8 August, 2013

Busing: Another Way to Ruin White Suburban Culture

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Brown v. Board of Education, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, HUD, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, public skools, race, Race Denial, race-mixing, racial differences, schools, Socrates, War On White People, White middle class, White suburbia at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

Jew #1: “If Whites won’t associate with Blacks voluntarily, then we’ll force them to. HUD houses, race-blind realtor mandates, race-mixing and multiculturalism – I tell you, Sol, there’s no limit to how we can water-down the Whiteness of suburbia. We’ll bus Blacks to White neighborhoods. White people can’t avoid Blacks as long as we’re around!”

Jew #2: “You’re a genius, Ira!”

Jew #1: “I know.”


About the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education federal court ruling (which mandated school desegregation and led to forced busing; see also the 1971 federal court ruling Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education).

  • 10 Responses to “Busing: Another Way to Ruin White Suburban Culture”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Not to worry……..the Jews, big-city liberals and judges who are promoting forced racial integration of White public schools send their OWN rotten, undeserving kids to elite private schools. You see, there is still one highly effective form of discrimination that the bleeding hearts can use to discriminate against admitting Black students to those nice private schools: The Negroes’ inability to pay for them.

      Yes, it’s true. Discrimination based on one’s economic status is still quite permissible in the Jew-S-A. But why is that? If discrimination based on one’s skin color, religion, national origins or sexual dis-orientation is wrong and bad and illegal then why is it OK to discriminate based on one’s lack of money?????

      Hmmmmm, a real head-scratcher, that one is. It must be that while the morally superior bleeding hearts love their little Negro and Mestizo brothers they don’t actually want any of them as neighbors, nor do they want anyone named NuShawn Williams or Maleeka Jones attending the same schools that the Gores, Bidens, Pelosi’s, Schumers, Kerrys and Kennedys send THEIR kids to.

      It’s OK if those private schools have some colored fella working as a janitor or in the cafeteria, so long as he only speaks when spoken to and keeps his eyes to hisself. But sorry, Rastus, YOUR kid will attend Harriet Tubman High School, not this fancy-ass one. And no looking at Al Gore’s hot daughters when they step out of their chauffeur-driven armor-plated SUV wearing short plaid skirts and knee socks, Y’hear?

      So much killing needs to be done, so very much killing…………..

    2. fd Says:

      Tim, you have a bad attitude toward Ishmael. But it’s true. Jews play both ends against the middle.

      Mister Dell of Dell computers built a magnificent Jewish center complete with Synagogue in Austin. I am sure it is stocked with food, guns and more security cameras than you can shake a stick at. How close can a person get to a Synagogue before he or she is under heavy surveillance? Let me change that to hateful surveillance.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s not just a hostility towards that character in Moby Dick that you mentioned, fd. The wealthy ruling elite need to be cut down to size. Their greed and arrogance make them believe they are invincible, that the rules don’t apply to them. If their kids don’t have to put up with incompetent Black teachers and unruly spic gang-bangers in the classroom, why should our kids have to? Why must Whitey constantly run away from the Mud Hoardes?

      I’ve said this before but it still amazes me how those WWII vets came home after fighting the Germans and the Japs for so long, only to run away when Blacks started moving into their neighborhoods in the 1950s and 60s. There’s no excuse for “White Flight”. It only makes the enemy that much bolder and ruthless. Make a stand or die trying, but stop running away, White Man.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:
      8 August, 2013 at 6:13 pm
      Not to worry……..the Jews, big-city liberals and judges who are promoting forced racial integration of White public schools send their OWN rotten, undeserving kids to elite private schools.

      It was hell for White children even if your were fast on your feet, and good with your fists in the Kwa’s largest cities.

      Public schools with savages is and was a crime against White children, and I know that personally !

      Back in Boston in early 1971 or 72 when that regime judge, think his name was Garraty, not sure. The judge ordered the Boston city schools to do busing, and the Irish and Italian mothers with over coats and scarf’s on their heads protested bitterly with signs in the streets.

      The Boston police on horse back busted their heads with clubs and the blood ran down the White mothers faces! It was in the news magazines of the time, but not TV.

      The neighboring community had a public school that was loaded with kikadoodle kids and guess what ? NO court order for niggers in that school, how about that for Equal Justice ?

      Equal men are not free, and free men are not equal.

    5. Sgt. Skull Says:

      “So much killing needs to be done, so very much killing………….”

      I wholeheartedly second that.

      No matter what, come hell or high water, the kikes, deracinatedi white gentile elites and Obongo-Holder are hellbent on forcing niggers down our throats. Now that the niggers have made most major cities unlivable, bankrupt nightmares, the process of their resettlement and relocation to white enclaves via legal sleight of hand and HUD money has now begun.

    6. fd Says:

      Forcing White kids to go to school with coloreds of any swirl is debauchery. White race traitors should be the first to be put against a wall.

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Sgt. Skull Says:
      9 August, 2013 at 3:11 pm


      White upper class are still snoring with Flox TV going every night, and our best young men working for the regime and or in the legions.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      All the race-traitors in politics, business, and religion look White but they are not. That is why they advocate every form of destruction such as busing.
      Take a look at British PM David Cameron, he looks White and has a good Scottish name, but his great-great-grandfather was big time jew Emile Levita (obviously Levy). Sure, the link is tenuous, but it is there. I suspect his wife has similar jewish links, and we can be sure he and his family have been surrounded and guided by jews for a very long time.
      Also one of his ancestors who was a big wheel in Standard Charted Bank arranged a loan to Japan during the Russo-Japanese war. It all fits.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      CW-2 Says:
      10 August, 2013 at 5:42 am

      All the race-traitors in politics, business, and religion look White but they are not. That is why they advocate every form of destruction such as busing.
      Take a look at British PM David Cameron, he looks White and has a good Scottish name, but his great-great-grandfather was big time jew Emile Levita (obviously Levy). Sure, the link is tenuous, but it is there. I suspect his wife has similar jewish links, and we can be sure he and his family have been surrounded and guided by jews for a very long time.
      Also one of his ancestors who was a big wheel in Standard Charted Bank arranged a loan to Japan during the Russo-Japanese war. It all fits.

      OH NO, calling some a joo on VNN with shown proof is a no, no, haaa, haa.

      Sickening if carried to an extreme, but in this CW 2, thank you for clearing up why he is a giant douche bag, thank you for the post

    10. Stan Sikorski Says:

      BUSING 2013


      Owl Creek might as well be known as Nigger Creek.