8 June, 2010


Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewed culture, media, media control, media heroes, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 10:15 pm | Permanent Link

Oppose Zionism? Tired of Jewish media control? You’ve got a “problem”:


  • 25 Responses to “Problems”

    1. David Baker Says:

      I oppose the concept of Zionism, which is based on Racism. Herzl explained that the Jewish supremacist nature will culminate in the majority population among resenting their superiority. Jews will once again be sent to wander the world in search of another goyim-infested country to conquer. You folks know of course that Einstein did not develop the theory of relativity? That is a Jewish myth invented to convince the gullible goyim that their tribe is simply a misunderstood, but highly intelligent race. Jews are VERY good at pornography, vice (gambling, lurid television and movie fare, drug distribution, booze distribution, etc.) corruption, coercion, blackmail, organized crime, Ponzi schemes, war mongering, media control, dominance in government, the courts, international conclaves to affirm their authority over world events and other manifestations of their Talmudic form of rule. Israel IS JEW! Everything Jews do now in that puss-bucket country they have done to other countries, and they will do the same to O-U-R COUNTRY! It’s only a matter of time.

    2. Jim Says:

      Good comment David. For ONCE I agree with everything you said.

    3. Ein Says:

      Speaking of “Jewish media control”, I’m very surprised that no one here is discussing the Helen Thomas affair.

      She is (I should say was) a person in the “media” who got ouf of “control”, and now she’s as good as dead, politically and professionally.

      Btw, I was appalled and disgusted at all the venom poured out against her in the comments sections of the articles I’ve read. Sheer ranting Jewish hysteria. How dare she criticize Israel!!! The Jews truly go nuts whenever someone says anything critical of Israel — no matter what Israel has done to provoke it. Israel can do NO WRONG.

      They’re not satisfied that she was forced to resign; they want her FIRED. They want her disgraced and persecuted. They want her hounded and to make her SUFFER. They want blood.

      Interestingly too, those raging posters have no logical argument to use against her, none whatever, all they do is criticize her wrinkles and her face. What’s her face got to do with it? Does that pass for legitimate argument? It’s more like Third Grader stuff in a schoolyard.

      And btw, I just learned that she’s going on 90 an another month! I had no idea. Considering the woman’s age, she’s looking damn good for ninety. It’s amazing that she could even get out there and hold a job when others much younger are in nursing homes and in wheelchairs.

      Inevitably, on learning her age, the political commentators are suggesting that maybe the poor old thing was just getting senile and didn’t realize what nonsense she was saying. I note too, that even those columnists who defend her, on freedom of speech grounds, are ALL very careful to FIRST distance themselves from her remarks and make it very clear that they in no way agree with her and they think it’s reprehensible what she said. All must bow to Israel.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Btw, I was appalled and disgusted at all the venom poured out against her in the comments sections of the articles I’ve read. Sheer ranting Jewish hysteria. How dare she criticize Israel!!! The Jews truly go nuts whenever someone says anything critical of Israel — no matter what Israel has done to provoke it. Israel can do NO WRONG.


      After that crime of Mass murder and insurance IN NYC, orginary middle aged self Choosen Light of the World types, were screaming for US the make other Nations a glass parking lot.

      Such humanity, such loving tribesman, huh ?

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      After that crime of Mass murder and insurance IN NYC, orginary middle aged self Choosen Light of the World types, were screaming for US the make other Nations a glass parking lot.

      Such humanity, such loving tribesman, huh ?

      0 0


    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      At first glance, I thought the author of that blog was named David Fagan-an Irishman. But then I started reading his nasty, obnoxious little blog and I said to myself, “He can’t be a Mick, he’s got that sarcastic, paranoid, hate-crazed vindictiveness that all Yids seem to posess.” And that’s when I noticed its name was not Fagan, but Fagin.

      Funny how the little Jew Fagin bitches about Helen Thomas being an “anti Semite”, yet he is apparently too stupid to realize that she is Lebonese, a Semitic people. Stupid Jew asshole. And how come Jewboy Fagin doesn’t allow people to post comments, eh? What’s the matter, douche? Maybe you think only Jewish opinions have the right to be seen and heard?

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Oh, sorry. It’s an AOL article. I thought it was a blog. AOL is irrelevant, anyway. But apparently it’s true, only Jewish opinions have the right to be read and heard by the unthinking Goy cattle.

    8. William Says:

      Jews are disliked, or hated, not for WHO they are…..but for WHAT they do. In other words, Jew actions are the source of antisemitism. This is the only possible explanation, as Jews have been run out of so many countries for many centuries. And, that will happen again. Unfortunately, Jews will not be run out of America until America has been reduced to a broken and worthless hulk. Then, the Jews will move on to another victim. Looks like they are setting India up as the next host to feed on.

    9. Antagonistes Says:

      Incoherent posh.

      This guy is a writer? All he is saying is, Why can’t we all just get along with Jews (who, like Rodney King, cause disturbances and then ask, Why can’t we all just get along?)

      I would bet very heavily that he is also gay.

    10. ED! Says:

      Hay David Fagin, the old crow said that the Zionists should get out of Israel, and not that Jews should get out of Israel. There were Jews living in that land before 1945 with no problems, but all that changed when the ZIONISTS arrived in that much disputed land and how! The reverend John Hagee is not a Jew but he is damn sure a Zionist!

      What it is that gets the Jews in trouble every time down through history is that you people will not give up your criminals. If you are going to push your way into our world then expect to pay the price for your actions when you do not play by our rules! If you want to stand behind the Zionists then don’t bitch and moan when you get lumped in with them!


    11. festerbestertester Says:

      If Israel dropped an atomic bomb on any of the Muslim countries millions would die, but if say one Muslim country could drop one bomb on Israel ?

    12. Jon Says:

      The Middle East was relatively peaceful, from what I understand, prior to the arrival of the Judeo-Bolshevik, Zionist interlopers, usurpers, and thieves par excellence.

      Helen Thomas was AND is 100% correct by her comments!

      Those rapid, maniacal, cut-throat, beligerent Zionists are the ROOT of 99.99% of the problems in that area from since before that illegal state was formed in 1948 on-up to this very day.

      We hear ad nauseam about “fighting terrorism.” Well, let’s get to the the root of the problem and rid it once and for all time:


      How many f*cking more years is this going to continue???


    13. Jon Says:

      “Herzl explained that the Jewish supremacist nature will culminate in the majority population among resenting their superiority.”

      The only things Jews are ‘superior’ in are bullshitting, i.e. good talkers thanks to thousands of years of being middlemen, wheeling and dealing, which requires good verbal skills to be successful (coupled with their Talmudic dishonesty), thievery, LYING, and networking amongst themselves which puts them in a very favorable (and unfair) position in whatever host nation they reside in, and of course, as history has shown, the plundering and wrecking of said host nations.

      The real “superiority” as far as I’m concerned, and history supports, comes from the “spark of the Aryan skull” whose inventions, engineering, sciences, and countless other marvels and accomplishments dwarf anything contributed by the world’s most ‘liked’ tribe.


    14. francesca Says:

      Gotta love the kosher Konservatives for bashing on Thomas for being almost as ugly as an ashkenazi jew! She looks almost as trollish at 90 as Ayn Rand did at 40.
      But seriously, what a brave woman to stand upfor right despite the consequences. May she live an even longer life.

    15. Henry Says:

      Sure, she’s got wrinkles. What else do they expect to see on a person of 90? That’s what time does to us. It leaves lines in our faces. The amazing thing for someone of that age is that she looks so good and that she’s still active. How many other people are still holding a job at 90? Her critics should hope to look half as good if they ever reach her age. Plenty of people who are 20 or 30 years younger are in wheelchairs, living on perscriptions, getting dialysis, emptying bladder bags, and under nurses’ care. Her critics who can only bash her for some wrinkles show just how mean and evil they are, that they would stoop so low as to criticize the face of a 90-year old. That’s vicious! And they reveal their lack of any other argument, if that’s all they can come up with.

    16. David Baker Says:

      Jon, I was paraphrasing Herzl with that statement. (…superiority)Herzl, like most Talmudic Jews, thought he was vastly more intelligent than gentiles. Eventually, those gentiles would resent that intelligence. What I resent are “Hate Crime Laws”, Holocaust dogma, and having my tongue tied when I want to candidly discuss my viewpoint on these matters. Very few people are aware of Jewish history with respect to their ouster from so many nations. Fewer still know WHY they were thrown out of said nations. If today’s Jews are behaving similar to their ancestors, the answer to that question is a gentile no-brainer.

    17. David Baker Says:

      Jim, thanks for your praise. I’m sure you’re a decent person, and I hope we can find some common ground to agree on, and advance the anti-censoring movement on the web.

    18. Jon Says:

      David Baker said:

      “Jon, I was paraphrasing Herzl with that statement. (…superiority)Herzl, like most Talmudic Jews, thought he was vastly more intelligent than gentiles. Eventually, those gentiles would resent that intelligence.”

      Jewish chauvinism has NO equal. Thanks for clarifying.

      “What I resent are “Hate Crime Laws”, Holocaust dogma, and having my tongue tied when I want to candidly discuss my viewpoint on these matters.”

      You and me both as well as a growing number of people! I am sick and more than tired of this Jewish bullying, officiousness and authoritarianism!!

      “Very few people are aware of Jewish history with respect to their ouster from so many nations. Fewer still know WHY they were thrown out of said nations.”

      Why, it was because of all those evil, envious, Gentiles and their ingrained “anti-semitism” and “bigotry”–nothing else. YEAH RIGHT!

      This ignorance of the mAsses regarding Jews and their modus operandi is a great pity. However, there is a growing number of intellectually honest folks who are motivated by the truth and going wherever it leads them–mass media pro-Jewish propaganda and religious dogma be damned–and becoming informed and freed of the shackles of “Jew think.”

      I just wish this wising-up-to-Jews process were amplified a thousand fold!


    19. Karen Says:

      Jews should be disliked for who they are as well as their actions. What they do is who they are. They not only want death to all nations but their own as well. This is who they are……..

    20. Jim Says:

      David Baker, we do have common ground to agree on. That is the culpability of the jews in nearly every problem facing the world today. I am a Wlhite Racialist and will NEVER espouse your theory that race is irrelevant. That said, I am sure you are a decent person too. Only misguided in certain ways.

    21. David Baker Says:

      Who said Israel’s Mossad/IDF is ineffective? They ARE effective in their role as a Mafia-type spy/blackmail operation. “By DECEPTION….” their motto reads, and they do in fact deceive goyim. Though they have proven to be less than successful in direct combat operations, they more than make up for that weakness in subversion, false flag operations and information gathering (Information, that is, about the indiscretions of major political figures, and others who oppose their nation’s influence.)

      The American military is used as a chip on Israel’s narrow shoulders. Jewish humor in their media described this symbiosis in the movie “My Bodyguard”. A smartass little Jewish boy is protected by a goonish, intimidating bully. That boy is Israel, and the ‘goon’ is our military. Media themes often reflect Jewish behavior. Watch a “Star Trek” episode, and you’ll notice how our noses are being rubbed in Jewish ideologies: Superior intelligence, atheism, racial miscegenation (Not Jewish racial miscegenation, of course..), deception and mind control, international governments, etc. From the standpoint of effectiveness, you can’t count out Mossad and the IDF.

    22. David Baker Says:

      Karen, I agree wholeheartedly with your post. Jews who are guided by Talmudic principles are not likable people. They believe they are masters of non-Jewish people, and they can engage in all sorts of criminal and anti-social behavior against ‘Goyim’ without repercussions. If you would like to read a valid example of this behavior, Google “Operation Blue Orchid”. In that shocking investigation, law-enforcement agencies around the world uncovered a ring of child pornographers, who would take children as young as 3 years old from orphanages in Russia and videotape their ‘actors’ sexually torturing them to death. The videotapes were distributed in the U.S. by a man living in a town near Sacramento, California, where I live. His apartment contained hundreds of these tapes, and it was also discovered that he would order tapes be made with the guarantee that they were authentic “Child Snuff” material, with some tapes containing scenes specified by his customers. (Naturally, the full weight of justice was placed upon the defendant in this case, and he received a sentence of 18 months. In fact, he’s already out of prison!) Bernie Madoff, Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky and a host of other Jewish flim flam artists have caused painful and disasterous economic downturns in the U.S. and other nations. There is no doubt in my mind that the Jewish character around the world is hanging on by six million fingernails…

    23. David Baker Says:

      Here’s a parody I wrote a while back. Sung to “America the Beautiful”

      “Oh Jewtiful for credit cards, with interest through the roof

      And televitz with ass and tits, but if you stare you’re booed

      America! America! Jews shed their crap on you

      Now bow your head, six million dead

      But they don’t have the proof

      Oh Jewtiful for politics controlled from Tel Aviv

      And wars we fought ’cause they’re distraught when gentiles call them thieves

      America! America! We’re fighting for the kikes

      They have no guts, so we’re the putz

      It turns out no one likes

      Oh Jewtiful for bratty kids, who live for MTV

      Where teenage girls get sprayed with shit

      And Jews think that’s funny

      America! America! We’re going down the tubes

      Our morale’s low, the Jews must go

      Or like Russia we’re SCREWED!!!

    24. Mikhail1965 Says:

      Oppose Zionism? Tired of Jewish media control? You’ve got a “problem”

      Love America? Patriot of America? Watching american TV?
      You have definetely got a problem!

    25. gw Says:

      Mikhail, you fraud — What the hell do YOU know about America?

      Get out of here, you phony.