4 August, 2013

Zimbabwe: Communist Dictator Robert Mugabe is “Re-elected”

Posted by Socrates in Africa, African dictators, Cuba, dispossession & destruction, General Decline, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Kissinger, Rhodesia, Socrates, Zimbabwe at 10:34 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a naked Robert Mugabe enjoying his favorite food)

Fidel Castro used to “win” elections in Cuba. It’s funny how communist dictators always win elections. Trivia: most Blacks in Zimbabwe want to return to White rule.


  • 18 Responses to “Zimbabwe: Communist Dictator Robert Mugabe is “Re-elected””

    1. Stan Sikorski Says:

      He doesn’t look a day over 50 in that picture.

    2. fd Says:

      Mugabe wins first chair in Zimbabwe: “Much ado about nothing.”

      Castro has never bothered me. One communist dictator in Cuba; 10 thousand dictators in America. Jewish Democratic Capitalism vs Communism. What’s the dif ?

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Notice how ZOG and the Jew press go real easy on Mugabe and his obviously rigged election victory. They certainly wouldn’t want to offend the colored leader of the free, post-racial and democrat Republic of Zimbabwe. No doubt thousands of nigger protesters were mowed down by Mugabe’s heavily armed goon squads on election day. But since Zimbabwe poses no threat to Israel, the Jews or “American interests”, and since no Whites were involved in perpetrating the violence, the story isn’t important.

      Jews and liberals are children of the Devil.

    4. Wilfred Says:

      I’m concerned about this website. About 95% of the time when I try to visit this site, I get the ‘Service Temporarily Unavailable’ page. It’s taken me about 10 tries to post this comment.

      It’s obviously being heavily targeted with DDoS attacks. Can’t something be done about this? What’s the point of posting this stuff, if no one can read it?

    5. fd Says:

      My concern is the same as Wilfred’s. Apparently the content posted on this website is disturbing to our enemies. We hit the mark.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      I have the same difficulty, one way around the problem that works for me is to go into vnnforum and then click on the vnn tab in the top left hand corner.
      It’s good to know we are ruffling some feathers.

      PS Should we give two shits what ‘democratic president-for-life’ Mugabe does? If his policies send Zimbabwe back to the pre-stone age, that’s OK.

    7. Wilfred Says:

      Thanks for your suggestion CW-2. Unfortunately, that link on the top-left of vnnforum.com simply points to http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/ so I don’t see how it could work.

      It is possible to stop DDoS attacks. For example, this company does it, for a price:

    8. Howdy Doody Says:


      Though the trolls roam and are defended at VNNF, some posters do get the truth out before they burn out of dealing with the wasted time trolls cause IN these times.

      The video is from 1964, if you have not seen it watch and pass it on, it was kept from Whites being to see in back in the 1960’s.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Doody, ‘Africa Addio’, is a great documentary! No subtitles but the images shout the truth louder than any commentary.
      Let the Afreekans enjoy their stone age carnival for a while. The Chinese have their eyes on Africa. Their activities in Tibet will be mild in comparison to what Peking has in mind for Africa.

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      CW-2 Says:
      7 August, 2013 at 4:49 am


      Your exactly correct !

      I had read a year ago that blacks they missed YT, and did not like the NK’s or Chicoms at the mines, and said they were cruel.

    11. Sgt. Skull Says:

      With the direction this country is headed I wouldn’t be surprised if Obongo gets “re-elected” a third time.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Why shouldn’t Barry Hussein Sotero get re-elected without a peep of protest? It apparently doesn’t matter to the unthinking herd of Kwans that he has no birth certificate, has no past, no family and no identity, is probably a closeted queer and communist who was born in Africa to an unknown couple. Most likely that couple were part Jewish and Red terrorist “intellectuals”.

      Sotero likes to take credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden, a shadowy, semi-mythical figure, but bin Laden was already dead for ten years before Sotero ordered Seal Team Six to kill him again…….just in time for Sotero to win re-election in 2012. Sotero ordered the fake massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school just after he won the 2012 election as an excuse to begin a Federal gun confiscation program. His SoteroCare is going to absolutely ruin what’s left of decent hospital care in this country, along with whatever full-time employment in the private sector that still exists.

      So don’t expect the Teabaggers, who are financed by the billionaire Jew Koch brothers, to offer any resistance. Don’t look to the Republitards for help, either. They’re too busy sucking up to the Jews for money and to the spics for votes. And it should be obvious that the Jew establishment press will support that uppity spade no matter what. There’s really nothing to stop Sotero from declaring himself President for Life if he wanted to. But it will be up to his Jew masters to decide if that happens.

    13. fd Says:

      Should have kept the king. The Federal governemnt is a perversion. It operates like a blind dog in a meat house or a parasitic amoeba with an ever changing shape.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      A decent monarchy like the Hohenzollerns or the Romanovs would be fine, but the Jews wouldn’t stand for that. Many times the Roman Legions would select one of their generals to be Emperor and if he screwed up, like Nerva, they’d slay him and replace him with someone good, like Vespasian. Maybe that’s what we need. After all, it was Vespasian and his son Titus who destroyed Jerusalem and crucified thousands of Jews outside the city walls.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Tim’s post was good I need a second helping !

      Tim McGreen Says:
      8 August, 2013 at 12:02 pm

      Why shouldn’t Barry Hussein Sotero get re-elected without a peep of protest? It apparently doesn’t matter to the unthinking herd of Kwans that he has no birth certificate, has no past, no family and no identity, is probably a closeted queer and communist who was born in Africa to an unknown couple. Most likely that couple were part Jewish and Red terrorist “intellectuals”.

      Sotero likes to take credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden, a shadowy, semi-mythical figure, but bin Laden was already dead for ten years before Sotero ordered Seal Team Six to kill him again…….just in time for Sotero to win re-election in 2012. Sotero ordered the fake massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school just after he won the 2012 election as an excuse to begin a Federal gun confiscation program. His SoteroCare is going to absolutely ruin what’s left of decent hospital care in this country, along with whatever full-time employment in the private sector that still exists.

      So don’t expect the Teabaggers, who are financed by the billionaire Jew Koch brothers, to offer any resistance. Don’t look to the Republitards for help, either. They’re too busy sucking up to the Jews for money and to the spics for votes. And it should be obvious that the Jew establishment press will support that uppity spade no matter what. There’s really nothing to stop Sotero from declaring himself President for Life if he wanted to. But it will be up to his Jew masters to decide if that happens.

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      Tim, I even got a LOL moment too !

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      The sad truth is that White’s should cease voting wholesale to expose the brutality of this regime.

    18. Juju Says:

      Robert Mugabe has been banned from all Western countries. However, he recently visited the Vatican as VIP to attend the canonisation of Pope John Paul II and John XXIII? Strange isn’t it? As Grand Master of the African Lodge he and his friend Thabo Mbeki, the one who has established the African Union, they have been tasked by the Illuminati to secure Africa’s resources for them. By dearming Afrikaner whites who fought against the Illuminati for years, they have accomplished their task just like Jan Smuts who has secretly been canonised by the Vatican after his death. We are living in a Mateix and don’t even realise it!