7 September, 2010

Labor Unions: What’s Not to Like for the West-Haters?

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, economics, economy, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, jobs, labor unions, Rust Belt, Socrates, unions at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Sam Gompers says: “How can anybody who hates White people not like my labor unions? I mean, you got everything at once. You got goyim butting heads with goyim. You got higher retail prices. You got fewer jobs available. You got thousands of factories bankrupt. You got left-wing politics funded by union dues. You even got powerful unions in non-union states (I’m particularly amazed at that one!). I mean, oy veh, you got everything in one bag. What more do you want – free tacos?”


  • 25 Responses to “Labor Unions: What’s Not to Like for the West-Haters?”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Wow. Sure, many of the unions of yesteryear and today are friendly with our enemies, but what you wrote there Socrates sounds like something right out of National Review. If it weren’t for unions there wouldn’t be a 8 hour workday, paid vacations, overtime requirements, etc.

      “You got goyim butting heads with goyim. You got higher retail prices. You got fewer jobs available. You got thousands of factories bankrupt.”

      Sounds like you aren’t talking about all the greedy capitalist corporations who shipped our manufacturing to the third world and jobs overseas because they didn’t want to pay the American worker a decent living wage. Ah hell, let’s just blame it all on the unions! Higher retail prices? Why blame unions for that, when the CEOs of these multinational companies decide what to charge for goods, not the unions. Oh, and don’t give me the crap that companies can’t survive because they can’t afford to pay union workers… these same companies have no problem paying their CEOs triple-digit salaries, and yet we are supposed to believe it is the worker’s fault they shipped the jobs to China. BS!

      The solution is to pay American workers a living wage, force multinational companies to become national again, and stop the export of jobs to slave labor nations. Oh, and while you’re at it, end the Wall Street swindle by eliminating the speculation class in this country- you know, the people who don’t work but live off of gambling with theirs and other people’s money.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      “Sounds like you aren’t talking about all the greedy capitalist corporations…”

      Correction- I meant to say “are” not “aren’t”.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Soc, I don’t understand your right-wing hostility towards employees who organize for better pay and working conditions. That’s as American as you can get. True, over the past decade or so many Unions have been recruiting muds to replenish their diminished ranks, but you can blame Big Business and Congress for the offshoring of our Unionized jobs, not the Unions themselves.

    4. Socrates Says:

      Blackshirt Says: “Sounds like you aren’t talking about all the greedy capitalist corporations who shipped our manufacturing to the third world and jobs overseas because they didn’t want to pay the American worker a decent living wage.”

      I am very aware of the evils of big capitalism and have commented on them here at VNN.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      Socrates Says:

      “I am very aware of the evils of big capitalism and have commented on them here at VNN.”

      Just “big capitalism”? How about ALL Capitalism? Globalism, “Free Trade”, Usury, and Speculation, all wonderful things brought to us by “capitalism”. The sins of Unions are nothing compared to the crimes of Capitalism. What can be more Jewish than all aspects of Capitalism? What can be more Jewish than exploiting workers for maximum profit and doing everything possible to discredit and prevent workers organizing?

    6. old dutch Says:

      If you ever want to wind up a leftoid, or rightoid acq

    7. old dutch Says:

      If you ever want to wind up a leftoid, or rightoid acq

    8. old dutch Says:

      If you ever want to wind up a leftoid, or rightoid acquaintence of yours point out to them that the majority of major corporations are today, by prudent estimate owned or controlled by Jews and non-Whites.

      This is easy enough to demonstrate by using a good finance search engine like yahoo finance. Just look at the top corporate offices, the board of directors, the insiders, the top level managers, and lawyers.

      As far as the oldtime CIO union leaders go, they were mostly anti-semites & anti-communists, or they thought Jews were from outer space. I always laugh when I think of Linder’s quip, “that Jews should have their own planet”.

      Btw, Right to Work is Right to Work(for Less).

      Please remove my double posting error.

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Well, I actually agree with Old Dutch for once. LOL

    10. Mary O Says:

      Thanks to their unions, government workers are developing into a superior social class, an arrogant pseudo-aristocracy, entitled to lavish benefits which no one else gets: for example, free healthcare, student loan forgiveness, pensions, job security and small benefits which add up, like reimbursement for eyeglass prescriptions up to $400/year. And, some NYC teachers and police officers are making $90K/yr in salary.

      Many mainstream political party activists are government employees & members of unions. High compensation for government workers is in their personal financial interest. They don’t identify with the taxpayers.

      Our schools are run by unions. Don’t want transexuals teaching your children? Well, thanks to the unions, your opinion doesn’t count.

      When we complain of ZOG, are we not complaining about the unions? Who funds the like of HRC & Obama? Unions do.

      Unions also tend to “equalize” workers; the more skillful and more focussed (White) workers make the same pay as the lazy, unqualified workers.

      Corporations are often criticized for paying their top management well, but even minor union officials get 6-digit salaries — for doing nothing.

      Did unions really give us 40 hour work weeks? Lots of people are working a lot more than 40 hr/wk just to make ends meet. To be a successful professional often requires 60/hr weeks. With commute times considered, most people are working 11 or 12-hour days. And, only in the past 20 years have women been forced to work; before a married woman’s income was just frosting on the cake. Considered on a household basis, we have never worked so hard for so little in our nation’s history.

      And, many people work in uncomfortable work environments. Service industry workers often must stand for 7 or 8 hours a day, office cubicles are often cramped and allow no privacy whatsoever, often workers don’t even have their own space, table or desk to use, but rather have to share with many others in an over-crowded situation. Increasingly, employers are cutting air-conditioning, air quality and heat. Dress codes are imposed in a pathetic attempt to establish cohesion among diverse people who don’t and will never have anything in common with each other.

      Worse, some companies are eliminating all full-time workers; to survive the employee must work two jobs. The company gets out of having to pay their health insurance as would be required under Obamacare, and also they don’t risk any time and a half, should they ask a worker to stay longer on a particular day. Union and government regulations only backfire against us.

      The government should therefore cut tax and regulation, and let people work independently. Free markets should be applied to healthcare and housing. If Section 8 didn’t act as a price support, people would be paying much less in rent. If the government didn’t force through mortgages for the unqualified, the price of homes would not have exploded in recent years. Why should people who take care of themselves be forced to pay approximately $1500/year or more towards health insurance when they could get much better rates if drug addicts, homosexuals & AIDS victims could legally be excluded?

      In short, we need to go back to the future. We were able to grow in the early years of our nation, and we had great freedom and opportunities, only because the government and the unions hadn’t developed a stranglehold yet.

    11. Socrates Says:

      I think that a WN’s opinion of labor unions probably hinges on whether he arrived at WN from the Left or from the Right. If from the Left, he is probably pro-union. If from the Right, probably anti-union. This also applies to capitalism and some other economic issues.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      Mary O Says:

      Thanks to their unions, government workers are developing into a superior social class, an arrogant pseudo-aristocracy, entitled to lavish benefits which no one else gets: for example, free healthcare, student loan forgiveness, pensions, job security and small benefits which add up, like reimbursement for eyeglass prescriptions up to $400/year. And, some NYC teachers and police officers are making $90K/yr in salary.

      Sounds like you are jealous to me. Why don’t you demand the same benefits from your employer in the private sector? I don’t see how it is the union’s problem that they got the best deals for their members… isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?

      Many mainstream political party activists are government employees & members of unions. High compensation for government workers is in their personal financial interest. They don’t identify with the taxpayers.

      Before you go crying over what government workers get through unions, perhaps you should focus on the billions this government wastes in wars for Israel, ya think? I’m sure the foreign aid and military spending to ensure Zionist domination of the world dwarf anything paid to union employees.

      Our schools are run by unions. Don’t want transexuals teaching your children? Well, thanks to the unions, your opinion doesn’t count.

      Solution: get control of the union from liberal activists, but keep the union.

      When we complain of ZOG, are we not complaining about the unions? Who funds the like of HRC & Obama? Unions do.

      That’s conservative baloney. Obama got most of his funding from corporations and corporate lobbyists- look it up.

      Corporations are often criticized for paying their top management well, but even minor union officials get 6-digit salaries — for doing nothing.

      Are you trying to tell me union officials are on the same level as CEOs? That’s too funny! OK, so some union officials are making too much money- solution: instigate reform but keep the unions.

      Did unions really give us 40 hour work weeks? Lots of people are working a lot more than 40 hr/wk just to make ends meet. To be a successful professional often requires 60/hr weeks. With commute times considered, most people are working 11 or 12-hour days. And, only in the past 20 years have women been forced to work; before a married woman’s income was just frosting on the cake. Considered on a household basis, we have never worked so hard for so little in our nation’s history.

      Yes, the unions gave us 40 hour work weeks where a company is unionized and overtime when you work over 40 hours. It wasn’t the union’s fault that women went into the workforce or that professional people have to sometimes work 60 hour work weeks. Maybe the “professional people” should unionize so they won’t have to work 60 hour weeks, eh?

      And, many people work in uncomfortable work environments. Service industry workers often must stand for 7 or 8 hours a day, office cubicles are often cramped and allow no privacy whatsoever, often workers don’t even have their own space, table or desk to use, but rather have to share with many others in an over-crowded situation. Increasingly, employers are cutting air-conditioning, air quality and heat. Dress codes are imposed in a pathetic attempt to establish cohesion among diverse people who don’t and will never have anything in common with each other.

      None of that is the fault of unions, but all of that can be corrected by organizing workers to press employers for better working conditions and pay. Ideally this would be done only amongst White workers. Unfortunately Communists use these employer abuses to recruit people to their banner. This is why we as White racists have to make sure White workers are treated with fairness and treated well.

      Worse, some companies are eliminating all full-time workers; to survive the employee must work two jobs. The company gets out of having to pay their health insurance as would be required under Obamacare, and also they don’t risk any time and a half, should they ask a worker to stay longer on a particular day.

      None of that is a problem created by unions.

      The government should therefore cut tax and regulation, and let people work independently. Free markets should be applied to healthcare and housing. If Section 8 didn’t act as a price support, people would be paying much less in rent. If the government didn’t force through mortgages for the unqualified, the price of homes would not have exploded in recent years. Why should people who take care of themselves be forced to pay approximately $1500/year or more towards health insurance when they could get much better rates if drug addicts, homosexuals & AIDS victims could legally be excluded?

      Sounds exactly like I’m listening to Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh…

      In short, we need to go back to the future. We were able to grow in the early years of our nation, and we had great freedom and opportunities, only because the government and the unions hadn’t developed a stranglehold yet.

      Actually we were able to grow in the early years of this nation because we were expanding with plenty of land and natural resources available, and there was plenty of work available for anyone who wanted to work. But don’t forget that many, many, abuses of workers happened during those “golden” times everyone thinks as the early years of the USA. How quick we forget the thousands of children killed working in mines and factories, or how about the European indentured servants who were at the complete mercy of their employers (owners)? Don’t kid yourselves, the era before unions sucked for the White working man and woman.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      “In short, we need to go back to the future. We were able to grow in the early years of our nation, and we had great freedom and opportunities, only because the government and the unions hadn’t developed a stranglehold yet.”

      Oh yes, the good old days, when ten year-old White kids were working in coal mines and factories for 16 hours a day, 5 1/2 days a week for pennies an hour. No workmen’s comp, no health insurance, no workplace safety regulations, no child labor laws, no nuthin’ but grimy factory towns, workers’ slums, black lung, consumption, rampant alchoholism and off-duty cops hired by the factory owners as goons to bust open the skulls of labor organizers. And of course the infamous Company Store.

      I have always marvelled at the incredibly self-defeating stupidity of the Capitalists. They bitch about labor unions and Marxist agitators. Well if you treated your White workers as human beings entitled to a living wage instead of machines or beasts of burden, there never would have been a need for Samuel Gompers or Karl Marx, right?

      Having said all that, I agree with Mary O about the injustice of government employees being represented by unions when people in the private sector no longer are. Working for the Taxpayer should be considered a privilege, not an entitlement. They get thirty days’ paid vacation a year, plus every single state and federal holiday off with pay, tons of benefits, a huge pension, etc. How the hell did they manage all of that without our noticing?

    14. Tina Carter Says:

      This is one of the subjects where member of our race will have two contradictory opinions.

      Capitalism by itself is a harmful, because it doesn’t recognize the nature’s limitation. For example John Adams philosophy was that every company should make more money then it did in the past – that’s all well and fine expect our resource are finite – meaning more we use faster we deplete.

      In 1977 Dr. M King Hubert said that America’s oil production was reaching peaking, and after that it would enter into permanent decline. People made fun of him, but he was right, something is happening to oil production on a global scale. It’s just a matter of time, that is why Jews, and Circumcise media are hell bent on destroying every nation that can wipe them our from near-eat/middle-east.

      What we need is political and economic systems that recognize the limitation impose by nature, and at the same time help our race to survive in upcoming dystopian world.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Tina Carter Says:

      8 September, 2010 at 12:04 pm

      Airline folks with over 30 years learned too late in life their country was sold along with many others.

      Vdare.com ran storie’s White training dot heads and then blowing their own brains out when they lost their jobs.

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      sold out

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      Having said all that, I agree with Mary O about the injustice of government employees being represented by unions when people in the private sector no longer are. Working for the Taxpayer should be considered a privilege, not an entitlement. They get thirty days’ paid vacation a year, plus every single state and federal holiday off with pay, tons of benefits, a huge pension, etc. How the hell did they manage all of that without our noticing?


      Once upon a time I worked civilian government job for six months.

      The people I worked with were almost all like spoiled children and arrogant about their feelings of being owed etc. Most disgusting was how wrong doing was covered up, and if it was big just transfer them and give them a demotion for a while.

    18. Jim Says:

      The sooner that this rotten system collapses, the better off we will be. The solution to the plight of the workingman lies neither on the left or right but in an economic system that benefits the entire Aryan Race. In a Folkish Communty, there is no conflict between Labor and Management, but a working together for the good of the entire Racial Communty. The only time in history that such a society existed was the brief period between 1933 and 1945 in Germany. The Jewish Money Power has no tolerance for balanced relations between the classes any more than it does the races, so naturally the German experiment had to be destroyed.

    19. Jim Says:

      In a globalized world, the struggle against the Jewish Money Power MUST be a global sruggle. White Nationalist should support ALL struggles for National Liberation whether by White or non-White Nations. After the Revolution, we can settle our scores with the mud races; until then, its DOWN WITH THE JEWISH CAPITALIST MONEY SYSTEM.

    20. Nom de Guerre Says:

      What we need is political and economic systems that recognize the limitation impose by nature, and at the same time help our race to survive in upcoming dystopian world.

      Dystopia: An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives
      Don’t get any worse than that, or does it?

    21. Nom de Guerre Says:

      We’re living off the largesse of past generations, were not even a service economy any more “fix and repair daily” is now “consume and destroy daily”
      it is cancer carried to the nth degree, only kept alive by massive dosages of jew quack propaganda.

    22. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “Pile the junk high, fill the shelves with shit.
      Iam the nigger, I’ll kick the kikes head in
      and drag the shit out of there”

      “Asphalt the whole fukkin planet,strip malls coast to coast”
      ” I’m the Deepwater Horizon, I’ll pull the plug on Zogs inflatable
      masturbating dollie”

      Let the fukkin mud herds mill around the car washes
      shit and piss all over , boom, boom down the steets
      I’m death I’ll kill um one and all
      Drag um down the streets

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Like NdG says, we are not even a god damn service-oriented economy anymore. Any jobs that can be shipped off to slave-labor countries have been shipped off. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, then the Capitalist/Globalist scum import Muds into our country to drive down the cost of domestic labor on jobs that can’t be exported, like nursing and construction.

      After the Revolution there will have to be lots of killing. And it will be a job that won’t require any cheap imported labor, either.

    24. ajiarcher Says:

      When big money demonizes unions, and manages to grab a larger share of the pie every year, you have to wonder who’s kidding who.
      Are not the rich getting richer by exploiting workers in all the countries that produce, we out source to china and india, the germans anf japanese outsource to us, capital goes where labor is cheapest to maximize profits for the managers and stockholders, the workers who actually make it all happen are getting a smaller slice of the pie every year.
      What ever happened to the wage price spiral bullshit, prices keep going up while real wages go down or stagnate.
      All I’m really sure of though is that unfettered capitalism has destroyed us.
      Keep in mind that free enterprise and capitalism are not the same thing.

    25. Sean Gruber Says:

      Every single major theorist of the “free market” of “laissez-faire capitalism” in the 20th century was a jew.

      A jew.

      Ludwig von Mises – JEW
      Hayek – JEW
      Alissa Rosenbaum (“Ayn Rand”) – JEW
      Murray Rothbard – JEW
      Milton Friedman – JEW

      Does this register with any WNs at all?

      Here is E. Michael Jones on usury and the kike locusts’ eating out country after country with their “capitalism” (note the interesting and instructive graphic as well)