16 May, 2014

The Word You Can’t Say

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, free speech, race, racism accusations, Socrates, The 'N-word' at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

It’s a word that’s so terrible, so evil, that no one can say it. They can only abbreviate it: the “N-word.” How third-grade is that? Who gives a damn if Blacks don’t like it?


  • 13 Responses to “The Word You Can’t Say”

    1. mrcrouton Says:

      Actually it’s good to teach people not to say nigger, because if it becomes habitual and you accidently say it in front of a nigger, that nigger very likely will stab you.

      So in a sense, the very outlawing of the use of the word nigger, is a tacit admission that niggers are big cry babies that can’t control their passions and prone to violence.

      So either way, to me, it’s a win win.

    2. Llyod Cochran Says:


      Alex Linder is a bad man!

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      NH is a nice state, it’s basically nigger-free. I don’t even recall seeing any Red Injuns lurking around, trying to build another one of their casinos. I’m sure the African-born communist homosexual Barry Obongo would love to send a bunch of Somali “immigrants” there to stink up the place and make Whitey squirm. So watch out, Granite Staters. You’re officially on that nigger’s shit-list.

    4. .308 Says:

      8 yr old White anti-white speaks

    5. .308 Says:

      N taking cash from white ass

    6. Topkea Says:

      Your daughter’s next, White Man.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think “Topkea” is part nigger and part Jew. And probably a fairy as well. No heterosexual White man would post such embarrassing, scatalogical trash like he does on this site. It’s not even funny in a Howard Stern or Andrew “Dice” Clay sort of way. And for some strange reason it’s tolerated. Does the Cap’n know about this? I wonder if Topkea is, um, performing some kind of oral and/or digital “favors” for the site moderator in return for not getting banned?

      One thing is for sure, he and his other online characters McQueen and Antagonistes are discouraging good people from posting here. And in case anybody was wondering, yes, I DO have a life beyond posting messages on websites like this one. I’m a freelance garbage-man. And my collection of road-kill raccoon carcasses is second to none.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      This one is my favorite. I found it while taking a wizz along I-10 near Port Arthur, Texas. I hope you don’t think it’s too showy? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/10/article-2186578-147A9CEA000005DC-857_468x311.jpg

    9. Topkea Says:

      The problem with McGreen is his inability to understand that we cannot limit ourselves to ‘civilized’ discussion. This is a deeply uncivilized war and only by being direct, blunt and graphic can we communicate our true anger an indignation. McGreen seems to think that Der Tag will be a dinner party. That’s delusional.

      Also, I thought accusing people of being jews was banned on this site.

    10. Mark Says:

      The singular use of the “N” word in Massachusetts, created a racially hostile work environment. Augis Corp. v. Mass. Comm’n Against Discrimination, 75 Mass. App. Ct. 398 (2009):

      We think that a supervisor who calls a black subordinate a “fucking nigger” has engaged in conduct so powerfully offensive that the MCAD can properly base liability on a single instance. That term inflicts cruel injury by its very utterance. It is degrading, it is humiliating, and it is freighted with a long and shameful history of humiliation, the ugly effects of which continue to haunt us all. The words have no legitimate place in the working environment — indeed, they have no legitimate place — and there is no conceivable justification for their use by a workplace supervisor.

      Id. at 408-09.

    11. Mark Says:

      A supervisor’s statement to a black employee, “Get out of my office nigger,” sufficient by itself to constitute an actionable hostile work environment. Ayissi-Etoh v. Fannie Mae, 712 F.3d 572, 579 (D.C. Cir. 2013) (Kavanaugh, J., concurring). “Far more than a ‘mere offensive utterance,’ the word ‘nigger’ is pure anathema to African-Americans.” Spriggs, 242 F.3d at 185.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      We think that a supervisor who calls a black subordinate a “fucking nigger” has engaged in conduct so powerfully offensive that the MCAD can properly base liability on a single instance. That term inflicts cruel injury by its very utterance. It is degrading, it is humiliating, and it is freighted with a long and shameful history of humiliation, the ugly effects of which continue to haunt us all.

      But when a nigger rapes and murders a White girl it’s no big deal. No “cruel injury” there, no degradation or humiliation, no “ugly effects.” Just another unfortunate case of an economically disadvantaged African-American male lashing out against institutionalized racism and prejudice brought about by centuries of White privilege.

      “You don’t try and reason with a liberal, you cut his god damn head off.”
      -Pope Innocent XII

    13. Susan Says:

      Hold that thought, Tim.