17 August, 2010

EEOC Warns Private Businesses Re: Hiring Non-Whites

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Cultural Marxism, democracy, democrazy, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, EEOC, egalitarianism, employment, equality, equalocracy, federal power, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates at 1:08 am | Permanent Link

Years ago, when America was still a White republic, there existed private-property rights, which protected business owners. But today, thanks to Jews like congressman Emanuel Celler, those rights are gone. Now, the federal government tells you who you can hire and fire:

and [Article].

More about the EEOC (scroll down the page about half-way) [Here].

  • 21 Responses to “EEOC Warns Private Businesses Re: Hiring Non-Whites”

    1. -JC Says:

      I must be missing something here because I don’t get that the EEOC has done this:

      “… Furthermore, it’s odd that an agency charged with stopping racism and sexism in hiring has adopted a policy that will help more white males than members of any other group.”

    2. Doug Says:

      And this is how we bring the white nationalist viewpoint to the masses. Government mandates demographic representation, therefore every white person has an absolute interest in minimizing the numbers of “protected groups” in the country. Their child will face harder college admissions, harder job entry and businesses will now be pressured to hire felons… and why? Because of jewish-legislation. We have to show that, because jews view us as mere groups, not as individuals, to defend ourselves we must see them as a group instead of individuals.

      It’s been said before, the right of ownership is the right to exclude entry/use from anyone. If you can’t decide who uses your service/belongings, you don’t own it.

    3. M. Kraus Says:

      Have you served time for burglary? Now that you’re back in society, apply for a good-paying job as a locksmith. Fresh out of the pen after seven years for armed robbery? There’s no reason why you can’t drive an armored-car for Brink’s. Thanks, EEOC!

      No, that won’t happen. Companies with at least average managerial talent will find a way around this marxist crap. Government doesn’t have the resources to “micromanage” every American business. I’ve worked for a company which has rid itself of troublesome “minority” employees, all of whom immediately threatened to play the race card and sue. Nothing happened, because management knew how to deal with these scumbags.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      I agree with you, M. Kraus, the Empire doesn’t have the money or resources to micromanage private employee hiring practices. But with White-hating and freedom-hating bureaucrats like Carol MIASKOFF in charge at the EOEC, who knows what kind of bullshit bureaucratic tyranny they’ll be able to get away with, especially with the uppity Obongo regime still in power?

      PS……Notice how “Asians”, “Latinos” and African-Americans” are all capitalized in the Jewish press? But what about Whites? All we get is a lower case “w”. Apparently our race isn’t good enough to be capitalized. God damn Jews……I mean jews.

    5. torrence Says:

      Ah yes, these vanishing ‘freedoms’ the Great Satan takes for itself. It is suffocating to live in this country anymore. Oh sure, we can buy hair curlers in an number of colors, flavored condmens, and foul our homes with any manner of popular media, but freedom to build the moral and physical macro-environment we choose? No, that is denied us, because that is really what counts. This government is smart – and evil.

      And good point Tim on the capitalization observations; I hadn’t noticed that. Typical Jewish slyness in the subtle molding of the nation’s psyche. Such observations are what we need to share daily with family, friends and workmates! We too can be subtle. We too can influence the psyche in our micro-environment.

      How can any shit respect this country that has been so Jew-encroached upon?
      You know it’s an avalanche of change when it becomes so obvious within the span of half a life-time.

    6. Karen Says:

      Thanks Tim for mentioning the lower case w for Whites. I have been noticing this more and more as time goes on. I read and article today in Occidental Observer that does this very thing. What is going on?

    7. Krystian Says:

      And this is how we bring the white nationalist viewpoint to the masses. – Doug

      There’s a hell of a long way to go before that stage. Let’s not forget that we have, in America, essentially two groups; the Zion- or Mammon-worshiping patriotards and the “liberty-equality-fraternity” commie goobers. This makes me doubt the utility of the masses, to put it mildly.

      The unfriendly truth is that, sooner or later, if our people are to be free it will take violence. Preferably sooner, since each passing year will make the contest more bitter. The masses cannot be trusted to initiate this, most of them will fight such a change. A fanatical group of revolutionaries can accomplish what the masses never can and history proves this – but that would involve a lot of white men giving up the comfortable existence for an asymmetrical war where victory is not certain.

      Until such a day, we can only watch and wait. That is not cynicism, that is the reality of our situation. I hope people consider this, and choose wisely.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      At this stage of the jew instigated war against our civilization we are faced with two opposing trends. Namely with each passing year, as Krystian observes, our total numerical and economic strength diminishes. Conversely the number of awakened Whites continues to grow. The point at which these trend lines cross will be the best time to act. If such a time coincides with some crisis the better it will be for us.
      Such a convergence of events may occur within the next 10 years, who knows, but one thing is certain we must develop flexible and innovative tactics. I haven’t a clue on tactics, but our future leaders will really have to concentrate hard on formulating a global response to zog. You can bet that in the Pentagon right now zog’s minions are planning on how to deal with us. This is not a game or entertainment exercise.

    9. TRON Says:


      Until such a day, we can only watch and wait.

      What? You could produce a video and distribute it over the internet and on DVD.
      No need to abandon your anonymity. There are lots of effective things you can do, no excuse to sit around and wait.


      I haven’t a clue on tactics, but our future leaders will really have to concentrate hard on formulating a global response to zog. You can bet that in the Pentagon right now zog’s minions are planning on how to deal with us.

      JOG. It’s jog, not zog.

    10. abc Says:


    11. Virgil Says:

      The EEOC is unconstitutional and will thus be obliterated!

    12. DMS Says:

      “(criminal checks) could limit the employment opportunities of some protected groups.” is passive-voiced jew-spin for “non-whites are more likely than whites to have criminal records.” The jews who promote multiculturalism know it’s based on lies.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG sounds more evil than JOG. Besides, it’s not only Jews who are occupying the US govt, it’s big-business capitalists and internationalists, most of whom are gentiles. And I’ll wager that there are more gentile zionists than there are Jew zionists, even though zionism only benefits the Jews. The Jews would not be able to commit one-tenth of their crimes without lots of support from gentile accomplices.

    14. Ein Says:

      I also prefer ZOG. JOG, while fairly accurate, to a degree, is too limiting. They’re not all J’s. There are a lot of gentile enablers, collaborators, and accomplices who find it to their profit to play the game.

    15. TRON Says:

      Tim McGreen:

      ZOG sounds more evil than JOG.

      That may be true, but it should at least be accurate.

      Besides, it’s not only Jews who are occupying the US govt, it’s big-business capitalists and internationalists, most of whom are gentiles.

      That’s true, and not every zionist Jew is a threat to western countries, but many antizionist gentiles are big-business capitalists and internationalists, and believe in multiculturalism. I regard antizionist gentiles as far more dangerous, because most of them are happy with the idea that all those poor Jews could live with us in the US or Europe. That’s why many gentile leftists / liberals are antizionists. What a wonderful idea… And antizionist Jews? Well, antizionist Jews are those Jews that want to remain in the US and Europe and continue to live as parasites…

      And I’ll wager that there are more gentile zionists than there are Jew zionists, even though zionism only benefits the Jews.

      You may think I’m crazy, but I think it benefit’s me if all Jews leave my country.

      The Jews would not be able to commit one-tenth of their crimes without lots of support from gentile accomplices.

      The Jews would not be able to commit one-tenth of their crimes if they (all of them) lived in Israel or some other country only for Jews, instead of living among other nations.


      I also prefer ZOG. JOG, while fairly accurate, to a degree, is too limiting.

      You’re implicitly saying that the problem is Israel and her supporters. But the problem is Jews and their supporters. Jews can do far more damage to other countries if they live in these countries. The US government isn’t controlled by Israel, it’s controlled by American Jews. If Israel has any influence over the US government, then it’s via American Jews.

      According to the founder of modern zionism, Theodor Herzl, zionism is the belief and / or political program that Jews should live in their own country. Anything wrong with that idea, from the perspective of a White nationalist? Do you prefer them to live in your own country? History has shown that simply moving them to the next best country that’s stupid enough to take them won’t solve the problem. All you get is another jew-controlled country that could even become dangerous to your own country.
      The problem is not zionism, not the idea, that Jews should have their own country. The problem is, that most Jews, even if they support Israel, do not really believe in zionism. They do not really want to move to Israel. They prefer to stay in the US and other rich countries, where it’s much easier for them to live. They prefer to live as parasites and regard Israel as some kind of last refuge if s.th. goes wrong in their host-nations. With all the known side-effects. They will work hard to make their host-nation safe for Jews, by promoting antiracism, multiculturalism and the fight against antisemitism. Why not take them by their word and show them the way to Israel?

      You say JOG is too limiting. I say ZOG is too limiting. JOG doesn’t include gentiles who help to destroy western nations. But who came up with all these crazy ideologies that undermine western societies? ZOG is too limiting, because it includes only zionist Jews. As if non-zionist Jews were any better. Do you think that Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer and all the other Frankfurt school Jews or Franz Boas, Sigmund Freud etc. were all zionists? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. Not one of them wanted to live in Israel. They wanted western societies that were safe for Jews. Do you think that all those European states that expelled Jews during the last thousand years did so because they had problems with zionists? No, because there were no zionists. Only Jews. Jewish parasites.

      I mean, what do you want, save a few Palestinians, or your own country?

    16. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      HOG- Hebrew Occupational Government

      “They want to HOG everything. . .”

    17. CW-2 Says:

      Good points TRON. We tend to use the term ‘zionist’, somewhat inaccurately, as shorthand for jewish supremacist.

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      Stalin offered to give the Jews their own homeland……In Eastern Siberia, near the Mongolian frontier. That’s probably the only place on Earth where the Jews can be sent without them causing any more trouble.

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      shabbos s shabazz Says:

      19 August, 2010 at 3:28 pm

      HOG- Hebrew Occupational Government

      “They want to HOG everything. . .”

      3 0

      uh, ha, I like it !

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      What has “abc” done to deserve all those plaudits? All he wrote was “test”. I don’t friggin’ get it.

    21. th Says:

      The JewSA’s version of liberty for it’s citizenry is at the end of a gun, rope or prison. Compliance is mandatory. No wonder everyone hates americans, glad I quit being one.