoner is being executed by Chinese mercenaries, who were hired by the Jewish Reds. That’s because the Jews couldn’t find any decent Russians willing to do the Jews’ dirty work.

    2. Thom McQueen Says:

      Anytime I deal with Jews, I assume THORITY.
      Thority—speaking or acting with the gravitas of Thor.

      Thor has already kicked Jehovah’s butt, and gave him golden hemmorrhoids, to boot.

    3. fd Says:

      Judaism–Communism–Bolshevism. Communism gripped the North in the 20th century. Bankers on the Northeast corridor financed the bolshevik revolution with fiat dollars, including blood and war appliances.

    4. eh Says:


    5. Joe Says:

      Russia under the Tsars was a dynamic,growing state.Were it not for WW I and above all the Judeobolshevik takeover,Russia within some two decades would have surpassed the US in industrial and other aspects.Many forget that Russia was for decades prior to WW I the bread-basket of Europe,which not only managed to feed its own people,but much of Europe.The wealthiest empire of the time,the British,allowed one million of its citizens to die of hunger during the Irish Potato Famine.The primary factor which led to the Bolshevik Revolution was WW I.Supply lines broke down and it was extremely difficult to supply the major cities with food from agricultural areas.The Judeobolsheviks were well armed and well organized in the major polulaton centres and after Moscow,St. Petersburg,etc.,fell,the party (no pun intended)was over.Had there occurred a peacefull transition of power in 1917-1918,Russia would today be the key global economic power.

    6. Joe Says:

      Russia under the Tsars was a dynamic,growing state.Were it not for WW I and above all the Judeobolshevik takeover,Russia within some two decades would have surpassed the US in industrial and other aspects.Many forget that Russia was for decades prior to WW I the bread-basket of Europe,which not only managed to feed its own people,but much of Europe.The wealthiest empire of the time,the British,allowed one million of its citizens to die of hunger during the Irish Potato Famine.The primary factor which led to the Bolshevik Revolution was WW I.Supply lines broke down and it was extremely difficult to supply the major cities with food from agricultural areas.The Judeobolsheviks were well armed and well organized in the major polulaton centres and after Moscow,St. Petersburg,etc.,fell,the party (no pun intended)was over.Had there occurred a peacefull transition of power in 1917-1918,Russia would today be the key global economic power.