Arizona Immigration Law SB1070: Leftists and Mexicans Are Weakening It Even More
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", ACLU, federal courts, federal power, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, mestizos, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:46 pm | 
SB1070, that common-sense immigration law, has already been watered-down by federal judges. Now, Mexican and leftist groups have succeeded in weakening the law even more. Leftists and Mexicans are absolutely obsessed with SB1070. They must lie awake in bed at night thinking about it.
More about the ACLU here: [scroll 3/4 down the page].
2 June, 2014 at 12:59 pm
During the Leo Frank trial, Tom Watson described the Jews as physically inferior among other things.
Teddy Roosevelt earned the reputation as a Jewish folk hero for his reputation of defending god’s elect.
Zionist Friedlaender wrote in 1907: “In the great palace of American civilization, we shall occupy our corner, which we will decorate and beautify to the best of our taste and ability and make . . . an object of admiration for all dwellers of the palace.” wtf
2 June, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Why even bother having a police force at all, if cops are no longer permitted to use their judgement when pulling someone over or interrogating them. And why bother having any federal immigration patrols on the border, since all the suspects they catch are of the Mexican or Latin-American “race”? Why bother having any borders at all? Just give any creature that wants to scurry in here the automatic “right” to US citizenship. After all, to deny them that “right” is RACIST.
The reason why the police are caving in so quickly to ACLU threats is because they don’t have the money or resources to fight a big lawsuit….and the ACLU knows that. So much for the American “justice” system. All the anti-White, anti-American social Marxists have to do is threaten to sue the victim and the victim gives in out of fear and the inability to fund a legal defense.
2 June, 2014 at 3:32 pm
My post above was meant for Rights vs. Rights. My mistake. Wrong page.
2 June, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Should citizen-militias patrol the border and shoot dead any wetbacks they see? Including the females and brats? Would this lead to an open border war? Would this be a bad thing?
2 June, 2014 at 8:04 pm
The Federals wave the Mexicans in as fast as they can flow across the border. The corporations demand a surplus of obedient labor.
3 June, 2014 at 12:52 am
“Should citizen-militias patrol the border and shoot dead any wetbacks they see? Including the females and brats? Would this lead to an open border war? Would this be a bad thing?”
Sean Gruber, we interpret your tongue-in-cheek remark as support for open borders and subtle mockery of citizen-militias along the southern border.
That being said, the federal government should: 1) enforce its laws along the southern border; and 2) use the money sent to Israel to build a wall that keeps the Palestinians from returning to their homes and build a real wall along the southern border to protect our country from a foreign invasion.
3 June, 2014 at 8:20 am
“Sean Gruber, we interpret your tongue-in-cheek remark as support for open borders and subtle mockery of citizen-militias along the southern border.” Who is we?
Building a wall on the Southern border is a Jewish mentality. Other than tearing up the land, it would most likely be a failed operation. How about building a wall around the creature on the Potomac styled Federal government.
The militias are infiltrated by hardcase government agents.
3 June, 2014 at 5:23 pm
Arizona keeps trying to resist the Social Marxist onslaught yet they give in to it over and over again. I remember when AZ voters rejected MLK Day as a state holiday, as was their right. The Reds threw their usual tantrum and threatened their usual boycotts until AZ relented. So much for voting and “democracy”. That bullshit only works when the results please the Jews and Reds. If they’re not pleased they will start shopping around for a Federal judge until they find one (usually appointed by a Republican president) who agrees to overturn the voting results as -get this- “unconstitutional”.
“The System cannot be saved or reformed, it can only be destroyed.”
-David “Bud Bundy” Faustino
3 June, 2014 at 5:45 pm
Revilo P. Oliver said the Constitution was a popular joke in Washington, and the Christian religion is a Jewish weapon used against White people.
As Tim McGreen said above, if the federals don’t like state policy, they will transfer the argument to a federal court and knock it down or pass a law that makes state policy illegal. The vassal states have only pretend power.