Choosing the New Pope: Why Should Westerners Care About It, or About Christianity?
Posted by Socrates in Bible, Catholicism, Christianity, Christians, jewed culture, Jewed religion, Levant/Levantine region, Old Testament, pop culture, Pope, Socrates at 3:27 pm | 
Many people don’t know that Vatican City is its own state – it can even issue its own money. Therefore, the Vatican can say whatever it wants to say without fear of penalty. For example, it could regularly and harshly criticize Jews for wrecking Western culture (indeed, thanks to the Jewish control of the pop culture, lots of Whites have abandoned Christianity). Yet the Vatican won’t say one word about Jewish troublemaking! That’s actually appropriate, since Christianity came from Jews and it isn’t a Western religion anyway [1][2].
[1] the Old Testament – upon which Christianity is based – was written by Jews
[2] Christianity is a Levantine (i.e., Middle Eastern) religion
12 March, 2013 at 4:33 pm
This whole thing about choosing a new Pope is dull as dishwater. It has nothing to do with anything. That Church is just a leftover from the last days of the Roman Empire. A bunch of old dudes wearing lacy white aprons and red capes locking themselves up for a few days in the Sistine Chapel with those handsome young Vatican Guards? What’s going on in there?
12 March, 2013 at 6:31 pm
The trail has run cold on Christianity. How much can you say about Christianity? My journalism teacher taught us that you can talk indefinitely about any subject. But that will not give it substance. Everything is reduced to its networth.
12 March, 2013 at 6:35 pm
As an infant matures, he is under the guidance of his parents.
As a mature man, he realizes that he must be his own parent; that is, he must guide himself.
Religion is the same: When one first starts out, he is under the guidance of others. Then he realizes that the Pope is within him. He is his own Pope.
To look back to the days of having his diapers changed by parents is impossible for a mature man. In the same way, for the highly-evolved soul to hearken to the words of a Pope is to do the same thing spiritually.
There is a mysterious statement attributed to Jesus in the Bible: “Have I not said, ye are gods?” The ancient Aryan texts say, “That art Thou.”
The function of religion is self-realization. The degree to which the self is pure will be the degree of that realization.
12 March, 2013 at 7:53 pm
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
—William Wordsworth, 1802.
12 March, 2013 at 8:29 pm
The severest criticism we can aim at Christianity is that its leadership, its ‘generals’ won’t defend its adherents, its foot soldiers. What sort organisation is that! It constantly cedes territory to Islam and takes orders from its bitterest and most powerful enemy, Judaism. The leadership of all the various churches heartily approve of every social experiment that is harmful to their members and will ultimately lead to their extinction. Christianity looks like a suicide cult. Is it any wonder the churches are empty.
Big Jew 1. ‘Well, Moise, I’m concerned the Catholic church doesn’t have
enough diversity. We need a person of color to give balance
to our boy in the White House’.
Big Jew 2. ‘Relax already! Ira, our people in the Vatican are working to
have the cardinal from Ghana elected’.
13 March, 2013 at 12:52 am
The enemy con-troll the churches like they do Turkey and S.Arabia, and US come to think of it. Oy Veh what a country
13 March, 2013 at 12:54 am
The Catlick church is akin to Disney Land, the meat, bones and heart were ripped out long ago and both are controlled by enemy aliens
13 March, 2013 at 8:01 am
When I was a member of a church, they talkied constantly about getting new members. I sat there thinking but what are you doing for the one’s you already got.
13 March, 2013 at 9:45 am
A local holy man pastor in a nearby town once tried to get his loyal parishioners to deed him a house which was church property. The parishioners revolted and the church congregation dissolved. There was even a for sale sign on the church property, I presume it was listed with a reality company. How weird is that? Later on I found out that this holy man pastor left town and shortly thereafter had died.
Alleluia!!! I prayed that there is a god that condemns this bastard to hell for all eternity. True story. This is how most organized religion plays out, the sheep being led by a scammer. It repeats itself over and over.
13 March, 2013 at 10:25 am
Judaism is the mother religion of Christianity. The first 5 books of the bible is the Torah. Jews and Christians worship the same god. Jews are laughing up their sleeves knowing that Christians bend their knee to the Jew god. The man in the sky.
Hitler said had there been no Christianity there would be no Islam. The latter came about as a defensive religion.
13 March, 2013 at 2:17 pm
Beutiful verse Tim: “MY HEART LEAPS UP WHEN I BEHOLD.” Any link for similar prose?
Once upon a time, teachers taught similar verse to students. Now only the virtues of same-sex-marriage and other gutter-studies. See e.g.,
Thanks for the memories!
13 March, 2013 at 2:33 pm
“His doctrinal orthodoxy emphasizes Christ’s mandate to love: he is well remembered for his 2001 visit to a hospice, in which he washed and kissed the feet of twelve AIDS patients.” The new pope is a jesuit of italian descent and is thus white but I am certain that he will continue the anti-white policies of the Vatican cabal!
14 March, 2013 at 3:23 pm
Thanks for your kind words, Mark, but the credit really should go to Herr Wordsworth. “The child is father of the man.” That’s also the title of Blood, Sweat and Tears debut album. Imagine if we had decent schools that encouraged the appreciation of great White poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge. Our White kids would be a lot more civilized, cultivated and racially aware.
14 March, 2013 at 5:40 pm
What if ‘The Papal State” was armed to the teeth with nukes and bribed the US kwangress for services like ‘The Jewish State” does? Wouldn”t that be fun?
And why does the kike press play this up so much, as if they don’t hate each other’s guts? Just trying to get a rise out of the muzzzies, the old jew trick playing one against the other. Reminds me of “The Royal Wedding” razzamatazz. all the costume and finery and happiness and plans and …..
14 March, 2013 at 5:48 pm
“Cardinal Bergoglio maintained a close relationship with the Jewish community in Argentina. He has celebrated various Jewish holidays with the Argentinian Jewish community, including Chanukah where he lit a candle on the menorah, attended a Buenos Aires synagogue for Slichot, a pre-Rosh Hashana service, the Jewish New Year, as well as a commemoration of Kristallnacht, the wave of violent Nazi attacks against Jews before World War II.” The papacy MUST be extinguished!
14 March, 2013 at 7:40 pm
I just yawned yesterday when I saw this on CBS. Christianity and the Catholic Church have become just another Marxist racket in that they stand for racial egalitarianism. Yet for supposedly not recognizing the concept of race they have often favored the interests of non-whites over whites.
The major churches have not acted as a bulwark against white race replacement and genocide either in America or Europe, so what reason do we have for supporting them?
16 March, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Apparently, the new pope is so preoccupied with reaching out to Sheeny, that he cannot even fake the basic fulfilling of his duties. Ann Barnhardt wrote in her blog:
“Here is the full video of Pope Francis’ first Mass in the Sistine Chapel.
The consecration of the Host happens at 51:47. The consecration of the Chalice happens at 52:32.
I cannot believe I am about to type these words.
The Pope DID NOT GENUFLECT after either consecration. He did a weird bow thing, but didn’t feel the need to bend his knee to God Almighty, physically present in his hands upon the altar.
This is absolutely stunning. And unprecedented.
Oh yeah, we’re in deep, deep trouble.
But hey, all of you guys who are sending me emails whining about how I’m not nice, or something, go ahead and explain this one. He is perfectly physically sound. He FREELY CHOOSES to not reverence Our Lord in the Eucharist upon the altar.
Oh, and he also didn’t genuflect to Our Lord in the Tabernacle when he went to Santa Maria Maggiore on Thursday morning, either. Um, how can a man truly love Our Lady if he doesn’t first show even the slightest respect to her Son? ” When the pope goes to Yad Vashem, I am certain that he will make sure to properly genuflect!
17 March, 2013 at 10:42 pm
The pope is so conceited that he does not heed the basic rules set up by his security detail. I am certain that the more zealous salafists in Europe are taking notes and are thus emboldened to perform a coup d’eclat!
19 March, 2013 at 11:45 pm
The pope’s favorite painting is the proof that the new pope is an extreme judeophile! From Wikipedia “The White Crucifixion is a painting by Marc Chagall. It was painted in 1938 after Chagall had visited Europe, and can be viewed at the Art Institute of Chicago.
The white crucifixion painting emphasizes the suffering of Jesus and the Jewish people. At the sides violent acts against Jews occur such as the burning of a synagogue and invaders. And in the center, Jesus is shown crucified wearing a prayer shawl as a symbol that he is Jewish. The work is startling as the crucifixion, often seen as a symbol of oppression by the Jewish people, is instead being used to represent their suffering.
A green figure carrying a bundle is shown crossing the foreground. This figure, who appears in several of Chagall’s works, has been interpreted as being either a Jewish wanderer from Yiddish tradition or the Prophet Elijah.
Two changes were made by Chagall to the work, a swastika on the armband of the soldier burning the synagogue was overpainted as well as the words “Ich bin Jude” on a placard around the neck of a man.
There is also a Lithuanian flag in the upper right hand of the painting. Also, in the upper left hand portion of the painting there are the red flags of communism.
Argentine-born Pope Francis, a well-established ally and friend of the Jewish people, considers the painting to be his favorite.”
20 March, 2013 at 3:53 pm
Perhaps pope ‘Frankie’ is following that time-honored Sicilian traditional saying; “keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer”??
20 March, 2013 at 6:01 pm
Why are we always surprised when religious and political leaders come out in their anti-White colors? We shouldn’t be if recent history teaches us anything.
Religious and political ‘leaders’ are all singing from the same Marxist/Masonic/Zionist hymn sheet. If they weren’t prepared to do so they wouldn’t get the jobs they are so willing to prostitute themselves for.
24 March, 2013 at 2:27 pm
Virgil Says:
19 March, 2013 at 11:45 pm
The pope’s favorite painting is the proof that the new pope is an extreme judeophile! From Wikipedia “The White Crucifixion is a painting by Marc Chagall. It was painted in 1938 after Chagall had visited Europe, and can be viewed at the Art Institute of Chicago.
The white crucifixion painting emphasizes the suffering of Jesus and the Jewish people. At the sides violent acts against Jews occur such as the burning of a synagogue and invaders. And in the center, Jesus is shown crucified wearing a prayer shawl as a symbol that he is Jewish. The work is startling as the crucifixion, often seen as a symbol of oppression by the Jewish people, is instead being used to represent their suffering.
A green figure carrying a bundle is shown crossing the foreground. This figure, who appears in several of Chagall’s works, has been interpreted as being either a Jewish wanderer from Yiddish tradition or the Prophet Elijah.
Two changes were made by Chagall to the work, a swastika on the armband of the soldier burning the synagogue was overpainted as well as the words “Ich bin Jude” on a placard around the neck of a man.
There is also a Lithuanian flag in the upper right hand of the painting. Also, in the upper left hand portion of the painting there are the red flags of communism.
Argentine-born Pope Francis, a well-established ally and friend of the Jewish people, considers the painting to be his favorite.”
50 Thumbs up
24 March, 2013 at 2:47 pm
Art critic Robert Hughes referred to Chagall as “the quintessential Jewish artist of the twentieth century”. For decades, he “had also been respected as the world’s preeminent Jewish artist” .