9 August, 2010

How the Jews are Exterminating the White Race

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Max Hadden, Nazis, neo-nazis/nationalists, Socrates at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

by Max Hadden.

“In the past, I’ve explained why the Jews are the enemy, some of the tools they are using to destroy us, the names of many responsible, and their primary mental weapon: demoralization (see “These Are Not The Jews You’re Looking For”). The Jews and their brainwashed followers in the mass media of news and entertainment and in our educational institutions criticize White people relentlessly demoralizing generations of White children and making them harmless servants and obedient victims. The false ideology of Marxism is pervasive and damaging, but the problem is far worse than “conservatives” admit when they claim the problem is “liberalism”. When a race cannot reproduce themselves they are dying and will become extinct. The following thoughts might sound repetitive, but it is imperative that we understand how the Jews are exterminating the White race.”

[VNN Forum].

  • 33 Responses to “How the Jews are Exterminating the White Race”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Jews know all our weaknesses and how to exploit them. They know that we can be tricked into feeling guilty for things we should be proud of. We can also be tricked into having compassion for lazy, stupid non-Whites, treacherous Jews, and other untermenschen who actually deserve death, not compassion. They regard our generous and tolerant nature not as things to be admired but as foolish defects to be taken advantage of.

      They know how gullible we are, too, how willing we are to believe their crazy stories about Jewish messiahs who walk on water and gas chambers for 13 year old Jewish girls hiding in attics. They know we will allow them to take control of our banks, our rulers and our entertainments without a peep of protest. They know they can get away with just about anything they want to with us. And they know that we will not expect so much as a “thank you” for our generosity and tolerance towards them.

      The Jews know us better than we know ourselves. They make it their business to know their enemies.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Pick up the paper, look in the obituaries. 9 out of 10 or better are the last whites that preceded the death pill, the last whites that preceded the suicidal war against the German Reich, the last Whites that were born at home instead of a hospital, the last white males that weren’t ritually mutilated by circumcision. You know where the white man is now, well in the same position as that first child born in the Virginia Colony , Virginia Dare of the lost colony of Roanoke, scrambling to gain a toehold in the new world. Lost for eternity maybe. Croatoan the last message scrawled in the tree trunk, its graffitied now all over the place

    3. William Says:

      The Jews can NOT win as long as America is armed. However, Jews Schumer, Lautenburg, Boxer, Feinstein and Bloomburg continually beat the drums to disarm Americans. All attempts at restricting American’s gun ownership rights come from Jews. The Jews KNOW that they can not subjugate America as long as the population is armed. The Whites were able to resist the Bolsheviks because they had guns. However, once the Bolsheviks succeeded in disarming the Russian population, they were free to kill and kill and kill, with the gutters in the basement of Lubyanka prison in Moscow overflowing with the blood of gentile Orthodox Christians. Arm UP, and do not surrender your weapons. NEVER. Now, THAT is why Madison, the father of the 2nd Amendment, insisted on the amendment. Not for hunting, but to resist unlawful and evil government.

    4. old dutch Says:

      Fearless leader Max Hayden has spoken. LOL.

    5. Luke Says:

      Old Dutch must have blisters on his ankles, since his hands seem to spend so much of their time tightly gripping them.

      William is on the mark, about this lust to disarm White men in America. I would put a huge sum of money on the certainty that all these anti-white, hate consumed, demonic jews are walking around with a severe set of blue balls – all that power that they were able to steal with such EASE from the panty wearing WASPS, who shit their pants and scurried away without even putting up a fight. But, all those millions of white men at the grass roots level who are armed to the teeth – and who are waking up, more and more, each day – to who their #1 enemy is – man, that has to be making those jew balls ache real bad. They’re itching to start rounding us up and slaughtering us in mass, the way their ancestors did in Russia – but those gun and ammo sales numbers just keep slapping them in their faces and knocking huge wads of smelly jew snot out of those massively hooked noses.

      Hey, maybe if we keep buying guns and ammo, and those jew blue balls keep aching long enough – maybe their balls will eventually explode and send their evil, hate filled asses to Hell, to be reunited with their Daddy in the Red Suit?

    6. old dutch Says:

      Sub-Leader Luke has spoken. LOL.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Just watch the Jerry Springer Show or that other Jew Maury Povich. Their shows illustrate the kind of society the Jews want us to live in, a society where fat, functionally illiterate White girls fight each other for the affections of a recently-paroled Black Romeo with a gold toof, baggy pants down to his crotch and a pair of pantyhose on his head.

      The Jews have never really tried to hide their plans for us, it’s just that most Whites mistake their plans for cheap entertainment.

    8. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The Jews have never really tried to hide their plans for us, it’s just that most Whites mistake their plans for cheap entertainment.

      That”s riight but before they got sprung from the ghetto, by the coup d’etat in 1789 France, noboby, not nobody wasn’t jew wise
      Then along followed Christinsanitys abortion Liberalism, and freakwal rights blah blah blah, and the nigger savages and injun savages were transformed into the noble red man and po’ uncle Toms urinating to be free. The big highlight of hymies trek from scumbag rag merchant to entertainer and media moghul has gotten to his head, now the chutzpah jew takes over, pushin’ fuckin retard nigger over on us as president, surrounded by jew commies. And the biggest laugh is the Naacp charging Tea party kwanservatives with making racist remarks about Obongo, Referring to him as Adolf Hitler!

    9. Virgil Says:

      The wrath of the white man must be awakened!

    10. Emily Says:

      Advantage we have over Jews is we’re not one of them. Ultimate checkmate.

    11. Jim Says:

      The jews want to destroy the White Race because our Race posseses qualities that the jews neither comprehend or embody. Heroism, Honor, Justice, Truthfullness, Compassion, etc are totally alien to this demonic anti-race. Nature has decreed that the Aryan and the jew shall do battle until either the Aryan is defeated and the world descends into eternal night, or the Aryan triumphs over the negative power of the jew and a new Golden Age dawns. In 1945, the Dark Forces prevailed and Aryan Man suffered a crushing defeat. We must insure that in the comiing Final Conflict, the Forces of Light (Aryan) will prevail. RAHOWA!!!!!!!!!

    12. Truthteller Says:

      Everything on the ‘one eyed jew’ is propaganda. Our people sit their like selective morons watching American Idol. Big Jew keeps pumping the propaganda into the minds of the mindless who watch. “What is the propaganda you ask?” …. It is ALL propaganda, served up for you’re destruction !

      Free your mind from this assault against you’re senses, smash your TV up now, tonite !!

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Truthteller Says:

      10 August, 2010 at 12:00 am

      Everything on the ‘one eyed jew’ is propaganda. Our people sit their like selective morons watching American Idol. Big Jew keeps pumping the propaganda into the minds of the mindless who watch. “What is the propaganda you ask?” …. It is ALL propaganda, served up for you’re destruction !

      Free your mind from this assault against you’re senses, smash your TV up now, tonite !!


      Motor homes costing from 50,000 to three million in RV parks across the Western US all have SAT Dishe’s and at night the TV glow in the rows of them.

      for thirty years now older whites have shut them selves off and Watch the TV in Motor homes.

    14. th Says:

      The Klan was telling people of the evils to come more than a hundred years ago, but no one listened. The jew recognized the power of the Klan early on and spent countless amounts of resources to discredit the truths about the Klan. The Klan was just a group of nigger and catholic hating rednecks, but the truth was the Klan was on the jews ass before anyone. The media was to become the jews most powerful weapon. For those of us that were raised in the Klan circle know the truths. The media has made heroes of people that faced the honorable organization, while villifying the honorable men that served it. The Klan was such a threat to the jews plans that laws were made, basically outlawing the organization and their beliefs. Presidents sent marshalls to eradicate and threaten. As a kid I remember Klan men and women that were honorable, intelligent, hard working and packed full of pride. Believe me watching a cross lighting ceremony is way more thrilling than watching any movie or nigger infested sporting event. Nothing scares a jew more than organized aryan men, so for those jews that are paying any attention,we are coming you filthy hooked nose lying pieces of shit.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Heroism, Honor, Justice, Truthfullness, Compassion, etc are totally alien to this demonic anti-race.”

      Honestly, has anyone ever heard of a Jew who was an excellent horseman, a great painter, a courageous warrior or an intrepid explorer? A Jew who was fearless, selfless and heroic? A Jew who took pity on his enemies, or one who was not vindictive, spiteful and devious?

      Well? You’d think there would have to be at least one, wouldn’t you? I mean, what with the law of averages and everything. But I never heard of a single such Jew. Not in the entire history of that race.

    16. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Honestly, has anyone ever heard of a Jew who was an excellent horseman?

      Right even jeboo had to come into town on a jackass.
      yeah, but jew have humility, what else could you have if you were a slime mold? They can’t help it, thats what keeps um comin back for more of the same time and time again…
      When the conditions are ripe the jew will appear, just like the old theory of throwing rags and shit into a box, and presto ratz appear.

    17. Nom de Guerre Says:

      There is some truth in the theory that life appears from nowhere, from nothing but the conditions… Look at the Messicans, shit breeds them…I see them all god damn day, out in the sun building, building, building brickwalls, all around olde gringo frame house, Men women, nino, ninas in the broiling sun . What are they building but a funerary mortuary for gringo. Thats the same day thing they did when the Aztecs took Tenochtitlan, they razed the whole thing.

    18. Nom de Guerre Says:

      for thirty years now older whites have shut them selves off and Watch the TV in Motor homes. says Howdy Doody

      A couple from Oklahoma, retired GM workers just got fried, in New Mexico in their traveler trailer,, The golden years,never met a person they didn’t like, you know the litany. MAKE THE WORLD GO AWAY, GET IT OFF OF MY SHOULDERS.

    19. The Red Skull Says:

      The White Race is in so much trouble because we(the unwashed masses) don’t know that we’re even at war.How can you fight back when the vast majority doesn’t know this basic fact?They don’t know and are intentionally kept in the dark like mushrooms and fed mass media bullshit.This is one of their greatest weapons against us,beside media control.

      Those of us who DO KNOW we’re at war AND WHO the enemy is,are called “Nazis’,Racists.Klansmen,Bigots” etc. are are forever pilloried in the jew press as worse than a murderer somehow.This is a huge problem.I am open to ideas on how we combat this.

      The Jews plans for our physical extinction march on,and @Jim above:That was the best summary of the Aryan/Jew War in a paragraph i’ve ever read-KUDOs on that.Also @ th,above,that was an exellent comment on the Klan,and how they were ahead of even the Nazis on the Jewish Problem.I think the march of over 250,000 Klansmen in DC in ’25 or 26′ scared the jews.They realized the Goyim were waking up.

      The Klan had over 6 million members at their height.Then the Stephen Douglas affair happened in Indiana where he raped and chewed on that that unfortunate woman.I have wondered if he was a ZOG plant of some sort,meant to discredit the Klan,because after that tragedy,the air went out of the Klan like a hot balloon.That crime completely smeared the Klan and went against everything the Klan was standing for.Thats why it was such a blow to their image.Then that guy rolled on everyone who wouldn’t cover for him.The events were covered in a movie called Cross of Fire,which is a good movie from a few years back,but remember who made it.

      So we are the white blood cells of The White Race.Though we are few,we are strong and dedicated.Most of us have been racially aware most or all of our lives.If not,we made up for lost time with serious study,and practical hard racial lessons in life.All of us have something to contribute to the struggle for our People,even “Old Dutch”who even if he can’t write and mostly annoys other posters,can still soak up a bullet or 2 for the Cause.Point is we have to reach those we can with what we know(if they are willing to listen),and be ready to be a Vanguard when we are needed,Much like the Wehrmacht after WWI.When reduced by the JEW treaty of Versailles,to 100,000 men.

      What we also need to acquire is a hard-core tribal “identity” similar-i hate to say it–to our enemies the Jews.

      They have been more united and kept their tribal identity.Aryans have had their tribal identity purposely erased.Nazis,Klansmen,Aryan Nations and others are the core around which others will form.Either we’re tribal and strong on our identity,or we will buy the multicultural LIE and fade into oblivion.

      All that will be left will be a mud planet ruled by a greedy cabal of chosenites,who force the coffee-colored masses to meet their every whim,and toil all their miserable lives so their masters may live in “comfort and security”.Its as Jim put so well above.It either a New Aryan Golden Age(N.A.G.A!) —or eternal darkness of EXTINCTION forever.Which will we choose?

    20. The Red Skull Says:

      Ps:That was an Exellent Article Max!

    21. Susan Says:

      You guys are right about a lot of rural White men waking up to what’s going on right now. They ARE arming themselves, and we ALL must do the same.

      There’s a group called the Appleseed Project that is dedicated to training everyone (of course, they HAVE to say everyone or else it would be discriminatory–haha) in how to handle and shoot guns and rifles. Check out their website. Almost everyone who shows up is White. Good!!!

      The New York Times magazine that comes in the Sunday NYTimes paper did a smear piece on them a week ago. Of course the jew who wrote the piece had to make them look like a bunch of kooks.

      Don’t worry, I don’t buy the NYTimes–I get it free and just read it to keep up with what the fucking kikes have to say about us. I’ve never read such a jewed piece of shit as the NYT. No wonder they are in bankruptcy. Who outside of NYC jews would be interested in that garbage?

      I truly believe that if there were any legislation to disarm White America, that White people would finally wake up and grab their guns and take to the streets.

      Freedom of speech and the Second Amendment are two of the freedoms I consider to be worth dying for.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      To hell with the NY Times and all those other arrogant establishment Jewspapers. They were never interested in giving the public the truth, only in trying to impress each other. RW Apple trying to impress EJ Dionne with his rhetorical skills, Tom Friedman trying to outdo Bob Woodward, Frank Rich with his clever Jew smugness and so on. Screw ’em all.

      “Freedom of speech and the Second Amendment are two of the freedoms I consider to be worth dying for.”

      You’re no good to us dead, Miss Susan. Stay in the game and keep fighting!

    23. Sgt. Skull Says:

      The points in Max’s essay are still lost on most in the race realist crowd and a few white nationalists. They fail to understand that the Jewish/Marxist/non-white/white liberal left hates us all and don’t distinguish between the tattooed, violent skinhead and the coiffed and manicured, law abiding race realists who dress up in nice suits, drone on endlessly about interracial crime stats and steer clear of offending Jews.

      Even something as innocent and well meaning as advocating equal rights for white people will get one branded as a Nazi and hatemonger by the anti-white left. Whites are just expected to shut the fuck up and go quietly into the good night. Make no mistake this is a war of annihilation against us led by Jews so I will not condemn any well meaning white person who calls for the genocide of Jews and other races who menace us. It’s either us or them.

      The “people pleasers” in the words of Alex Linder have all been marginalized or gone down in flames and will never receive their much coveted ticket to mainstream acceptance. Therefore, there is no further reason to parse words or pull punches when it comes to naming the Jew since being nice guys gets us absolutely nowhere.

      I fail to see how we can ever turn the tide by ignoring the primary root causes behind our plight which are Jewish activism, Jewish media control and Jewish political power.

    24. Wilton Says:

      Jews are not exterminating the White race, but they are giving the White race some very good suggestions, and they are gullible enought to believe them. This is similar which the first response in this thread said.

      Rural White men in this country WORSHIP the US military, Martin Luther King Jr, and the Jews, a huge majority of them do atleast. So I would never expect much from them, they could even be a potential enemy.

    25. Howdy Doody Says:

      jooed b.s. media ?

      810 AM KGO 50,000 watts. I don’t listen to it but at most once a month driving at night for a few minutes, and always the same drivel.

    26. Klassikality Says:

      Great post Sgt. Skull. It can’t be stressed enough that no matter how intelligent, well spoken, charming, well dressed, polite, etc. a person might be, once the opposition figures out that you’re pro-White, that’s it. Doesn’t matter how articulate and logical your argument is, you are now lumped in with the lowest, most moronic stereotypical “White trash” hater, unshaven, sweaty, yelling racial slurs on a street corner, straight out of Hollywood central casting.

      Look at pathetic Jared Taylor, we all know he has gone out of his way to not name the jew, and tries to run a “respectable” right wing type org. But he gets classified as an evil Nazi type, in there with those idiotic Third Reich era costume wearing clowns that put on pointless public events.

      Hell, didn’t con-servative jew tool William F. Buckley get called a “fascist” on a tv show, back in the 60s I think?

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      Klass, I think this photo says all that needs to be said about Jared Taylor:


    28. Ein Says:

      William Says:
      “The Jews can NOT win as long as America is armed. …Now, THAT is why Madison, the father of the 2nd Amendment, insisted on the amendment. Not for hunting, but to resist unlawful and evil government.”


      But that was at a time when it was gun against gun, musket against musket.

      It’s different now.

      What do you do against napalm, missles, helicopters, nerve gas, nuclear and biological weapons?

      I don’t mean to argue against you, William. I don’t know the answers, but this is a question that needs to be considered. What are you gong to do with your squirel rifle against a tank?

    29. Frank Toliver Says:

      Today I went to a restaurant which I frequent and there was one of my coworkers there, who I have liked for some time. She is beautiful (because much of my judgement of beauty is genetic now) who others may call plain, but she is a true natural blonde and and has deep indigo eyes, as well as a very nice body.

      I talked to her a bit and then noticed there was another tray there, I thought I should be polite and not try to hit on some guy’s woman while he is in the can, and lo an behold who comes out of the bathroom? Oh, it’s one of the many dothead H1B visa assholes I have to work with. And me single, how nice. (I would like to change both now, but what do you do with a woman who has digested jew poison?)

      Two things are going on here. As stated in the article, these second generation (and many times first generation) brown parasites want white women, and for these dotheads, the ideal of whiteness is not hidden in their culture, the whiter the better, so they will of course pursue our best stock. Their taking of our best technical jobs, along with the hate of white men by white women(especially intelligent white men) women who want to be trendy and have an intelligent and kind husband are choosing chinks and dots, rather than white men who, with the same personalities are seen as weak.

      Second, women have no f*cking clue about the worth of their genetics. Women are not artists because they can’t see beauty, only their emotions. The jew can bend them any which way and they think it’s delightful.

      In the end the only solution is to gain back control and never, ever let another race have any influence over us.

    30. Howdy Doody Says:

      Klassikality Says:

      11 August, 2010 at 5:22 pm

      Great post Sgt. Skull. It can’t be stressed enough that no matter how intelligent, well spoken, charming, well dressed, polite, etc. a person might be, once the opposition figures out that you’re pro-White, that’s it. Doesn’t matter how articulate and logical your argument is, you are now lumped in with the lowest, most moronic stereotypical “White trash” hater, unshaven, sweaty, yelling racial slurs on a street corner, straight out of Hollywood central casting.


      Frank Toliver Says:

      18 August, 2010 at 6:22 pm

      Today I went to a restaurant which I frequent and there was one of my coworkers there, who I have liked for some time. She is beautiful (because much of my judgement of beauty is genetic now) who others may call plain, but she is a true natural blonde and and has deep indigo eyes, as well as a very nice body.

      Excellent posts gentlemen and worthy of pondering by White Lurkers for sure.

      As for 810 AM KGO SF CA. heard from Baja CA. to Finland at night, if I only hear it once every couple of months especially John Rothman itz toooo much for sure.

      If you know of a more hard core anti White Kike mouth on Talk radio, post it.

      When I was driving home last the POS read an email over the air, but first called him a coward for using a proxy rather than his email with a real name. Gee, I gusse that one less name for the NKVD.

      Any way the email read that the idiot screaming for bombing Iran was a good idea, but ony if he would strap himself to the first bomb.

      I was LOL and turned it off after five minutes as I was ready to puke with this neo con.

    31. Tim McGreen Says:

      Frank, I had a similar experience to yours……there was a very sweet and pretty young White woman I liked who worked at this diner I used to go to and then one day, BLAM-O, out of the can comes her short, swarthy Arab boyfriend! And as if that wasn’t bad enuff, then this girl had a twin sister and the twin sister was dating the Arab guy’s twin brother! Ugh!

      In India and China, the wogs and chinx will almost always terminate the pregnancy if it’s going to be a girl. So that means the filthy sow breeders over there are only going to keep spitting out more and more brown and yellow males, ie, subhuman Asiatic vermin who will soon be swarming over here looking for YOUR job and YOUR women, White Man.

    32. Tim McGreen Says:

      White women can be so damn silly. They get foot problems because they wear those tight little high-heel shoes all the time. Then their skin gets all wrinkled and leathery by age 35 because they like to stay out in the sun too long. Then their hair gets brittle and straw-like from all the constant hair-coloring. But worst of all they are easily tricked by the oily charms of swarthy little Arab and Hindoo guys. Have they no sense at all?

      But then on the other side you have the tall, intellectual-type White guys, the academic, engineer and doctor kinds, who are only interested in small yellow Oriental women. Or the handsome White US Army guys who come back fom Iraq with dark, scheming little Arab wives. And then there are all those old White guys with their old man mustaches, old man pants and old man glasses………..

      God, people are so annoying.

    33. the haas Says:

      the jews are beating us many ways by hiring lazy ass holes that never learned a trade and making them cops .taking asshole drunks and letting them run fire houses at big citys .taking drunks and weak minded idiots and making them town workers,having white women work as social workers giving adviceto people when they cant run there own life and are always broke.telling every good looking white girl its cool to be a drug addict or be some jews whore.the remaining white workers are left sucking ass for some low shit jobs like handy man auto mechanic working for idiots decribed above feeling like your worth less because you dont have the goverment job so your considered not a jew team player,well fuck them all whos the real jews sell out and whore.working people at non goverment or jew francise owned places are real heros