8 June, 2010

N.B. Forrest Letter

Posted by Alex Linder in N.B. Forrest at 10:48 pm | Permanent Link

(Letter sent to Wall Street Journal kike Robert Frank in response to this column):

My, what a triumphant gloat you enjoyed with that one! Yes, such in-yer-goy-face chutzpah is a fool-proof indicator of the sense of power & security felt by you jews at any given moment in history.

But of course, the real reason hideously fugly dyke Kagan is about to join the other two hideously fugly jew fartbags on the Supreme Court has nothing to do with “the primacy of education and skills over family connections”, but rather the primacy of the same sort of ethnic nepotism your kind so loudly deplores when it’s practiced by the WASPS: the bitch would’ve never even been considered if she wasn’t backed by all the other oily jews infesting law schools & the judenpresse (like, um, you), and Obongo’s need to placate the Tribesmen irate at the tiny mouse-squeaks he’s made against Israel’s perpetual hosing of the Pals.

Ya know, it’s not that I really give a damn about the liberal WASP yanks being deposed by their own universalist bullshit; those descendants of the Puritans & the war-starting abolitionist scum can burn in hell for all I care. No, the real pebble in my shoe is that lower-class whites like me – who still make up the majority, but who’ve never had our turn at the wheel – are now being frozen out by smirking kikes like Kagan & you.

Well, you’d better hope that you yids are really as invincible as you so clearly think you are, ’cause we ain’t no Episcopalians…


  • 24 Responses to “N.B. Forrest Letter”

    1. Heather Blue Says:

      My hat is off to you. Great letter.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:

      General, that is a letter that he/they need to have, as all they ever hear is their own echo of how wondeful they for being the light of the World, NOT.

    3. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Outstanding! Another great read, 2 in 2 days from NBF. Highly energizing, itz.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Like NBF says, the lower classes of Whites in America have never been given any of the special privileges, considerations or opportunities that Jews and to-the-manor-born Whites get (along with a few carefully chosen token coloreds, like Oprah Windbag, Bill Cosby, Clarence Thomas and Vernon Jordan), even though such Whites still comprise the majority of Americans today.

      They are the ones who are expected to enlist, fight and die in the Jews’ never-ending imperialist wars, not Sambo, Shlomo or Pedro. They are the ones who can’t afford a good lawyer so they get sent to prison for 5 years while a rich guy guilty of the same offense gets a few months of house arrest or is found not guilty. They are the ones whose jobs are being shipped off to China, while the parasite journalists, economists and politicans get to keep theirs. They are the ones who are suffering the most in this current Jew-instigated Depression, not the shiftless Blacks or the obscenely wealthy Jews, war profiteers and capitalists. No college scholarships for young White men from modest backgrounds, either. And of course, working class Whites are the last group that it is still safe to make fun of and discriminate against.

      Good letter, General. Those damn Jews and their venomous Talmudic contempt for gentiles, their sense of entitlement, their swinish hypocrisy, their implaccable greed and vindictiveness, their lies and their tricks…All of that will be their undoing.

    5. CW-2 Says:

      Great letter General. I’m stating the obvious here, but we need to tap into the frustration and alienation of the White working class. The middle class are up their own asses, lost in a morass of consumerism, and the upper classes, the Bushes and Kennedys et.al., well they wouldn’t piss on us if we were on fire.

    6. Antagonistes Says:

      Tell it straight, N. B!

      The new White power will be de-hinged from Christianity, and the interrupted Jesus, with his universalism and liberal altruism.

      The secret of the Jews’ Nobel prizes is also their self-promotion, and their exclusion of Europeans.

      Ditto for their books, academy awards, etc.

      Where I live it is a common saying: You let one of them in, he brings in all the rest.

      It is happening to our entire government.

    7. old dutch Says:

      Did you really postal mail your letter to the Wall Street Journal? Did you ask them to publish it?

      I’m sure you know why Orientals have buck teeth & squinty eyes. LOL. ;)

    8. Jon Says:

      “Pride cometh before the fall.”

      Keep taunting us, kike scumbags. One thing we have on our side is history; your tribe has ALWAYS batted 1000% at over-playing your hand, with comeuppance sooner or later, just around the corner.

      Keep gloating, you greasy, uber-arrogant, motherf*ckers.

      We WILL have the last laugh.


      P.S. Very good reply N.B.

    9. Mikhail1965 Says:

      I apologize for off top.
      Just viewed stalinist movie. Color.
      Hitler & Stalin depicted.
      Most admirable,
      Only in Russian, but meaning easy to guess.

    10. Sean Gruber Says:

      The time to end the jews is now.

    11. Ein Says:

      Antagonistes says:

      The secret of the Jews’ Nobel prizes is also their self-promotion, and their exclusion of Europeans.

      Ditto for their books, academy awards, etc. [etc., etc., etc., etc., etc…..]

      Where I live it is a common saying: You let one of them in, he brings in all the rest.

      It is happening to our entire government.

      Do I like it?

      No, I don’t like it. I LOVE IT!

      (Wish I could give it ten stars.)

    12. Jon Says:

      “The secret of the Jews’ Nobel prizes is also their self-promotion, and their exclusion of Europeans.”

      That’s a fact. There are NONE more nepotistic than this overly self-important tribe. This self-promotion also has a very desirable side effect: the appearance of being more intelligent, worthier, etc as well as appearing much bigger and omnipresent than they actually are.

      Don’t get me wrong, there are some smart Jews out there (more times than not, in a negative way) but they are not ‘that’ smart or ‘that’ invaluable. Our people can get along just nicely without them as evidenced by the Renaissance Period which NOT coincidentily coincided with the expulsion of Jews from most of Europe during the 13th to 17th century.


    13. Ian Says:

      The article says how WASPs controlled the Ivy League etc. until the early 1980s. It’s no coincidence that a popularly based American Left suddenly disappeared from the ’80s. They didn’t want to be left wing in any traditional blue collar sense, not after they had moved in to control the Establishment. Notice how the term Protestant-free is used.

    14. Antagonistes Says:

      Thanks for the ringing endorsement, Ein.

      I used to bowl with some Jews, and I rented a house to a Jewish couple. I liked them. The Jewish renters were some of the best I have ever had.

      But one thing I noticed about them all is that they invested heavily, heavily in their children.

      Whites should do that. Why don’t we?

      My wife and I have, and our kids have excelled, far beyond any Jews that I know of.

      I could have, if my parents had invested in me (enter violins and violas, with a few oboes, playing a sad, self-pitying theme).

      As Kevin Strom said in one of his broadcasts, Whites can produce (and should produce, and probably are producing) geniuses AT A RATE OF SEVEN TIMES THAT OF THE JEWS.

      But they are not allowed to be heard. Their art is not shown in galleries. Their writings are published grudgingly. Their science cannot be ignored, but is overcast by the Einstein hype.

      I respect all men, and I certainly do not want to end the Jews or the Negroes. We, especially our women, need a little negativity to keep us in line, to counterract the notion that all men are the same.

    15. Jim Says:

      The jew’s high intelligence is primarily in the verbal area and means that the jew is basically a good bullshitter and has the ability to convince the goy that shit smells like roses. His other high IQ assets lie in the area of negative intelligence, like building the Atomiic Bomb, usury, and all around destructive ideas.

    16. Antagonistes Says:

      Yes, Jim, I agree. I have also noticed that a huge number of blacks have the same ability to bullshit.

      I think it is because they just throw out anything—anything to MAKE THEM LOOK OR SOUND GOOD. They don’t care whether it is true or not. A prime example is that black professor on Bill O’Reilly.

      Now, a white person who talks with regard to truth is going to have some spaces in his dialogue, where he is reflecting. Bullshitters just go non-stop.

      So I don’t know if it is high verbal intelligence or lack of regard for truth. In the case of many Jews, it is probably both.

      (PS–I blew the top of the Miller Analogies Test [which measures abstract reasoning and verbal ability] to get into Psyc. grad school. But I do not talk anywhere near the way some of these characters do. No, they can talk circles around me.)

    17. Ein Says:

      Ian Says:
      “The article says how WASPs controlled the Ivy League etc. until the early 1980s. It’s no coincidence that a popularly based American Left suddenly disappeared from the ’80s. They didn’t want to be left wing in any traditional blue collar sense, not after they had moved in to control the Establishment.”

      It shouldn’t be any surprise to anyone that those who CREATED the Ivy League would be found there. Why would the Jews find that so outrageous?

      They came into another people’s country — which those people had created for themselves — and then were indignant to find that those people were in control! How dare those people control their own institutions! That mustn’t be allowed.

      Jews were anti-establishment … up until they replaced the old structure and BECAME the Establishment.

    18. Ein Says:

      “one thing I noticed about them all is that they invested heavily, heavily in their children. Whites should do that. Why don’t we?

      I could have, if my parents had invested in me … Whites can produce (and should produce) geniuses AT A RATE OF SEVEN TIMES THAT OF THE JEWS. But they are not allowed to be heard.”
      — Antagonistes

      I couldn’t agree more. Yes, they DO invest heavily in their children (and they have just a few, so it’s concentrated). That is the smart thing to do.

      And yes, there are white geniuses out there, but they are unheard and unpromoted. They are working on assembly lines and loading docks, not attending Harvard on scholarships.

      You’ve outdone yourself this time. This one was better than the first.
      I’ll give you 20 clicks!

    19. mick Says:

      I believe Doctor Pierce noted that the Jews always overstep, go too far, with their never ending lust for power and wealth. This time is no different. We are living what would be comparable to the weimar period in germany. Slimy jews will gloat about their over achievments at the cost of the goyim. More jew bad behavior is being exposed through current events and 9/11 truth movements. Just a matter of time before it’s deja vu for the jew. One element missing this time is gullible allied forces coming to their rescue.

    20. Z.O.G. Says:

      It’s a lie that the Ivy League was run by “WASP’s” up until the 1980’s. The Harvard student body was 25% Jewish back in the 1920’s.

    21. Z.O.G. Says:

      Who Controls the Ivy League?


    22. 131488WOLF131488 Says:

      Great pieace, keep em coming!!!


    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      What’s a “pieace”?

    24. Ein Says:

      It’s probably like a bieach

      You know, something like: “I hates dat bieach. She be gittin on my nerves.”

      Or, “I’m goan git me a pieace of dat bieach!”

      Just guessing.