1 April, 2012

Will Augusta Golf Course Bow to Cultural Marxism?

Posted by Socrates in "gender", "sex equality", blacks, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, egalitarianism, feminism, Jew World Order, jewed culture, New World Order, political correctness, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, women, women in sports at 9:36 pm | Permanent Link

A drunken feminist in a bar: “Ok, ok…I’ll admit it (*hic*). The NWO isn’t about racial or sexual equality (*hic*). It’s about…it’s about…ending White male rule of the West. Out with the White guys, in with the (*hic*) women, muds and fags. But…don’t tell anyone I (*hic*) told you that…”


  • 9 Responses to “Will Augusta Golf Course Bow to Cultural Marxism?”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      IBM, the corporate sponsor of that golf club, is a real anachronism, like Kodak, Sears and Lincoln Continentals. Why are any of them still around? But congrats to that golf club for resisting all of that lesbian-Marixist pressure for so long. Whatever happened to freedom of association, anyway?

      The Reds are an anachronism too, come to think of it—-they never change and they never give up. I guess they won’t be happy until the whole world is one big burning pile of shit.

    2. mrcrouton Says:

      “Will Augusta Golf Course Bow to Cultural Marxism?”

      Of course, they already did a long time ago when they let niggers on the golf course.

    3. -jc Says:

      Erin Pizzey on Feminism in the UK

    4. jayhackworth Says:

      If it aint broke, keep effing with it until it is, is a motto that has stood the Jews in good stead.

    5. jayhackworth Says:

      If it aint broke, keep effing with it until it is, is a motto that has stood the Jews in good stead.

    6. Sgt. Skull Says:

      The odds are against Augusta standing fast against the onslaught of jewish cultural Marxism demands. I’m not a golf fan but the last thing I’d want to see are a few bull dykes on the course swinging their nine irons. But I guess they call that “progress” in the degenerate kwa.

    7. John Says:

      You cannot win a battle on the defensive.

      Augusta is not allowed to name or attack the main enemy which is the jews.

      Agusta isn’t allowed to fight secondary enemies because the jews say so. Secondary enemies are liberals, and feminists.

      Augusta is only allowed to name or fight the feminists which they think is their main enemy in this battle.

      I say f them. Let women into golf. I like women more than I like jews, liberals, negros.

    8. John Says:

      You cannot win a battle on the defensive.

      Augusta is not allowed to name or attack the main enemy which is the jews.

      Agusta isn’t allowed to fight secondary enemies because the jews say so. Secondary enemies are liberals, commies, queers, negros.

      Augusta is only allowed to name or fight the feminists which they think is their main enemy in this battle.

      I say f them. Let women into golf. I like women more than I like jews, liberals, negros.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:


      An attractive, racially conscious White woman is worth her weight in platinum. But since most broads don’t fit into that category, since most of them would rather die than be unpopular, since most of them like being nice to niggers and Jews, then dammit I say most of ’em are no better than niggers and Jews.

      The enemy is not just some swarthy, kinky-haired, rat-faced Kike or a bug-eyed, fliver-lipped spook. There are plenty of Whites who would gladly watch you fry in the electric chair or turn you over to the Kwaps for a free dinner at Arby’s. Remember that, my brutha.