26 December, 2010

Book Quote

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Britain, England, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Palestine, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates, Yeats-Brown, Zionism at 2:12 pm | Permanent Link

On the British betrayal of the Arabs in Palestine:

“So what did we do? We sold the Arabs to win the favour of the Jews, especially the Jews of the United States of America. […] Englishmen are still respected for their honesty in the East, but unless we acknowledge that we made a terrible blunder, in going behind the back of the Arabs who were fighting for us in order to please the Jews who were financing us, our credit cannot long endure.” [1].

— from the book “European Jungle” (London, England; Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1939) by F. Yeats-Brown, page 196.

[1] page 195 explains “fighting for us”: “Under the terms of a Covenant made between Sir Henry McMahon and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca on October 25, 1915, the Arabs fought for us in Palestine, believing that we would support the claim to an independent Arab kingdom in that country.”

  • 8 Responses to “Book Quote”

    1. torrence Says:

      America, having supplanted the British in the international chess game ongoing in the Middle East, will do the same to the remaing Arab states once their cooperation is no longer needed in maintaining a balance of power structure there. They will be ‘dumped’ once their temporary usefulness is no longer needed. If Iran is neutralized, you will see a marked difference in the ‘respect’ shown the traitorous Arab states who are now cooperating with the Zio-Amercians in ‘containing’ Iran. Once it’s all settled there, they will be thrown to the Israelis for them to be dealt with as is seen fit.

      In that respect, the Arabs are really not very bright. They too will pay the price.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Torrence, the Arabs do seem to be kind of dumb for the most part. Many of them are also very easy to bribe and manipulate into turning against their fellow Arabs and Mohammedans. Their only hope of victory lies in churning out millions of additional Arabs to fight the Zionist-Crusader-Infidels. And stay the hell away from our White women, Mahmoud!

    3. Sean Gruber Says:

      bin Laden was a “freedom” fighter for the CIA in the 80s. What happened? Nothing. He simply sicced his organization on the West that funded him. Business as usual among camel traders. Jews are no exception in that area, they are just another example of perfidious semite, only smarter than the usual wog. Moral of the story: stay away from ALL these desert assholes – and keep them out of our nations.

      The only deal I can see cutting with the wogs is a temporary, ad hoc one: join us to exterminate the jews. No representative of Washington DC is likely to offer that deal any time soon, though. (But there’s a perfect slogan for it: Our most shovel-ready project is the jews!)

    4. torrence Says:

      “bin Laden was a “freedom” fighter for the CIA in the 80s.”
      Now he’s a freedom fighter for his people. He really is. A case in point of people getting tired and finally taking action against the perfidy and meddling that the Zio-Americans are getting quite a reputation for.

      We can learn a great deal from those rough and ready, low-tech freedom fighters. They have taken a stand. They are defending their own in their own land. Can’t get more righteous than that.

      Joe ‘white American’ Coward isn’t able of doing that anymore.

    5. Sean Gruber Says:

      Torrence, those freedom-fighters are doing the healthy, natural thing, agreed. BUT I don’t want them doing it to ME. The USA should get out of that region, pronto, and let Kikestan twist in the sandstorm.

    6. Sean Gruber Says:

      “Jews are the cause of all the wars in the world.” Mel was never more genuinely sober than when he said that.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      I see all Arab men around here with nice-looking White blonde girlfriends and/or wives. The Arab is no friend of ours. As already stated, a temporary, ad hoc alliance with them against our common Zionist, Talmudic foe is the best we can hope for. After that, the sand niggers need to leave our White ands and go back to their sewers in the Near East.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      I see all Arab men around here with nice-looking White blonde girlfriends and/or wives. The Arab is no friend of ours. As already stated, a temporary, ad hoc alliance with them against our common Zionist, Talmudic foe is the best we can hope for. After that, the sand niggers need to leave our White lands and go back to their sewers in the Near East.