15 November, 2011

Thought Police

Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, political correctness, Socrates, thought crime at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

  • 12 Responses to “Thought Police”

    1. Phantom Says:

      Another kike’s tool to try to control people. Very disturbing, disgusting, and horrible. The kikes truly have no soul. Everyday the jews are getting scare doing everything they can to get total dominace over everybody. This picture is one of their example of heir plan and obviously a failed one.

    2. Phantom Says:

      Another kike’s tool to try to control people. Very disturbing, disgusting, and horrible. The kikes truly have no soul. Everyday the jews are getting scare doing everything they can to get total dominace over everybody. This picture is one of example of their plans and obviously a failed one.

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Sadly the caliber of Police men is low today for the majority, then throw in the muds and it doesn’t look good.

      Police are not a well read crowd to be sure, and most should never have such arthority.

      Illegal Messycan’s hired with fake I.D. in Anchorage for eight years with the regime press reporting it with Sadness b.s. and more, but the regime Does Not Care got that YT ?

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      A lot of cops are so dumb that if they saw that thought police poster they would think it was pro-law enforcement.

      I’ve heard that cop applicants whose IQs are too high will not be accepted into the force. The Man wants dumb, obedient goons to serve him, not people who might start questioning the morality of serving such a monstrous system. And with all those psycho GIs coming back from committing atrocities in the near east and becoming civilian law enforcement drones you can bet your tookas that the pigs are only going to become goonier.

      It’s really distressing how so many White Americans fear the police and fear the Law. Even if it’s the middle of the night and there’s no traffic around for miles your typical White kwan motorist will remain stopped at a red light until it turns green. Even if doesn’t turn green for 20 minutes the law-abiding Kwan will just stay there, whereas the spade or the spic motorist will wisely say “Man, fuck dis shit” and go.

      That’s where the niggers and greasers have an advantage over Whitey. Those Homies have no respect for the Law at all, they just do what they please. If they want a cache of automatic weapons in their crib, or a bowl of crack or a new stolen Eldorado they just go out and get it, the Law be damned. That’s how Whitey needs to be, except his lawlessness should be geared not just at defying The Man, but at overthrowing his ass.

    5. mrcrouton Says:

      The worst of the thought police are the ones that have been implanted into peoples minds where they are automatically afraid to think “offensive” thoughts. This indoctrination restricts people from doing objective anthropology because it might be hateful even to their own detriment.

      So people will not allow themselves to see the patterns of Jewish group behavior, they wont observe the patterns of black criminal behavior, and on and on.

      They’ve been taught that race is only skin deep, and since the authorities tell them that is so, they believe it to the extent of becoming cultural diversity enforcers, as though they know what’s good based on the ADL seminar they sat through in college.

      They’ve never read anything contrary since then, yet the culture makes sure that their views are reinforced and hence they get rewarded by their simplistic perfidy, and they consider themselves intellectual!

      There are many self appointed thought police out there. Some are my estranged family members who embrace interracial marriage and say they know better about race, although their bookshelves are barren and would dare not read MacDonald or Rushton.

      We’re in a class by ourselves, appreciated by few. That’s why I consider Linder and the people in White Nationalism the intellectual elite.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      The thought police have a pretty easy job, all their hard work is done for them by teachers, preachers, and above all by the 24/7 jewtube lie machine.

    7. torrence Says:

      Good posts here. Mrcrouton, I especially took to yours.

      “They’ve never read anything contrary since then, yet the culture makes sure that their views are reinforced and hence they get rewarded by their simplistic perfidy, and they consider themselves intellectual!”

      This past week or two I’ve observed southwest Amerikwan life at the DMV, Walmarts and Costco. America is finished in this corner of the country. In the past 10 years, I can see with my own eyes the decline of Whites vs. non-Whites and the inter-racial conjoining catastrophe has worsened dramatically. In the Costco in an affluent area (which I don’t live close to – I’m not affluent) of all places the minority of whites is horrifiying. There have been days when I see whites being no more than 30% of the mix.
      The youth are thoroughly lost and the parents who allowed them to get to this point are the worst.
      I spit whenever I see the middle Asians especially – The Indians, Pakis, Bangladeshis – crowd out the Whites. They are the ones making up the elite now. In the nursing home my mother lives in, 90% of the high-end caretakers are non-White, many from this unsavory region of the world.

      This is your Amerikwa, not mine. My soul transmigrated from this place to a future world that has not yet arrived. My mind and heart were captured as I took on the world-view of a national socia..list order. There is little left here I want to be part of.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      mrcrouton Says:

      15 November, 2011 at 8:36 pm

      When the food is cut off and mud squad appear officially or unofficially it will TOO late to for the NPR govt. Employement dupes.


    9. Shane Says:

      I was playing battlefield 3 and my soldier name was HitlersWolf, so twice it was banned because of other players complaining that it was offensive. EA made me change my name because it is neo-nazi they say. I asked what if my name was StalinsWolf? would it be banned? One support tech guy reponds that Stalin was bad but not as bad as Hitler. The thought police have now entered the realm of video games my friends.

    10. Robert Cardillo Says:

      I always love to come to this ,and other websites to read the comments. It is so refreshing to actually listen to people who have an understanding about what the hell is going on in this rotten world. I also find it assuring that people know about a particular tribe that is responsible for alot of the woes that plague our Aryan peoples. I commend and salute you all who read and post on this webpage!!! ROHOWA!!!

    11. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Another kike’s tool to try to control people. Very disturbing, disgusting, and horrible. The kikes truly have no soul. Everyday the jews are getting scare doing everything they can to get total dominace over everybody. This picture is one of example of their plans and obviously a failed one.

      You can say that again.

    12. Phant0m Says:

      Another kike’s tool to try to control people. Very disturbing, disgusting, and horrible. The kikes truly have no soul. Everyday the jews are getting scare doing everything they can to get total dominace over everybody. This picture is one of example of their plans and obviously a failed one.