28 March, 2010


Posted by Socrates in Socrates, video, videos, White identity, White media, white nationalism, White solutions at 2:16 pm | Permanent Link

A video website for White nationalists: [Here].

  • 3 Responses to “WNTube”

    1. Irma Grese Says:

      Nice! About time WE had one of out OWN. It says that the uploads are moderated – GOOD! All it would take is ONE kike sneaking in some kid porn and the WHOLE site gets shut down and everyone involved arrested! Don’t think the bastards won’t try it.

    2. Truthteller Says:

      Podblanc.com – Revolutionary Voice of White Video !

    3. 131488wolf131488 Says:

      Maybe we can get the real story on the murder of Eugene Terreblanche in South Africa by feral monkeys…

      WE WILL WIN!
