2 June, 2010

Gadzooks: Men, Women Still Not Equal

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, equality, equalocracy, feminism, Feminists, law, lawyers and judges, Socrates at 12:06 am | Permanent Link

Maybe if they pass enough laws and mandates…


  • 47 Responses to “Gadzooks: Men, Women Still Not Equal”

    1. Virgil Says:

      Smash feminism! Mother nature rules!

    2. Henry Says:

      Apparently, Mother Nature is not a feminist!

    3. Captain Slappy Says:

      Jesus…..give them the right to vote, and they gripe about being second-rate bench warmers on third string that nobody likes?

      Can you spell THIS “Law of Nature”?
      YOU SUCK. Somehow, women can never come to terms with sucking. Men can always get used to women sucking, and…..yeah, you get it. In fact when it comes to “preference”, 100% of the time, Marriage causes Divorce, and 110% of Men (even fictional men who do not exist) prefer women like her who SHUT THEIR DAMNED GOBS.

      And seriously, did anyone tell these boneheads being the best “lawyer” is like being the best guy at the bait shop? You know…the Master Baiter? I guess not. Then again, can you imagine sucking so bad you come in SECOND place? Shoveling horse crap is at least more honest, and requires morals……

      Bleh. There really isn’t a big enough yellow bus to put these people on and let the wheels on it go ’round and ’round right off the cliff and into Guantanamo Bay……”terrorists” indeed!

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      When people want “mean, nasty and aggressive” lawyers, that doesn’t mean they want male lawyers, it means they want JEW lawyers!

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      This equality thing seems to only work in one direction….I don’t see a lot of traditionally female jobs like nursing or library desk-clerk getting filled by men. If women want to take over traditionally male jobs, then how about diesel engine repair or construction? What’s that? Might break your nails? Might get your hair dirty? B-b-b-but I thought you women were equal to men in every single way! Isn’t that what your Jew feminist professors at Vassar and Sarah Lawrence told you?

    6. Captain Slappy Says:

      I notice the women who say we are all equal….
      never actually do hard physical labor like a Man.
      Irony? Possibly! Equal? I doubt it!

      Good call, Mr. McGreen!

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Cap’n, this is the time of year when there’s a lot of road construction going on. The next time you see a road crew at work, chances are you will see one woman there. But what’s she doing? She’s waving a bright little orange flag with one hand and holding a Diet Coke in the other. Meanwhile, the men are tearing up the old asphalt with jackhammers in the 90 degree heat!

      Equality…pffft! Let’s put those feminist writers, activists and professors to work resurfacing parts of I-95 this summer, the no-good bitches.

    8. Henry Says:

      But when I see advertisements (like from my electric company or Verizon), they nearly ALWAYS show a female hardhat, construction foreman, or lineman.
      (Woops! Scuse me. I mean fore-womyn, line-womyn.)

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      Those utility companies are especially fond of using black or brown wmyn in their ads! What’s next, ads featuring pictures of a trans-gender “native american/bi-racial” lesbian repairing overhead power lines in her wheelchair?

      I once had a chance to work for one of those Jew-run phone companies a few years back, but I was so turned off by the weeklong politically-correct orientation that I just walked out of the place. (Of course, that was back in the days when White men still had a few employment options.)

    10. Captain Slappy Says:

      “(Of course, that was back in the days when White men still had a few employment options.)”

      +75 Interwebs Cookies (not the ones Al Gore created).

      Side Note-
      Yes, I noticed the “likely jobs” that women work in, when it comes to construction, or any labor-type of work. (Oilfield included)
      They are: Secretary, EOE “Foreman”/”Strawboss”/”Supervisor”…and holding signs…..did I mention Roach Coach cooks and drivers?

      I once was stuck in Houston, about 14 years ago working for an unnamed trucking company that sucked (when I was young and trying out truck driving). Whilst there, and waiting, an ice cream truck came in to the yard (remember, this was summer) driven, and staffed, by a white gal in cutoffs and a tit-squeezing, cut-off shirt.

      Every dumb, married bastard within 3 miles rushed the truck to grab overpriced Wal-Mart ice cream, and to stare. (Damned mechanics who should have been working on MY TRUCK)

      I walked over, and just stared at her tits. I didn’t buy anything, I just stood and stared (Yes, she noticed). One of the yard hands said, “Man…she has an awesome body!”. I said (I remember this clear as day), “She ain’t too awful bad, but I can stare the same as you for free, and not buy overpriced ice cream ’cause I can’t get any at home. What kind of fucking moron does that?”.

      Suffice it to say, I got my stupid ass in trouble, and I was told not to come back to that yard. Which was OK, I hated that Houston yard………it worked out fine for ME at least!

      As for her? She was flat-out robbing a ton of morons and rubes, and a man can’t help but appreciate a smart woman, in a group of extremely stupid men. Hahaha!

      Moral of Story:\
      Whores sell ice cream too.

    11. Captain Slappy Says:

      Then again, that doesn’t count the time I got forced (because I have no criminal history) to run a load into Ontario, Canada by way of Champlain (?) in Jew York State.

      I get to the AMERICAN side of the check point, and hand over my paperwork, and there sits a woman in a little ticket-boot thing (this was back in ’96) wearing every damned piece of clothing in the world. (I am Southern, that shit up there is COLD)

      She says, “Do you have any cigarettes”.
      I says, “Yes ma’am, I got a bunch. I smoke.”
      She says, “How many?”.
      I says, “What do you mean “HOW MANY”?
      She says, “You can’t carry more than two cartons in.”
      I said, “Well, minus the one I am smoking out of when I stopped in South Carolina and bought 6 cartons 4 days ago, that would leave me with…exactly 2 cartons”.

      No shit. She never even caught it.

      Then she said, “You have any guns?”.
      I says, “Only the ones my trailer back there is packed full of.”
      She got MADDER than hell, an American! Like I am going to invade Canada and keep the bastard with one trailer full of guns I DO NOT HAVE (she had my paperwork! she was LOOKING at it!).

      She informed me of my shitty attitude, and sent me on my way.

      To the border building, where they pulled me over and searched my truck. Hahahaha!

      In the meantime, I had to take my paperwork in….to the lady running the service desk. On the counter was an electric stapler.
      Right next to it was, “When you get the small slip of paper with the (whatever) number on it, DO NOT staple it and the other waybill together! The paper will get hung up in the stapler!”.

      So she clears me, and gives me the slip of paper, I put it on top of waybill and staple that bastard to the bill, and get the slip hung up in there, and tear it off.

      I so wanted to laugh, she got mad as HELL, and said (I mean, she got mad and walked AWAY!)- “Stupid damned truck drivers, always fucking up EVERYTHING….can’t read, won’t listen….”.

      Me (and the two guys behind me) laughed HARD (when she was gone). As I was going out, she came back, and the next guy did the SAME EXACT SHIT. Hahaha! You could hear her out in the parking lot….

      The GUY at the Canadian ticket-booth was a hoot, he already knew how it went, heard it all before, and in 1 minute had my ass out and gone.


    12. discombobulated Says:

      well it’s because of ‘Kikes Kikes Kikes’ that the second sex has also hijacked the world…

      females actually are more ‘finite,’ more narrow minded, and often psychotic which is why they often spout jibberish at any hour of the day.

      Women only think in terms of ‘here and now’ rather than the future-which is why they are perfect victims of Kikedom being too narrow to realize how they are being used by Kikes as are Niggers.

      I know that Kike-females are completely psychotic, but I wonder if Aryan women are more lucid? hmmm seems a poll is needed?

    13. cr4 Says:

      Equality was never the goal – that was/is just a fudge the feminist women’s movement used.

      The goal of the feminist/women’s movement is of course to make women the dominant sex.

      All this “equality” babble is but a means to achieving that.

    14. Dave Says:

      What’s funny to me is when i hear an ad on the radio for a local job which says you must be able to lift 75 lbs. Well that excludes the majority of women I know. uh oh, somebody call the ACLU !

    15. Jim Says:

      The most insidious plot the jews have ever instigated is the artificial division of White men from White women through jewish feminism. Virtually all of the proponents of this scam have been kikesses. The breakup of the White family, White male emasculation, and the suicidely low White birth rate are the direct result of this evil jew plan that culminated in the 1960’s and ’70’s. The damn kikes couldn’t stand to see the high White birth rates and relatively intact White family structures of the 1940’s and 50’s.

    16. Jim Says:

      The White man first gave away his power to the jews, then to the niggers, then to the jewesses, and finally to the women. It is the duty of all racially awakened White men to make every effort to re-awaken the Sleeping Giant: THE UNCONQUERABLE POWER OF THE RACIALLY CONSCIOUS WHITE MAN.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      Cap’n, whenever I see somebody driving a gut-truck or ice-cream wagon, it’s almost always a fat guy with a stained T-shirt and dirty sweatpants halfway down his crack! They should try putting some chippies behind the wheel to increase business.

    18. festerbestertester Says:

      An ice cream truck? You will find one of those in the Gvt housing projects surrounded by Non- white kids spending Whitey’s tax money. Oh but Whitey cant afford but one child!

    19. Bret Ludwig Says:

      I made the mistake of buying a Volkswagen once on which the woman seller rebuilt the engine herself. It ran fine then but about three weeks later swallowed a valve, the #3, which Volkswagens did a lot of. When I got the cases split I found that every nut and bolt in there was rounded off and there was a loose elastic hair band floating around in there. I took the advice of a friend and simply threw the whole engine, minus the generator, in a dumpster (scrap metal was very low at that point). I bought new cases, a new crank, barrels and heads and started from scratch.

      I sold it five years later and it ran until the owner totaled it five years after that.

      Years later the company I worked for had a diesel generator which was overdue for maintenance. The service company sent out a woman -the same gal I bought the VW from! That wasn’t my job category so I said nothing. Within the year the generator-a very old Cummins that probably had run for forty-plus years- had had a runaway overspeed and blew up spectacularly.

    20. Captain Slappy Says:

      Bret for President, and Tim McGreen for…Overlord of Uranus?
      Joking…..just joking.

      Hahaha! That old Cummins must’ve had….well, that time of the month!
      Sounds like it didn’t need anything….and she decided it was the governor, right?

      As for the VW:
      Good call man, good call.

      Since so many women love to tell a man they don’t know where he has been, then I ain’t touching anything she has worked on, because I don’t what SHE has been into……

      Those bugs were tough…..but not tough enough for a woman to work on.

    21. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Hahaha! That old Cummins must’ve had….well, that time of the month!
      Sounds like it didn’t need anything….and she decided it was the governor, right?

      Howdja know?? Yup, the old Cummins-and I mean OLD, it still had the pre-PT style pump-had a governor failure that put the engine at the Cummins version of full rack, the overvoltage breaker opened, and there she went. It had rods through the side of the block and everything.

      Probably it did have governor issues but she did it no favors. They never did a post mortem they just hauled it to the scrapper-Asner Iron, a Jew run place, the brother of Ed Asner (yeah, Mary Tyler Moore Lou Asner) and Ben Asner who ran the old Capers Corner record store. Robert Fripp played there, Asner used to have explosive shits that made the bathroom uninhabitable. Those really old cumminses are collectible now.

    22. Captain Slappy Says:

      Damn…..I am not sure which story is better-

      Woman Destroys Running Diesel Motor.


      Diesel Motor Woman Destroys Goes to Jew Graveyard.

      In my (and only mine) opinion, the old school diesels (especially some that had the bolt on crank lobes) never need much on maintenance, because unlike NOW, they were made to run forever THEN. Usually just swap oil, fuel filter, listen to valve chatter, refill, let run. Nothing says, “SCREW YOU” like the old Diesels.

      (Except for ones with Jakes. Thank the Good Lord I never got that deep into one)

      (Always wanted one of the originals that ran on peanut oil! How is THAT for freaking valve slap, old-timer! BANG! BANG! Can you IMAGINE if it ate a crank bearing and started knocking!HA! I bet you couldn’t CRACK the block on one of those cast-iron dudes! Here…..throw some JB Weld on that crack!)

      Usually just clean the crap out of the fuel system(s), and IF they came with glow plugs (the REALLY old ones didn’t of course, just an old pony motor), just a basic check on those. Now…knowing a woman, she didn’t like the slap of the valves and chattering (tempo sounded wrong because it is OLD and not NEW), and being an old-school manual governor, decided to go to town “tweaking” it, instead of just cleaning it up.

      Diesels (older models) are damned tough, and like even many gasoline motors, never need much done (except with gas it seems like points and rotor caps, plugs and wires on the odd numbered cylinders, and carb jets/needle seats).

      But….those were the good old days, and I ain’t that old, but that SHOULD tell you:

      Don’t buy something you can’t work on, and don’t let a woman work on it. Ha!

    23. Captain Slappy Says:

      Oops, one addition:

      There is NOTHING that says “efficiency” like the old-style Diesels that you could slap a new set of Piston Sleeves in, and throw new rings on an old Piston. THAT is freaking beautiful! (And cheap!)

      Now? Chunk the motor (because it is ungodly electronically complex), spend $10K (on something like the Cat 425’s or larger) on a new one. Simply because you can’t on the new ones (sleeves), or if you can, you can’t find someone to DO it. Because they want $10K!

      I always wished Chevy would have done that to a 400 Short Block (set it up to take sleeves). Damn that would have been nice, and the 400 would STILL be on the road (probably with the SAME frakkin’ Quadrajet carbs…). The only time I ever ridge-reamed and honed a cylinder (on a 305 I had to pull, on EVERY cylinder no less), I regretted it every MINUTE……

      So I didn’t do it all the next time I messed up that 305.
      I just put a 400 Pontiac Big Block in a ’69 Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup (long, not shortbed)….and the front springs FLATTENED out (could feel every bump, but the motor went STRAIGHT ON the motor mounts!). Ran that truck for 3 years straight…..sold it and felt bad.
      I miss that truck, it was pumpkin ORANGE.

    24. Dave Says:

      Well since were off topic I’ll chime in…I’ve always loved RX-7’s. They became progressively less reliable with each generation. The first generation RX-7 was a wonderful car and would easily go over 300k miles. Skip the second gen go to the third which is one of the most beautiful Japanese cars ever made but wouldn’t usually make it past 100k miles without needing a rebuild! Bottom line,I would love to have a third gen ( 93-95) and drop in a carbureted 13b from a first gen with a nice port job to make up for the power loss of not running the twin turbos!

    25. Bret Ludwig Says:

      There are replaceable sleeve Chevy blocks, the aluminum Milodon, Rodeck, etc used for racing, or a good machine shop can bore a 350 block all the way out for wet sleeves but you lose displacement.

      71 series DDs have dry sleeves, which burn if not set up just right. The 92s have wet sleeves which are a lot less troublesome.

      The Brits, IMO built the toughest diesels ever, not to take away from the old Cummins or Cat, but the Gardners were in a category of their own. Also the slow speed stationary Listers, which the Indians copy today. Power to weight is a little lacking though.

      Almost any pre-WWII diesel engine is collectible today, especially Cummins, Buda, Waukesha Hesselman, etc. Also Detroits in odd configurations like the 1-71, 51 series, etc.

      As far as the Japanese cars the first gen RX-7 was an exception to the rule that the body disintegrates before the engine wears out. They put sixty or so pounds of undercoating on each one. A lot of Jap engines and transmissions are hell for stout, or were until modern times, but rust tends to take the vehicle out of circulation. In particular the R series Toyota fours (gas) and the Nissan SD series (diesel) are unbelievably tough and reliable, but heavy, the OHC Nissan fours and sixes drom the seventies and eighties and the pushrod flat Subarus, along with most Isuzu and Mits diesels, right up there for toughness.

      The Mazda rotary is a lesson in race differences. It was invented by a German, Felix Wankel, and was sold on the premise that it combined the conventional materials(mostly) and machining (mostly) of a piston engine with the simplicity of a gas turbine, which in the 60s was The Next Big Thing for cars. GM, OMC Marine, Daimler Benz, Citroen, everyone bought a license and made a prototype. Only Toyo Kogyo in Japan made it work for any length of time and out of sheer persistence and dedicated experimentation and testing. White guys COULD build a Wankel, and did, but the materials issues and constant emissions challenges meant that it was not all that cost effective. That was also true of the oxygen and peroxide torpedo propulsion systems Japan had in WWII as well. The Japanese spent a great deal of time and trouble and made it work-time and trouble that could have been better applied elsewhere in the war effort, but that was doomed anyway and they all knew it.

      Is the Mazda rotary a good engine? Yeah, if you drive it every day, and put a little 2 stroke oil in the gas, and don’t mind the mileage which isn’t that good. You know, a rotary in a Miata would be a hell of a project, except they made the transmission tunnel too low, so you have to dry sump it ($$$$$$).

    26. Captain Slappy Says:

      Why not “off-topic”? Sometimes, the way to learn…is to not talk about anything at all. Bleh on “on-topic”. Plus, you never know, someone might stop by and say, “Hey…those guys are just fine, I might step in and listen for a while, then sit down myself and have a chat”.

      Funnier things have happened.

      I don’t know anything on those!
      (Like Fords either)

      Isn’t it interesting (I just wrote a helluva article on “Advancement”, one day I will join here and post it maybe) that for every “advancement” (Tim McGreen, chime in here) it gets…

      WORSE. As if…they can’t actually focus on TRUE advancement, only sideways, or devolute, advancement. Sometimes simple IS better.
      Crazy right? You constantly pay more for much less.

      And thanks for the info on the Chevy, Bret.
      I had never thought about just boring out a cast block and slapping sleeves in. Man that engine would NEVER die (unless you treated it rough). Wouldn’t that be something to see on a VW Bug?

      Gahhh! Can you imagine if they stuck with that kind of “advancement” and had built up to the 100 mile per gallon, 3-Cylinder (cast block) that you could yank and work on anytime?
      THAT WOULD BE SWEET. Then again, Tucker tried it too. We saw where that went! Ha!

      I have owned 3 Toyota’s, only one with a 20R motor (all the little pickups). That thing was….inhuman (4-Speed too!). The Japs (back when they built what THEY wanted) made a helluva motor with those 4 Cylinders. So EASY (once you understood how) to work on. I had one burn the external regulator, and cook all my lights in the entire truck. (The Regulator had failed, and I couldn’t figure out what the problem was, so I yanked the battery cable off, the alternator kicked in…..and WAHHHHHH! Every light in my truck that was on ((and some that were not)) burned out. For a minute, I thought God had spoken with that flash of light!)

      All I had to do (because there were quite a few sitting around, people didn’t know how to work on them!) was get dash/tail lights and all that, and was to yank the regulator and the old alternator, and dropped in a GMC Alternator with a built in regulator (one-wire), and instead of using one top and bottom bracket, use two tops (adjustable)….and off she went! (The original Alt/Ext. Reg was almost $150 for that 1990). I DID have to do some small re-wiring, but it wasn’t all that bad.

      The very last one I had was a newer 22R motor, and it threw the timing chain TWICE (the carb had OIL in it, no joke, had to tear it down as well), and had to weld up the timing chain cover because the new ones were like $100.

      I didn’t like the 22R’s as much as the 20R I had. (I only owned one 20R, and three 22R’s). Being young…I MAY have abused those vehicles! Plus, they sold like hotcakes at one time. As soon as I got one, someone would show up wanting it! Now? Good luck finding one (here at least). Parts are hard as hell to get locally too.

      I had to go back to a Chevy truck to make my life simpler, and cheaper. (But not necessarily better!)

      Damn that makes me want a Subaru Brat, REALLY bad, for no reason that makes sense. Hahaha!

      Thanks for the convo, gents!

    27. Captain Slappy Says:

      And I have heard (somewhere back when, briefly) about “Rotary” motors……but that was it. I guess the next fix was keep adding pistons and quadrupling the valves, that way, when the motor failed, it would either explode, or just cost $50k to fix.

      I wouldn’t mind seeing a steam rotory motor, that would be hell on wheels!

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      Trans Ams and GTOs. Period.

    29. Dave Says:

      Correct. Rotarys don’t like to sit. It’s unnerving when you hear one fire up that has problems. i never ever put any 2 stroke oil in mine, I just made sure the oil metering pump was in good shape. Good o-rings,injection tubes clear,rod not bent cotter pins in place etc. I ran 20-50 oil in it. Never once a problem!

      My car had all the undercoating scraped off for weight purposes. My employer had planned on making a track car and had installed polyurethane bushing,adjustable front and rear sway bars,tokiko shocks,tmc springs and adjustable camber plates.

      It also had zero rust being a southern Ca car. Well,it did have some rust around the radiator core supports. I yanked them and put them in the bead blaster, then repainted them. We found many small tricks to increase power for track time. Believe it or not,on the 12a, we ran a stock distributor and on the leading side a 12 a advance,on the trailing side we ran a 13b advance. With the timing dialed in I think at 5 degrees advanced? We gained 5 hp on the dyno.

      I also ran the Stock Nikki 4bbl,so much more street friendly than those side drafts etc. But, it was a 79 Nikki,which was a little bit bigger than the 82-85 Nikkis, as well as an RX-3 intake manifold. Gained another 5 hp!

    30. Dave Says:

      ~Little GTO~

    31. Dave Says:

      I just had to replace my timing chain on my 22r. The plastic guides gave out from the friction of the stretched out chain,which eventually ate through the front cover and put green stuff in my oil? lol. I happened to have all the spare parts on hand ($100 parts truck) Take that kikes. I buy everything used and pay no interest! I will never ever again finance anything and help those jew bastards rook us!

    32. Tim McGreen Says:

      I guess this thread has turned into that Saturday morning Click and Clack car show on NPR.

    33. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Yeah, you can put a Delco 10DN or 10SI alternator on about anything.

      You do not want the “One Wire”, you want the one that has a heavy cable to the battery and then a field wire. Field wire goes to the ignition switch. “One Wire” is popular with hot rodders but there is a good reason why GM doesn’t save the cost of that wire.

      I learned this with the old diesel Mercedes I drove.

      Parts support on 20R and similar Toy fours is still excellent because a lot of them are in off road service. They rot out badly in the Midwest.

      The good part of Jap vehicles is the cheap availability of engines, transmissions and “half cuts” from JDM cars pulled from service by Jap inspection laws. You can get some real deals. I’ve often thought that if the Indians or some other low wage place were smart they’d make rustproof beds and cabs for Jap trucks, like a kit car.

    34. Kuda Bux Says:

      Since wank is British slang for masturbate, shouldn’t ordinary reciprocating engines be known as “wankel?”

    35. Captain Slappy Says:


      I can’t make up my mind, but in this thread, either Dave should be President, or Kuda should be.

      I say we flip a two-headed hebe coin, or a two-tailed texaco AmeriPeso to see who wins.

      Everyone else gets to be the host of the new talk show on NPR called, “Wankel- The Kick the Kike Show”.

      First episode? Why should I stop smoking, but keep Jews.
      At least I enjoy my smokes. And they cost me less.

    36. Dave Says:

      Thank you for your nomination. I promise to exterminate all the vermin.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:

      I once had an old issue of LIFE magazine from 1970 featuring Dennis Hopper on the front cover. I wish I still had it. And the December 17th, 1969 issue of LIFE, too, with Charles Manson on the cover. That was a good magazine.

    38. Dave Says:

      Tim, what is your obsession with Charles Manson?

    39. Ein Says:

      Tim McGreen Says: “I guess this thread has turned into that Saturday morning Click and Clack car show on NPR.”

      Yeah. Well, I guess it’s better than criticizing each other’s hair!

    40. Tim McGreen Says:

      The way my hair looks right now is nothing to cheer about, believe you me.

    41. Henry Says:

      As long as kit’s not kinky or woolly, that’s OK.

    42. darfur miller Says:

      I’ve often thought that if the Indians or some other low wage place were smart they’d make rustproof beds and cabs for Jap trucks, like a kit car.

      Umm, they aren’t smart. That’s why they are the Fourth World.

      The Chinese are of a fairly uniform, high intelligence. Even the coolies who built the railroads were 105-110 IQ, astonishingly enough. Coolie wages here were better than life in the rice paddies. We were fortunate in having sufficient racial solidarity to restrict their ability to really take over important aspects of our infrastructure.

      The Indians vary widely though. A few Indians are among the smartest people on earth, but the average is low because the number of low IQ Indians is vast. At one time the caste system pretty accurately defined one’s IQ. Today the top castes have become degraded, and much intermixing has occurred. Still, the average Indian is a low IQ person statistically.

    43. Tim McGreen Says:

      All that stuff about Asiatics having higher IQs than White people is misleading. Yes, statistically speaking the average Asiatic is a little better at math and science than your average White person is. But that is only because they have a machine-like ability to mimic whatever we do!

      The Asiatics have an insect-mentality. They are like the worker-ants and soldier-ants in a giant ant-colony. They have no individuality or creativity, they just copy, they just imitate. If there were no such thing as White people, the Asiatics would at best have only an 11th or 12th century level of technology. And their countries would still be exceedingly cruel and unenlightened places where public beheadings for stealing a pocketful of rice or failing to bow deeply enough before the Emperor would be the norm.

    44. Dave Says:

      @Ein Hahah!

      I was hanging some trusses up on a windy hill overlooking the Missouri river. I couldn’t see through my hair! I finally cut it.

    45. Howdy Doody Says:

      Henry Says:

      2 June, 2010 at 5:10 pm

      But when I see advertisements (like from my electric company or Verizon), they nearly ALWAYS show a female hardhat, construction foreman, or lineman.
      (Woops! Scuse me. I mean fore-womyn, line-womyn.)

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 9 0


      Curioius people would like to ask, is Verizon run by dung mining enemy aliens ?

    46. Howdy Doody Says:

      darfur miller Says:

      9 June, 2010 at 2:35 am

      I’ve often thought that if the Indians or some other low wage place were smart they’d make rustproof beds and cabs for Jap trucks, like a kit car.

      Umm, they aren’t smart. That’s why they are the Fourth World.

      The Chinese are of a fairly uniform, high intelligence. Even the coolies who built the railroads were 105-110 IQ, astonishingly enough. Coolie wages here were better than life in the rice paddies. We were fortunate in having sufficient racial solidarity to restrict their ability to really take over important aspects of our infrastructure.

      The Indians vary widely though. A few Indians are among the smartest people on earth, but the average is low because the number of low IQ Indians is vast. At one time the caste system pretty accurately defined one’s IQ. Today the top castes have become degraded, and much intermixing has occurred. Still, the average Indian is a low IQ person statistically.

      1 0


      The Chinese helped to just Utah.

      The White of CA. went to SF. CA. 10,000 plus strong up to telegraph hill and hang the RR president in effigy and CA. Two senators and Congress rats went back to the Criminal den and passed the exclusion act.

      Thank you

    47. Jim Says:

      I have noticed that some of the Indians from India (The Dravidians) have skin color as black as the average nigger, but don’t have the kinky hair or the nasty disposition of the nigger. Actually, many of them are quite intelligent, and have an income level that is higher than the average White man. So much for the constant whining of the niggers that they are only discriminated against because of skin color. While the nigger has a high testostrone level and low intelligence the dark skinned Indian displays a low testostrone level and high intelligence. How do the anthropologists explain that?.