11 June, 2010

Lazarus’ America Loves Haitians

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Emma Lazarus, Haiti, immigration, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, Socrates, Turd-World people at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish poet/activist Emma Lazarus, 1883: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…”

America, 2010: “Give me your third-world losers. I’ll take all that you have…”


  • 16 Responses to “Lazarus’ America Loves Haitians”

    1. th Says:

      German, Estonian, Swedish students now welcome, a headline you will never see. The JewSA is the only land that takes the garbage in instead of out to the curb where it belongs. When something stinks you get rid of it, but the jew finds it wonderful to stick that big bag of stinking breeding shit right in your neighborhood. How much worse can it get?

    2. Klassikality Says:

      There is no value, and certainly no pride, in being an “American” nowadays. The conservatives dont get it, of course. As long as someone comes here “legally” its okay. So, they keep on waving the rag of a flag and crowing about how the USA is number one, (looks more like number two to me) the greatest country in the history of civilization. A sad lot they are, but their blissful ignorance must be warm and comfortable.

      I really think “America” only exists in the minds of White people maybe 60 and older, who can clearly remember when there was a true American nation. No, it wasnt perfect back in, say the 50s, but it was far from the hellhole it is now.

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      Right on the money, you guys.

      I remember hearing much more of the “USA is #1” crap when I was a teenager back in the ’80s- not so much now. It is getting harder and harder for the older generation to sell that line to the people around them.

      Another observation- when you do hear the “USA is the greatest country in the world” BS it is almost always from a patriotard who either hasn’t been out of the country or hasn’t been out of the country in a long time.

      I’ve been to a few countries in Europe where I felt “freer” than I do here, and the living conditions on average were far superior to those found in the US.

    4. festerbestertester Says:

      Oh Diversity, its our strength! It will enrich our country! If so ,why does the media ram it down our throats?

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      About Haitians- I grew up in a southern state with a large population of them… they make American niggers seem civilized. These congoids are much more afreecan than American coons. Their habits are truly disgusting.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      I noticed in the article there was a Touissant L’Overture elemenatary school in “Little Haiti”. L’Overture was Haiti’s first dictator, a guy who helped slaughter tens of thousands of White French colonists, if I’m not mistaken. He was probably a cannibal, too, like most savages. Does Mr. and Mrs. Honky Taxpayer have to support that anti-White, 3rd World Marxist playpen of a school? Why do I even bother asking?

    7. Ein Says:

      th says:
      “The JewSA is the only land that takes the garbage in, instead of out to the curb where it belongs.”

      Perfectly said! Hey, I’ll have to remember that.

      Jewish subversives spreading their poison, like Emma Lazarus and Israel Zingwill (the “melting pot”) were some of the worst, most destructive, enemies America has ever had. The pen truly has been more powerful than the sword.

      Once the flaming, revolutionary, hate-filled Jews from Russia began pouring in, after 1880, Amerca’s fate was sealed. We should have clamped shut the borders right then and deported them all, but we felt sorry for them and took them in. Our fatal mistake! They have paid back our hospitality many times over with their hatred for everything European and their single-minded determination to destroy us.

      The outcome wasn’t immediatedly apparent, except to a few farsighted individuals (who were denounced as “nativists” and “haters”), but the damage was already done — the rot had set in. The nation-wreckers had gotten their foothold in our society. Like a chigger that burrows into your skin, once the parasite is established it’s virtually impossible to get it out. You have to burn it out.

      They worked, and worked, and worked tirelessly to undermine everything the USA stood for — all the time faking a hypocritical stance of haughty moral superiority and assuring us that their reforms were all for our own good. Yeah, sure! Just drink this KoolAid… Trust me, iIt’ll be good for you.

      Some people say Jews don’t work; but in fact they DO work VERY hard at undermining and controlling others. They’re obsessive about it. Their triumph was the outlawing of segregation; the [so-called] Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the overturning of our immigration restrictions in 1965, bringing in all the Third World hordes of non-whites. Along with legalization of abortion and pornography, promotion of feminism and gay rights, affirmative action, the establishment of “hate crimes” legislation, and many other such celebrated “victories”. Those “victories” have all been our defeats. Since then, it’s been all downhill. Now, look at what we have in the White House, and look at the advisors who are all around him steering him. Look at what we’ve got now on the Supreme Court: packed with Jews..

      It takes a great country a long time to die. There’s life in it yet, but America’s death warrant was already written back in the 1880’s when the parasites found their host. From then, it was just a matter of time.

    8. Ein Says:

      fester says: ” Oh Diversity, its our strength! It will enrich our country!
      If so, why does the media ram it down our throats? “


      Yes, exactly!
      If it’s so good for us, why does it have to be force-fed to us?
      Why do they spend so much money promoting it?
      Why do they have so many government programs forcing it on us?

      If someone’s determined to MAKE YOU swallow that funny-looking glass of “medicine”, maybe there’s something wrong with it.

    9. Jim Says:

      All excellent posts. It seems that Negrophelia is the new “religion” of most White countries today. Hell, we may as well get rid of jew christianity and establish the “First Church of The Prolific Nigger” If we are going to let the black bastards outbreed us and disempower us in our own White lands, we may as well make it sacrosanct.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think right now the most popular fad is the Cult of the Homo.

    11. Jim Says:

      Jews love homos almost as much as they love niggers. They especially promote movies that portray White men as effeminate, pussy whipped, faggoty morons and they always portray niggers as being super manly, high testostrone geniuses who always make the White gals wet their panties.

    12. ron Says:

      third-world losers

      That’s harsh dude.
      I prefer the term third-world parasites myself.

    13. Klassikality Says:

      Jim says:
      “Jews love homos almost as much as they love niggers. They especially promote movies that portray White men as effeminate, pussy whipped, faggoty morons and they always portray niggers as being super manly, high testostrone geniuses who always make the White gals wet their panties.”

      And dont forget the newer trend of kike males, actually mostly half kikes, as romantic/heroic leading men who save the day and win the pretty White shiksas heart. Like Adrien Brody, Jake Gyllenhaal, Shia LeBeouf, Seth Rogen, etc.

      Pretty soon there wont be many acting jobs for White men, except to play the evil bad guy or passive pussified loser. All the leading men will be colored or Hebrew. Plenty of work for White females though, as long as they are cool with being saved/conquered by the mudman. Which 99% of White actresses are, as they are willing to do *anything* to make it big.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Pretty soon there wont be many acting jobs for White men, except to play the evil bad guy or passive pussified loser. All the leading men will be colored or Hebrew. Plenty of work for White females though, as long as they are cool with being saved/conquered by the mudman. Which 99% of White actresses are, as they are willing to do *anything* to make it big.”

      Hymiewood will always have plenty of work for White shiksa actresses, as long as they are good-looking and under 35. But you know, I could swear the Jews are always boasting and bragging about how committed they are to equality and fighting discrimination of any and every kind……….Except when it comes to hiring White male actors or middle-aged White actresses. How often do you think the phone rings with movie offers for Meg Ryan or Faye Dunaway these days?

      And you’re totally right-on about those slutty White actresses who are willing to do anything to become famous. Being an actress is really no better than being a prostitute. In fact, I have lots more respect for hookers than I do for actresses. Unlike actresses, hHookers don’t pretend they are anything better or different from what they really are.

    15. Virgil Says:

      Nuke Haiti!

    16. Yahoody Doody Says:

      : “Give me your third-world losers. I’ll take all that you have…”

      Those words shuold be removed from the Statute of Liberty!