17 July, 2012

Masculinising White Nationalism

Posted by Socrates in AmRen, Socrates, White events, white nationalism, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought at 6:19 pm | Permanent Link

“Do we have to talk about Jews all the time at these meetings? It’s sooo Hitlerian. Besides, my wife’s best friend is a Jew. Do you have any white wine? I don’t like beer. By the way, I can only stay until 3:00. I’ve got a yoga class.”



  • 14 Responses to “Masculinising White Nationalism”

    1. Arkan Says:

      Any Keith Luke fans here? If you’re black, he’ll rape and kill ya!
      Sieg Heil!


    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Arkan, that guy’s forehead swazi is rather messy and amateurish-looking. Ow! Uncle Charlie’s is much neater and more presentable, don’t you think? http://s3.favim.com/orig/41/black-charles-manson-eyes-killer-male-Favim.com-345778.jpg

    3. CW-2 Says:

      It’s great to hear a WN woman, in this case Carolyn Yeager, speaking positively about the type of roles men need to take within the ‘movement’. Her guest is also pretty good at puncturing our vanity and showing our weaknesses. If we desire success as much as we claim and present conditions demand, then we must ditch hobbyism and be prepared to accept risks, real risks. That is what leadership is all about. It’s a bit like dating, you don’t get a date unless the guy is prepared to accept that rejection and humiliation is the price of success. Women understand this but men seem to have forgotten.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      The biggest problem that the White Struggle faces right now is the lack of any real organized resistance. The Empire’s COINTELPRO efforts since the 1960s have been too effective in neutralizing any threats or opposition to ZOG.

      The Feds can seize your computer and put “kiddie porn” on it, they can sic the IRS on you, claiming you owe a million dollars in back taxes, they can accuse you of “domestic terrorism” and throw you in a Federal Supermax dungeon for the next 35 years, they can plant evidence in your car, get an informant to say all kinds of crazy things against you in court, etc, etc, etc……

      But all those government threats and intimidation tactics will eventually blow up in their ugly faces, as the Resistance moves deeper underground and becomes more radicalized. Those government mercenaries have no love for the System they serve, they only serve it for a paycheck. But the Resistance will be motivated by something much greater.

    5. Arkan Says:

      Tim, your true JEWISH colors have finally come out!! Look how I see that with your last statement you’re trying to sow the seeds of division amongst us White Aryan non-slav nord-folk of blue eye and yellow hair insisting that one Aryanische man is less than another because the divinity of his particular hakenkreuz is not as cosmetic or appealing to you.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Arkan Says:
      17 July, 2012 at 7:34 pm

      Tim, your true JEWISH colors have finally come out!! Look how I see that with your last statement you’re trying to sow the seeds of division amongst us White Aryan non-slav nord-folk of blue eye and yellow hair insisting that one Aryanische man is less than another because the divinity of his particular hakenkreuz is not as cosmetic or appealing to you.

      No, Jerk, I’m pointing out that Ikea (whose post has since been deleted) is one of those Nordicist a-holes who doesn’t think Slavs are White. Don’t ball up my words, sonny.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wait a second, I’M the one who’s balling things up a bit here, although Arkan stubbornly remains a Jerk. The Nordicist Topkapi’s idiotic post has not been deleted, it’s simply located on another thread.

      “My true Jewish colors”? Different hakenkruezen? Exactly what are you talking about, churl?

    8. Arkan Says:

      Tim you don’t know how to take a joke unless it comes out of your own disheveled gnaw, you cunt.

    9. Arkan Says:


      Slavs must be exterminated but the lightly German ones can be bought off to load up the trains with the other slav cattle bound for Siberia. These were Hitler’s long term arrangements that thankfully never materialized. Sorry to burst the bubble of any of you Hitlerian Nazi fucks around here but there’s no denying that the thousand year reich only lasted about six pathetic years until Hitler and his buddies painted the walls with their brains.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Arkan, you’re a total retard. You understand nothing about history or human nature. In your diseased Jew-infected brain Nazis are just cartoonish, all-purpose bad guys. Is that a mature and rational way of thinking? No, it’s syphilitic and Jewish. But don’t worry, the day is coming when your bullet-ridden carcass is going to be plowed into a mass grave, you degenerate.

    11. Arkan Says:

      Hitler shot himself, pisses you off, don’t it?

    12. Dave Says:

      What else could he do? What would you have done? Would you run and hide?

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      We’ll most likely never know exactly what happened to the Fuhrer. He was being pressured to leave Germany and reside as an exile in one of the Mohammedan countries, who would have been more than happy to accept him. (After all, the Kaiser found refuge after WWI in neutral Holland.) And we all know about the great Dr. Hanna Reitsch’s attempts to fly Hitler out of Berlin, even as the city was under heavy enemy fire. But he stubbornly refused to leave. Or did he leave????

      Should Hitler have been out in the streets of Berlin with his SS troops, firing a Panzerfaust at an approaching T-34, instead of hiding out in the bunker? Or did he hide out in the bunker?? Did Hitler blame the German people for letting him down? Did he want everyone associated with him to kill themselves or surrender to the British? Did he have any regrets? Did he think postwar Germany should continue the struggle against global Jew/Democratic tyranny, or did he just say “Fuck it, I don’t care about anything anymore, I’m outta here”?

      I doubt we will ever know all or even any of the facts. And maybe that’s how Hitler wanted it.

    14. fd Says:

      Slavis made some of the best national socilaists, especially the ones in the Baltic states.