3 April, 2013

More Jewish Money-Magic: Quantitative Easing and Easy Credit Will Bankrupt the West

Posted by Socrates in 'easy credit', banking, debt, Federal Reserve system, jewed economics, jewed finance, Jewish banking, Jewish money-magic, Jewish Tyranny, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, subprime loans at 8:52 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish money-magician #1: “We’ll bankrupt America quantitatively!”

Jewish money-magician #2: “Yes, and with just enough easement so that you won’t notice that there’s anything wrong until it’s too late!”

(In fact, years ago, a top financial expert warned that global bankruptcy is the goal of world Jewry).


  • 13 Responses to “More Jewish Money-Magic: Quantitative Easing and Easy Credit Will Bankrupt the West”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:


      See it.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Inflation has become a serious issue, one that is threatening to impoverish tens of millions of middle and working class goyim. Yet the Jew-controlled financial press has absolutely nothing to say about it. They talk about new rounds of “quantitative easing” by the Jewish Central Bank but not a word about the inflation in prices it creates, or the lessening of the dollar’s real value that results. Nor do they talk about all of the retired people on fixed incomes who had hoped to live off the interest on their life savings.

      But there is no interest on those savings to live off of. You see, the Jews are sucking up whatever is left of this country’s wealth and giving us worthless paper money in return. So, fearing civil unrest the Jews and their clueless liberal stooges are now pushing for federal gun confiscation, in an attempt to disarm the increasingly angry goyim.

      It will be very interesting to see how this all ends. Hopefully it will end with countless thousands of Jews, bureaucrats and politicians being crucified next to the burning ruins of Washington DC.

    3. RadicalTraditionalist Says:

      “The Federal Reserve System is not federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system at all, but rather, a criminal syndicate.” –Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1947)

    4. fd Says:

      Germany found out the hard way what the Confederacy had already experienced:

      “The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.” — Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)

      “Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig.” — Winston Churchill (The Second World War – Bern, 1960)

      “We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure.” — US foreign minister James Baker (1992)

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      Editor’s note: Catch the Latest Happenings with Kitco Video News!

      FOCUS: Silver Market At Odds Over Coin, Futures, ETF DemandBy Debbie Carlson of Kitco News
      Wednesday April 03, 2013 4:28 AM

      (Kitco News) – Silver prices fell in tandem with weakness in gold and other precious metals, skidding to a nine-month low, and the weakness may not be over.

      Most-active May silver futures on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $26.797 an ounce on Wednesday and is off 17.5% for the year.

      It’s not surprising to see the weakness in silver when looking at the futures market, said Commerzbank, which noted that silver-coin sales remain strong. Citing data from the U.S. Mint, “year-on-year sales of U.S. silver coins actually surged by 32% to 3.36 million ounces,” they said.

      And U.S. Mint coin sales have been robust for the first quarter in general. But it’s the selling in the futures and options market and what’s turned to be lackluster exchange-traded fund activity that’s hurt silver prices. Given the weak price performance, silver could be in store for further price declines, market analysts said, in spite of the strong retail demand.

      “Selling pressure is selling pressure. For a long time, the market might not care. The paper market controls the price. So the selling pressure in the paper market is weighing on silver,” said David Morgan, independent precious-metals analyst with Silver-Investor.com.

      Interest by speculators in silver has waned in the past few months, as reflected by Commodity Futures Trading Commission data. In the March 26 weekly commitments of traders report, the most recent data, money managers’ net-long position for silver sits at a mere 632 contracts for futures and options combined in the disaggregated report. This is a dramatic fall from this year’s high of 29,580 net-long contracts reached on Feb. 5. Since reaching that high, the net-long position for silver speculators fell each week.

      Meanwhile, the gross short position for speculators has risen to 22,382 as of March 26, from 2,922 as of Feb. 5.

      May silver’s fall under $27 on Wednesday doesn’t bode well for the bulls, technical analysts said. TDS Securities’ technical analysts said the only thing standing in the way of a move to $26-$26.10 was the 200-week moving average of $27.10, which was violated Wednesday.

      “The low $26 support zone has held four times since early 2011, even in the face of quite intense pressure and strongly trending markets and so it represents vital near-to-medium term support,” they said.

      If silver falls through $26, the next support level is $24.26, which is a 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of the rally from $8.54 to $49.69 and the $19/20 area, which was the top of a trading range between 2008/2010, the firm said.

      TDS is watching the action closely. “Strong bear trend momentum across a range of timeframes suggests to us that the risk of new major cycle lows is quite high, even if $26.00-10 has held up against some quite severe tests in the recent past,” they said.

      ETF Action Lackluster

      Activity in the iShares Silver Trust (NYSEArca: SLV), the largest silver ETF at about $9 billion in assets under management, looks strong on the surface, but digging deeper shows some unusual trends, said Christian Magoon, chief executive officer of Magoon Capital, who tracks the performance of ETFs.

      “The silver ETF is showing a real bearishness,” Magoon said.

      In 2012, there were $552 million in inflows in the SLV, and in the first quarter of 2013, there were $612 million in inflows. While that looks impressive, Magoon said the bulk of those inflows came on one day – Jan. 15 – when there were inflows of $573 million. That was the largest single-day inflow since January 2010. However, from Jan. 16 to March 29, the end of the first quarter, the SLV saw outflows of $41 million, he said.

      Much of the money that was deposited on Jan. 15 didn’t stay in the fund long. By end of January, $320 million had been redeemed and then on March 18, another $139 million was redeemed.

      Magoon said aside from the big moves on certain days in the quarter, the SLV ETF has shown little activity. For instance, he said, there were no inflows or outflows on April 1, and $18.9 million in outflows on April 2.

      “Since the early January activity, there’s been a real deterioration in flows,” he said.

      What’s Hitting Silver?

      Morgan said the price weakness could be the result of two different views by market participants. The first, he said, is that sellers might be looking at silver’s industrial factors and selling it, much as they are selling copper. Copper prices have fallen on worries over a slowdown in Chinese demand.

      There’s another factor to keep in mind, Morgan said. “Just as important is market psychology, and psychology has changed. A market that’s in a lull, one that’s moving sideways – an investor is not inclined to get in,” he said.

      Follow me on Twitter! If you want to keep up with metals news and features, then follow me on Twitter. It’s free, too. My account is @dcarlsonkitco

      By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News [email protected]

    6. Virgil Says:

      BOJ to pump $1.4 trillion into economy in unprecedented stimulus. “The policy was viewed as a radical gamble to boost growth and lift inflation expectations and is unmatched in scope even by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s own quantitative easing program.” http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/04/us-japan-economy-boj-idUSBRE93216U20130404 The BOJ will regret their bone-headed policies. Any type of reasonable government would avoid deficits and strive to fill the public treasury thus avoiding the need to sell bonds. The entire west is going bankrupt because governments cannot and/or will not balance their budgets. They do so because they are in bed with public sector unions in a massive shakedown of the tax-paying citizenry. The U.S. is the brokest nation in history! They should instantly abolish: HUD, the department of education, Homeland Security, foreign aid, the UN dues, the DEA, etc…. Even social security and medicare and medicaid are bloody unconstitutional; it must all be swept away! If I were president, I would have a surplus the first year while abolishing income tax and the Fed. 80% of the federal leviathan has to go; all those fired government workers will then be forced to get a real job. Public sector unions will be dissolved and all of education and medicine will revert to the private sphere thus allowing economic liberty. Big government is crypto-marxism; it must be pared down in a most radical fashion. What would Thomas Jefferson do? Also, the japs should be working on their birth rates instead of being hypnotized by the latest technological gadget. They should remember their ancestors. Something has to give!

    7. fd Says:

      Virgil Says:

      “If I were president, I would have a surplus the first year while abolishing income tax and the Fed. 80% of the federal leviathan has to go; all those fired government workers will then be forced to get a real job.”

      You got that right!!! I could only add that I would prefer to abolish the entire Federal government…..

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      …….and all of …….medicine will revert to the private sphere thus allowing economic liberty.

      No, bad Virgil! Bad! I agree with everything else you said about annihilating public sector unions and the rotten public education system. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing unconstitutional about establishing a national healthcare system. The private, for-profit healthcare industry has show itself completely unwilling to cover everybody and bring costs under control. So fuck them, universal government care for all White citizens.

      By the way, if you want people to read what you have written you need to tighten up your presentation and insert a few paragraphs, old sport. You too, Howdy. Next time just give us the highlights of the article you want us to read, not the whole bloody thing. There’s a good fellow.

    9. S.U.N. Says:

      What the kike desires at all costs is conflict at the Koreas….. so that America is forced to loan again from Chinkland.

    10. CW-2 Says:

      Privatized medicine may sound like a good idea but in practice it is a blank cheque for greedy insurance companies to make obscene profits at the expense of vulnerable hard working families. The only thing the insurance companies are good at is X-raying wallets and bank accounts.

    11. Virgil Says:

      “…domestic agencies will be hit with a .2 percent across-the board cut…” http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/white-house-cuts-1b-from-2013-spending-bill-89683.html?hp=l1 An entire billion dollars! Ha,ha.ha,ha,!The polity really needs to be put out of its misery!

    12. Virgil Says:

      “…domestic agencies will be hit with a .2 percent across-the board cut…” http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/white-house-cuts-1b-from-2013-spending-bill-89683.html?hp=l1 An entire billion dollars! Ha,ha.ha,ha,! The polity really needs to be put out of its misery!

    13. Virgil Says:

      “…the ruling striking down the budget’s suspension of holiday bonuses for public sector workers and pensioners – about 7% of their annual income…” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22058461 The government of Portugal is doing the wise thing by cutting spending and lo and behold, the Constitutional Court rules in favor of the public-sector unions! The “red judges” category should probably be given a higher priority in the Proscription List!