10 April, 2011

The Uncivil War, 1861-1865

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", court historians, history, History for newbies, jewed culture, Lincoln, pop culture, propaganda, Socrates, war at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

dead soldiers

(above: good men lie dead because Abe Lincoln was an asshole. He knew very well that the southern states weren’t violating the Constitution, or any law, by seceding. No union can be “perpetual,” regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White)

Like World War II, the “Civil War” is constantly recalled in popular culture. It has to be. White people need to be, uh, “properly educated” about certain historical events. You can see that that “education” has been very successful already: a president (Lincoln) wages unnecessary war on his own people for 4 years and a majority of the country calls it a good thing.



[Article]. (Note the wonderful painting by Mosler, who I admit I’d never heard of until today).

  • 45 Responses to “The Uncivil War, 1861-1865”

    1. Karen Says:

      If I recall correctly Prof. Oliver refused to call that war a “Civil War”. He rather called the American Revolution a Civil War used in the proper sense of the word. The Japanese call our participation in WW2 a Civil War. Wars to kill Aryan people.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Abby Lincoln was mentally unstable and possibly a closet homo. He deliberately provoked the South into firing on Fort Sumter, thus starting the totally unnecessary Civil War. He was responsible, and I mean personally responsible, for the deaths of some 625,000 White men and boys. Dixie is under Northern/Jew carpetbagger occupation to this very day. It’s ironic how the Union’s most important military bases are now all in the South and White southern boys have become the backbone of the Union’s military.

      The South should have used underground guerrilla tactics instead of conventional military forces against the North. Too bad the Confederacy didn’t succeed in freeing itself from the Yankees once and for all. The USA would never have been able to become the Zionist-controlled imperialist monster it is now without the South providing the military muscle.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Karen, the so-called Civil War should really be called either The War for Southern Independence or The War of Northern Aggression.

    4. Karen Says:

      I totally agree with the latter.

    5. Nom de Guerre Says:

      president (Lincoln) wages unnecessary war on his own people for 4 years and a majority of the country calls it a good thing.

      The Souths greatest vulnerabilty, was its geographical location, the Federals had an easy time penetrating along the numerous and navigable river systems, it also lay open to seaborne invasion. If the war would have been fought prior to the replacement of sail with steam driven boats, I’d dare say the Yankees would have had no chance in hell. Attacking the North was also not a very good idea, but taking Washington and hanging Abe and few congressmen would have bolstered Southern morale, it also might have spurred the development of more irregulars and guerillas like Mosbey and Quantrill. The Ohio valley with Indiana, Southern Illinois, and southern Ohio , would have been a better objective, than Pennsylvania.

    6. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “The USA would never have been able to become the Zionist-controlled imperialist monster it is now without the South providing the military muscle.”
      Yeah the jews were planning WW1 years, perhaps centuries before the outbreak, and the South winning would have upset the apple cart. One Asshole Limey Historian made that bare in Ken Burns special. In so many words if the South would have won, American troops wouldn’t have been around for the carnage in Flanders and on the Somme. Oh vey, we have plans for your future.

    7. Luke Says:

      Message to the first White Male scientist who invents a reliable Time Machine. I’ll pay you a $1,000 bucks for the privilege of using it to go back in time and giving myself the chance to beat John Wilkes Booth to the punch.

    8. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Sorry Luke, but I’m really tied up workin’ on a new and jew improved gas chamber, you know with the high cost of fuel these days we really have to improve fuel economy. My new system employs a special apparatus of dehydrating the chosen, and recycling the heat from the burnt chosen to cook the incoming chosen. My idea is move into Libyas vast Sahara desert and employ the Colonel and his 11 secret recipes for recycling kosher karkasses into finger likking good lampshades.

    9. Nom de Guerre Says:

      After I get through with this project, maybe we can get together at Lincolns memorial and see Obongo.

    10. Reloader Says:

      Is that a fact, Luke? You do know that Lincoln’s assassination precipitated the Reconstruction, right? If Lincoln had lived, there would have been no military occupation, no carpet baggers and no niggers sitting in the statehouses of the South.

      Mr. Lincoln was going to repatriate the niggers. He would have had huge support for this after the war and the Thaddus Stevens and the Charles Sumners would have been slapped down hard.

      Mr. Lincoln didn’t start the war. Rich southern planters who were screwing the white man over by using slave labor started it.

      Same song and dance. Today, Rich southern capitalist pigs are trying to get immigration bills shot down all over the south.

      Capitalist pigs and Social Marxists BOTH are the enemy. Wake the fuck up!

    11. M. Kraus Says:

      The War of Northern Aggression is indeed constantly recalled in American “pop” culture…and we all know the South was wrong, don’t we? Bad, bad southern people. To actually enslave another human being…it’s horrifying. That’s why the war was fought. The Union Armies were sent by God to punish the Southern devils for their crimes against his children–the beautiful Black Race. Glory, glory hallelujah! Makes me proud, damn proud, to be a Yankee!

      Most Amerikwans don’t have a clue about the “Civil” war. If you were to tell them that history is written by the victors, you would get a blank stare. Kwans sure can enjoy a laugh whenever some mincing “actor” mocks a Southern accent on television, though. They can also shake their heads sadly when hearing the heart-wrenching tales of the gentle and noble Africans brought here against their will to labor in the cotton fields for Evil White People. Nobody knows the trouble they’ve seen, nobody knows the sorrow…

      It’s all distilled down into easily digestible entertainment for the White masses. Feel guilty? You should! You’re part of the legacy of slavery, White American, regardless of what you might think! Now keep thinking about it, and how you’re going to atone for it, every day for the rest of your life.

    12. Karen Says:

      It was not a “Civil War”. It was a war financed on both sides. It was a war to kill WHITE people from the north and the south. It was a jewish institgation. It was business as usual.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      The influence of Judah Philip Benjamin within the CSA government is often overlooked and even today an accurate assessment of his activities has not been published. He actively tried to secure the military involvement of both Britain and France on the side of the confederacy, but with hindsight such a development would have extended the war, possibly involving Russia on the Union side, and resulted in many more thousands of White men killed.
      Was this a jew plan to start a ‘world war’?

    14. Nom de Guerre Says:

      How did that fat kosher rat end up in England after the war, staying on some Rothschild estate. Whenever I see that jews mug, it reminds me of that jew lawyer portrayed by jew Rod Steiger in the classic Dr. Zhivago. Jews always playing both sides.
      When you think about it, the Civil war was double good for the jews almost a triple play, jews are real good at Base bull, just ask ken burns the jew hampshire swill maker.

    15. Jim Says:

      If it had not been for the kikes bringiing in the niggers and the White elites taking advantage of cheap coon labor, the so called “Civil War” never would have happened. The biggest mistake ever made by the White Race in the Western Hemsphere was to transport millions of these savage barbarian sub-humans into a land that COULD have been a new bastion of Civilization for our people. The second biggest mistake our ancestors made was not to send these black bastards back to the African shit hole where they belong after the war was over. On second thought, the biggest mistake the White Race ever made was allowing the kikes to come here. Without those jew bastards, we wouldn’t have those nigger bastards either.

    16. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The cotton based economy of the south, was more advantagous for the north, since cotton made up the bulk of foreign receipts.
      Cotton is bad for the soil also, there were alternatives , less labour intensive than cotton, such as Hemp. Now if you grow that today you’re liable to get a visit from the narcs, even though the first american flag was made of hemp cloth.
      If hadn’t been for the cotton

    17. Waldo Starr Says:

      don’t think that our forefathers, even the ones who disagreed with slavery, could have ever imagined that any sane white person would let niggra slaves loose to run free in America, or elect one as President. I believe if they could have had a glimpse into the niggra problem we have today, and seen the damage those savages have caused for centuries, they would have stopped slavery in its tracks, deported the niggras willing to go back to Africa and roundup and shoot the ones that wanted to resist, along with anybody else that helped them. When Lincoln emancipated the slaves, to destroy the South, the niggra though he was free and would never have to work again, and he was right. They are now on that government plantation or in prison. The suffering and dying by those white people during the war was horrific and to have their sacrifice equated with freeing the savage niggra is shameful and dishonest. If those misguided souls could have envisions what would be the outcome of that war I doubt that anyone, from either side, would show up for the fight.

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      Karen Says:

      11 April, 2011 at 6:56 am

      It was not a “Civil War”. It was a war financed on both sides. It was a war to kill WHITE people from the north and the south. It was a jewish institgation. It was business as usual.

      CW-2 Says:

      11 April, 2011 at 7:53 am

      The influence of Judah Philip Benjamin within the CSA government is often overlooked and even today an accurate assessment of his activities has not been published. He actively tried to secure the military involvement of both Britain and France on the side of the confederacy, but with hindsight such a development would have extended the war, possibly involving Russia on the Union side, and resulted in many more thousands of White men killed.
      Was this a jew plan to start a ‘world war’?

      3 0

      Excellent post’s thank you.

      That conflict did usurp States rights over the ferral government once and for all, that it did, so rather that state leading thugs who have control of the central regime rule US today.

      Luke, from all that I have read the the murder of Lincoln made the end worse for all of US.

      Lincoln was murdered becasue he was not going to play ball with the bankers and US debt, plus he was not in to punishing and harrassment after that that violent bloody Nation destroying event.

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      Bottom line the murder of Lincoln was not in any way good for any one in the South.

    20. mrcrouton Says:

      I personally think the Southerners should have just started mass executing all blacks right away and shipping all the dead niggers north.

      They might have then lost the war, but they would have been nigger free, which is winning.

    21. jayhackworth Says:

      In academia the students are supposed to answer on the exams that, although the war may have not started out as a crusade to end slavery, it ended as one.
      In actuality it transcended the slavery question and was about the White race resisting the irrational notion the Negros are their equal.

    22. Howdy Doody Says:

      mrcrouton Says:

      11 April, 2011 at 12:43 pm

      I personally think the Southerners should have just started mass executing all blacks right away and shipping all the dead niggers north.

      They might have then lost the war, but they would have been nigger free, which is winning.

      2 0

    23. dj Says:

      The Federal War, Gary Gallagher, 1998, Cambridge , Mass. : Harvard University Press:

      “The Emancipation Proclamation caused a desertion crisis in the United States Army. At least 200,000 Northern soldiers deserted; another 120,000 evaded conscription; and another 90,000 Northern men fled to Canada to evade the draft, while thousands more hid in the mountains of central Pennsylvania ‘where they lay beyond the easy reach of enrolling officers.”

      In his elegant memoir, Destruction and Reconstruction, General Richard Taylor recalled the occasion in 1865 when the duty fell to him to surrender the last Confederate army east of the Mississippi River. At Union headquarters, a German, wearing the uniform of a Yankee general and speaking in heavily accented English, lectured General Taylor that now that the war was over, Southerners would be taught “the true American principles.” To which General Taylor — the son of Zachary Taylor — replied that he regretted that his grandfather, an officer in the Revolution, and his father, President of the United States, had not passed on to him these “true American principles.”

      Lincoln issued “Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field” (General Orders, No. 100, 1863), authorizing starvation and bombardment of Southern women and children.

    24. Bigduke6 Says:

      Somewhere I read the reason for the civil war was taxes and not slaves. The South knew it was only a matter of time that slavery would come to an end. It was taxes and tarriffs on goods instituted by the New England blue bloods. The South was being heavily taxed and not getting much in return for it. Hope I can find the source of this blurb. Was just thinking about this today. I think the Constitution gave the South the ability to secede and thw North enfaged in an illegal war.

    25. Justin Huber Says:

      There is some evidence that Lincoln actually wanted to deport the slaves after the war.

    26. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Yes, the predominant cause of the war – despite what nigger-lovin’, Southern White-hatin’ shitters of Frankfurt School “history” like James MacPherson & kike Eric Foner say – was the prospect of the Feds losing all that juicy tariff cash extorted from the South: how could they build transcontinental railroads & pay off their Yankee industrialist masters without it? Lincoln, Grant & Confederate Vice President Alexander Stevens had a secret peace conference on a boat off the Virginia shore: Stevens said Lincoln told him he didn’t give a damn what the Southerners did with niggers – but that he was absolutely adamant that the tariff continue.

      On the subject of Dishonest Abe’s post-bellum plans concerning the Tremendous Nigger Question: while it’s true that he had earlier repeatedly stated that Cuffey wasn’t Whitey’s equal and should be shipped out, just before he was ventilated right at the end of the war he gave a speech from the White House balcony advocating jig equality. An enraged John Wilkes Booth was in the crowd and wrote in his diary: “This means nigger citizenship! By God, I’ll put him through….”

      And so he did – understandably, but disastrously for the South.

      What a pity the South didn’t adopt a guerrilla/terror strategy. It worked well out in Bleeding Kansas & Missouri. Even Lee said after the war that (paraphrasing) “If I’d known what use the North make of their victory, I would never have surrendered my sword. I would have taken my men into the mountains.”

    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      N.B. Forrest


      As for tariff’s the rails charged/US government charged a tariff for All Freight going North, but nothing for freight going South.

      The Tariff going North was not stopped till shortly after Dec. 7, 1941.

      By keeping the South VERY poor, the Nation always had its military ranks filled and some years there was a waiting list.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      What a pity the South didn’t adopt a guerrilla/terror strategy. It worked well out in Bleeding Kansas & Missouri. Even Lee said after the war that (paraphrasing) “If I’d known what use the North make of their victory, I would never have surrendered my sword. I would have taken my men into the mountains.”

      That’s what I said a few posts up, General Forrest. You should have the courtesy to read other peoples’ posts first before running the risk of repeating what someone else has already stated. A true Son of the South would have known that.

    29. db Says:

      Judah Philip Benjamin is “much ado about nothing.” The Jew population at Washington City during the war was about 3,000. About 6,000 Jews served in the federal army. New Englland and the Midwest was saturated with Jews in the 19 century. By 1855, five synagogues had been established in Cincinatti. The eight Seligman brothers of New York, underwrote bonds and supplied the entire union army with uniforms. The Jew money powers had choked the Northeast corridor down with heavy retail.

    30. fb Says:

      Several days after Richmond was sacked, Lincoln rode into the city under heavy guard of a Negro cavalry. It gets worse. Lincoln sat at the desk of Jefferson
      Davis. That’s when Lincoln signed his death warrant. The animus mundi (mind of the universe) said you’re out of here.

    31. Howdy Doody Says:

      Several days after Richmond was sacked, Lincoln rode into the city under heavy guard of a Negro cavalry. It gets worse. Lincoln sat at the desk of Jefferson


      That was a definite “IN YOUR FACE” act towards the vanquished defender’s of the old republic. Then again nothing much has changed with the power mentality such as the NKVD forces burning/killing over 70 children and women under a bull dyke nut case IMO.

      That is something I had never read, and I have read a lot history visiting Southern Libraries, reading old editorial, personal letters, and reading about the North of that time too.

    32. N.B. Forrest Says:

      “That’s what I said a few posts up, General Forrest. You should have the courtesy to read other peoples’ posts first before running the risk of repeating what someone else has already stated. A true Son of the South would have known that.”

      I read your post, and was expressing my agreement while adding the Lee quote. I wasn’t aware that you own the copyright to the concept.

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      I read your post, and was expressing my agreement while adding the Lee quote. I wasn’t aware that you own the copyright to the concept.

      OK, Fair enough…..I don’t want to be like the covetous Jew, who thinks he owns the rights to everything.

    34. The Red Skull Says:

      A favorite subect—The Un-Civil War.

      Its taken me a few years of research to realize some of the things that have been posted here,as others have studied on their own too.The first realization is that the North STILL uses the South as a “whipping Boy” and the 1st example of what Whites should not aspire to.The South is STILL an Occupied Country and could be considered the 1st victim of Yankee-jew Carpetbagger Imperialism.The South is STILL constantly vilified in jew media and “entertainment” as the ONLY ethnic group/culture that can be slurred and denegrated constantly,without consequence–unlike the queers –who now have “special rights”.

      Now if the South would wake up and once again shrug off the bonds of Federal/Jew Tyranny —they would find alot of the Country is with them,as more and more people see the Feds as the TYRANTS and OVERBEARING ASSHOLES they truly are.Are you listening FedPigs?—The South was decimated in that War of Northern Mercantile Aggression.Over 30% of (White)Southern men from some states died in the war,which EXCEEDS the casulaties suffered by European States in WW1,where an entire generation of youth was lost.White folks need to quit fighting wars where we die and the Jews/bankers profit.

      There is a New nationalist awakening among the Southrons,and this time,there won’t be any niggers left to argue about.The North suffered after the war from their own actions because when they “won” the niggers (hordes of ’em) moved to the promised land of Ol Abe where a Nigger could be free,and settled down in cities all over the north like Chicago,Detroit,Philly,Wash DC,etc,etc to create the modern negro Paradises’ we know them to be and to compete with whites for their jobs and women.

      The Jews got a 2-fer on that –Destroying the last white society in America that kept niggers in their proper place,and infecting whole entirely white areas with all kinds of bluegums that never would have been there if the South had won.The Confederate gold reserves were never found by the way.You don’t suppose that Kike Judah Benjamin might know anything do you?

      Most people don’t know that it took up to FIVE YEARS for some of the states to be admitted back into the “union” and that was Conditional on their accepting the 14th amendment as i understand.Sounds like ZOG was already playing games back then.

      All i can say is they might of lost–but they put up a HELL OF A FIGHT–for what they thought was right!–Thats all any of us can do in the long run.


      — no offense to the yankees here or some of my yankee friends.

      Jefferson Davis said–
      “the Principles for which we fought will at sometime in the future–reassert themselves”–that time is NOW>

    35. Howdy Doody Says:


      Obama seeks $4 trillion cut to deficit, higher taxes for rich
      Backs benefit programs, draws battle lines with GOP

    36. The Red Skull Says:

      @Howdy Dodo—

      Howdy—WTF does your above post have to do with the posted topic and in my mind a very important subject??—

      I can read about the Communist White America Hating Traitorous Nigger anywhere else!—-Please don’t clutter up what was a fine thread on the post with nefarious bullshit!—-

      I’m pretty sure i’m speaking for some others too when i say this………

      PS–This is Constructive Critique–not a personal attack,please take note.

    37. The Red Skull Says:

      @ Tim McG and N/B Forrest

      Play nice Boys!!–

      TIm–Your one of the smartest Mofos on this site and certainly a witty card,but sometimes people with large brains trip over basic considerations for others.Be smart but remember to be humble a little too.

      We are all short -lived bugs after all.

    38. Tim McGreen Says:

      Very well said, Red S., you’re absolutely right about the need for civility and humility. And thank you for the kind words.

    39. Howdy Doody Says:

      Red Skull, I absolutely agree with you as to the importantence fo this little tread.

      I don’t care about b.s.news about what that the criminals pull with their freak puppets, but this puppet is in our face for his masters and it is due to directly becasue of the criminal banker Norths assault on the Cotton/farming states of 1861.

      Excellent post gentlemen all around.

    40. The Red Skull Says:

      @ Howdy and Terrible Timmy—-

      Bravo Gentlemen

      Howdy—i am forced concede the point you make about losing the war—leads to Communist Smooth talking NIGGERS in “our” WHITE HOUSE—!!!

      However He IS JUST a PUPPET for the Goldman-Sachs JewCrew.
      Looking at him and all the slimeballs around him and our Gov’t in general just makes me ill.We are lucky in that WE are AWARE of TRUE HISTORY,and not the facade history that is taught to us and pushed on us endlessly since elemetary “school”.(indoctrination)>

      There are more lies about the “Civil War” ,than any other except WWII,as its essential for the enemies of our race to hide the true nature of what those two peoples fought for.

      The libs/commies/jews tell you OY-Vey!—Its was about Slavery!About Union!!—Really??? –Well as an Un-Reconstructed Rebel that the War For Southern Independance was for the “natural order” of things —ie; Limited Gov’t,States Rights,Money,(tariffs),The right of a seperate people to self-determination,The right to keep the Niggers Down on the farm and away from our women,they are animals and need to be controlled like animals—Southerners knew this from years of experience.The right to Keep the White man on top and not have Negro Rule.Which the whole Yankee Nation has now.Happy with your Puppet Negro Rule Motherfuckers??!!

      Nobody seems to be able to tell me how you can have “Union” at Bayonet Point–and then say its “voluntary”.The South was forced at Bayonet Point after their Defeat,-BACK into the Union,—–
      then to slight the Southers and rub it in their face,the North made it so they had to live with Nigger Gov’ts in all the Former Confederate States.

      Y’all Know how them Niggers got “elected”???

      Its taken a few years of research to find out because its not highly publisized,by the North,–and i give immense Brownie points for Knowing…….

      Whites were Disinfranchised and NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE!!!!!!!

      Yep….You read that right……The “vote” was taken from White Southerners for long enough so that only the former Slaves could vote!!!

      I must confess to being floored by this revalation!!!!

      ITs true and as i said–Not Spotlighted by the North in anyway–i actually stumbled on this -in my studies.

      So when You lose the Next War White Man………You can look forward to Direct Nigger Rule South Africa Commie style,and your “rights”taken Away to even govern yourself,and your former Coolies put deliberately in POWER OVER YOU.

      OBAMA is a COOLIE.

      THAT is JUST A TASTE of what The South Suffered.Then Yankees and others just can’t figure out WHY “their so bitter” about it and “can’t just let it die”…….

      Because The South has ALREADY experienced what the rest of White America is in for……..

      Now We have a NEW SLAVERY….and its called FEDERAL JEW TYRANNY,and it started the Yankee Empire(under Jew Guidance) that y’all know and love today.

      The South WAS fighting for White “supremacy”—-lets not beat around the bush,and they were a healthy and WEALTHY society before The WAR.After the War under Carpetbagger Occupation….they are among the po’est states with millions of fat,useless niggers on the Dole.Formerly all white cities like New Orleans,Memphis and especially Atlanta,are Nigger Cities that run at a loss thanks to Incompetent Negro Rule…..some things never change….Thanks oL’ABE!!You unleashed a shitstorm were still dealing with and them Niggers will just never be happy no matter how much hard -working White -folks money we keep throwing at the monkees so they can be “equal” according to current jew Doctrine.The niggers will NEVER be EQUAL to us so the money will always flow from you to them.

      The South Fought to avoid this and now look at “our” country!—Communist Nigs in The White House—The Jews are rubbing their filthy,greedy,rat-like claws with glee —-Old Abe probably just Shit hisself too.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      Today, thanks to the Jews, the liberals and the ongoing ZOG occupation of Dixie, southern cities are extremely dangerous places for Whites to be, especially White women.

      But there was a 70 year period, from 1877 to 1957, when the South was more or less free to run its own affairs with minimal interference from Washington. The first sign of trouble came as early as 1948, when the Jew-Red-homosexual Snivel Rights bowel-movement began. Snivel Rights only took root because the Jews effectively used anti-Nazi Holohoax propaganda to shame America into making our Negroes “equal”.

    42. Tim McGreen Says:

      Actually, it was an 80 year period of relative southern freedom, not 70 years. Even better!

    43. Howdy Doody Says:

      Blacks in the Civil War

      A maliciously distorted view of participation by blacks in America’s wars has long existed. Why this interpretation has existed for such a long time can be explained only by moral cowardice of whites and dishonesty by both blacks and whites. As with so many issues involving race in the United States no public discussion has been possible unless euphemisms are used, and both sides accept forbidden topics.

      When the issue becomes the Civil War, obvious stupid mistakes, if not outright misrepresentations about black participation in this war, have become almost criminally irresponsible. Ebony Handbook, published in 1973, gives the below information for black participation:59
      Total Black Black Percentage
      Union Army 2,213,363 278,312 12
      Battle Deaths 140,414 36,847 14

      The historian from Princeton, Professor James McPherson, gave his and other generally accepted estimates of the Union dead, which would include both battlefield and non-combat related deaths at about 360,000.60 His estimate of blacks serving in Union forces was about 179,000 black soldiers and perhaps as many as 20,000 black sailors.61 What caused the greater dispute was the accounting of the dead. The number of war deaths for Union troops as given by Ebony approximated the accepted number, but the number of deaths under battlefield conditions for the blacks was totally out of line. How Ebony computed some 36,000 black deaths allegedly occurring on the battlefield out of 140,000 total battlefield deaths to be 14% of the total has illustrated the sloppy, irresponsible statistics tolerated when originated by blacks.

      Most estimates for battlefield deaths for blacks hovered at about 3000, which would make the estimated total less than ten percent of Ebony’s inflated guess. Professor McPherson wrote of six percent of white Union troops being killed in action while only 1.5 percent of black Union troops were killed under combat conditions. Fully 19% of black troops died from disease, which was a rate of almost twice that of white soldiers. Much of this large discrepancy has to be attributed to poor sanitation practices among blacks who did not receive the medical care that whites did. The historian of black issues, Herbert Aptheker, gave as his estimate of the black civil war dead as 2870 killed or mortally wounded while 29,756 died of disease.62 Mr. Aptheker, who had been a lifelong communist, dedicated one of his works to his charming daughter, Bettina, who was arrested for attempting to blow people up with bombs, and to Angela Davis, who still runs as a Communist candidate.63 In addition Mr. Aptheker was optimistic enough to dedicate the volume to the future that their solidarity symbolized. Even in February 1991, Ebony asserted that Union records show 37,638 black casualties, which they maintained was 21% of Union casualties.64

      Has nobody challenged the blatant distortions, if not lies by the black cultural elite? The effort by the white war dead has been denigrated, and the black contribution has been inflated. This blatant distortion of the truth has persisted for at least fifty years, and an inspired, yet educated, guess would be the misrepresentation has been believed in the black culture for over one hundred years.

      Blacks had a population of almost 900,000 men in the 15 to 40 years of age in 1860. Their combat dead of 3000 in that selected group gave a death rate of little over 3.3 per 1000. Northern whites had somewhere around 110,000 die under combat conditions. With their pool of almost 4,350,000 to draw on, northern whites died at a rate of slightly more than 25 per 1000. Proportionately whites died at almost 8 times the rate blacks died on the battlefield. This upsetting fact is never discussed when the issue of reparations for blacks comes up.


    44. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blacks were basically used by the Union and Confederate armies to pick up corpses from the battlefield and feed the mules. There are no real instances of Blacks performing heroically in combat, not in the Civil War or in any other war.

    45. Howdy Doody Says:

      Less than 1,700 U.S. Afreaken’s or what ever you call them this week died from Dec. 7, 1941 through VJ 1945, thats a fact Jack.

      Then the army was Intergrated AFTER the worm in the West gave Stalin and Mao the okay to launch the HOT WAR Korea 1950-1952

      1965 through 1975 the African freaks created a crime wave and we blessed with Afreaken officers from ROTC Africoon colleges, whoopee times were they, not.