26 August, 2011

Myanmar Wary Of Equalocracy

Posted by Socrates in 'easy credit', Asia, banking, Burma/Myanmar, capitalism, consumerism, democracy, democrazy, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, feminism, General Decline, genocide, genocide by jew, homosexual themes, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed media, jewed politics, media, media control, Socrates, tv, TV culture, voting at 2:11 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Asians at a homosexual rally)

They don’t want feminism? Homosexual rights? Pregnant teenagers? Sleazy TV shows? Inflationary central banking? Retards voting? Endless advertising and blatant consumerism? How could any country not want to adopt Judeo-Democracy?


  • 9 Responses to “Myanmar Wary Of Equalocracy”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      About 1/4 of the way thru the article I began to ask myself “Say, who wrote this biased article? It reads like Jewish establishment propaganda.” And then I saw it was from the NY Times. Whadda surprise. The Times, if nothing else, is consistently liberal and Jewish.

    2. morris wise Says:

      Second to the Rabbi in importance is the Shabbos Goy, he not only is in charge of turning on the lights, but does the maintenance work and fills in as a security guard. It is preferable that he is Bi-Sexual due to the unique needs of a liberal minded congregation.

    3. CW-2 Says:

      If the Generals running Burma intend on stopping jew democracy from perverting their country that’s fine with me, but of course I forgot the whole world must be made safe for jew criminal activity.
      The Brit media is constantly cranking out articles about Aung San Suu Kyi, and the liberals get all hot and bothered, but who in their right mind would give a shit about her. She is ‘enduring’ house arrest, while our own dissidents are locked up for years in some mud infested British prison.

    4. jayhackworth Says:

      Aside from the Jew York Times, reading ANY newspaper with Jews on the editorial board , which means all of them, can be harmful to one”s grasp of reality.

    5. jayhackworth Says:

      “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal… ”
      well, right there, the thing doesn’t square with the kikes’ perception of being ‘the chosen ones”

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      CW-2 Says:

      27 August, 2011 at 6:00 am

      If the Generals running Burma intend on stopping jew democracy from perverting their country that’s fine with me, but of course I forgot the whole world must be made safe for jew criminal activity.
      The Brit media is constantly cranking out articles about Aung San Suu Kyi, and the liberals get all hot and bothered, but who in their right mind would give a shit about her. She is ‘enduring’ house arrest, while our own dissidents are locked up for years in some mud infested British prison.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 8 2

    7. torrence Says:

      I see we have yet to learn to make non-entities of Morris and Rappaport. That readers even take the time to down-thumb their posts is surprising. Are they deserving even of that much attention?

    8. Arminius Says:

      Corruption was always part and parcel of Burmese life, but cultural life and public morals had been kept intact. The western educated, mentally shallow daughter of Aung San, now an old woman of 64 years, will not stand in the way to turn her country into a cesspool like neighboring Thailand.
      Burmese democrats were always hopelessly inept, thus all attempts of democratic rule were disasters. Again and again, the military had to take power from them, to the relief of the nation. After the last one in the early sixties they held to it for fifty years.
      A new generation of generals has risen meanwhile. They seem to be as corrupt as Burmese democrats before. International capitalism, respective Jewish High Finance, the regime’s traditional connections to Israel, plus the opinion of “Myanmar expert” professor Josef SILBERSTEIN obviously helped to elbow- or bribe- its way into Myanmar’s rich resources after many futile attempts. Myanmar will soon pay for it dearly.

    9. jayhackworth Says:

      sure, torrence, the only reason they keep showing up, particularly the Jew rappaport is because their panties get in a bunch over some of the comments. Anyway no big deal, this aint the real world, just a sideline.