White Architecture: Manor Houses
Not only did Blacks and Browns not build these types of houses (at least, not usually), but these houses would elicit big yawns from them given their lack of appreciation for beauty, aesthetic and good design:
[Photo]. This house looks like it may have been repaired at some point.
18 January, 2010 at 12:34 am
To be fair, there is some interesting Asian architecture, such as Thai or Chinese.
18 January, 2010 at 2:03 am
Whutchu talkin’ bout, honkie? Dem muthafukkin houses was built by slavery, yo. If it wasn’t fo’ us black folk buildin’ all yo’ plantation houses, y’all would still be livin’ in da caves an’ shit.
18 January, 2010 at 9:36 am
Thats funny. I was just thinking about east Asian architecture last night.
I love the last house on that list.
18 January, 2010 at 10:45 am
And here’s a link to Nigger “architecture”:
18 January, 2010 at 1:05 pm
Check out some of the buildings that the ancient “Nubians” put up.
According to wikipedia.
Dunno how to respond to that.
18 January, 2010 at 1:48 pm
I’m all for holocaust museums, where you can get hands on experience, gassing the chosen, and doing the Texas stomp on their innards, throttelin’ mexishits by pouring molten lead down their throats ala Francisco Pizzaro, or given the groids the same treatment they gave that couple in Tennessee… Nothing sadistic about that is there? Look what Hymie celebrates, murderin the first born of the Egyptians, afflicting them with lice, boils, givin’ the Philistines hemorroids, shit whoever thought of torture it must have been the jews, with american injuns a close second!
18 January, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Those houses are obsolete though now. We have to be on the cutting edge, not always being sentimental except to show a proven track record at high creative ability. I recommend architecture like Frank Lloyd Wright, John Lautner (apprentice of FLW), and geodesic dome homes (most efficient design) with skylights.
18 January, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I’ll make a guess here, and could be wrong, but those buildings appear to be in Europe. Also, except for the 2nd and 3rd, they appear to be from before the age of colonial plantations (and thus slavery). Thus, they weren’t build by any slave hands, or by any profits from slaves or slavery.
Since blacks and their apologists are always claiming that white countries (eg. Europe) got rich off African labor and exploitation of colonial resources, which is never questioned in academia and is simply left unchallenged, it’s important for us to know that those beautiful Tudor styles, such as these manor houses, predated the age of colonies and empire. In fact, such magnificent buildings such as St. Peter’s in Rome and the French chateaux of the Loire Valley were built in the 1500’s, before France and England had gotten into the colonial game. And ALL of the Renaissance and Gothic buildings were pre-colonial era. Where did that wealth and inspiration come from? It was generated WITHIN Europe, that’s where!
Even after the growth of empires, what was the “wealth” that came pouring into Europe? Sugar, tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate (later)…. all being things you could do without. Things that will rot your teeth, make you obese, and give you cancer!!! (They didn’t know that then.) You are better off without them. Yes, there were some exotic things, like lumber: rosewood and mahogany… but those were hardly necessities either. Europe would still have had furniture even without those. Europe has plenty of varieties of wood of its own.
You could mention the gold and silver that flowed into Spain. But, in reality, anyone who has studied economics knows that gold and silver are just mediums of exchange. In themselves, they are worthless. You can’t eat them, or wear them, or live in them. You could be shipwrecked on an island with chest of gold dubloons and you would starve to death. And if the island was populated by tribes who did not recognize gold as a medium of exchange, but used boars’ tusks or seashells instead, you couldn’t even buy a pig or chicken or a yam.
The only thing all that gold and silver could do was purchase European commodities back in Europe from OTHER Europeans. Thus, all that gold and silver, far from being a boon and making Spain rich, was a curse. It caused massive inflation, destroyed Spanish industries (because it became cheaper to import everything), and ultimately bankrupted Spain and left it the poorest country in Europe. So much for wealth extracted from empire. As the (non-colonial) Swiss and Scandinavians learned, the only real wealth is what you CREATE yourselves with your own hands, through your own energy and ingenuity. Why is it that those two countries, which are basically just a lot of rock and ice, are so comfortable and wealthy, whereas the Arabs, sitting atop vast petroleum reserves since the beginning of time, were dirt poor for all those ages … until Westerners came along and MADE them rich by PAYING them for their oil and showing them what to do with it? Before that, the oil seeping from the ground was considered a nuisance. Same thing with the resources in EVERY Third World country. They were ALL miserably backward and poor until Europeans came along and showed them what they could do with their resources. If not for Europeans, those places would still be miserable today.
In short, we did not get rich from them. They got rich from us. And, no, they did not build our countries either. American was not “built by blacks”. If they are such industrious builders, then how come their own homelands are so primitive? They should be shining models of development. Europe, as evidenced by its art and architecture, still standing today, was ALREADY rich — even before its colonial era began. What Europe got from its colonies was, in many cases, merely superficial and unnecessary. Even harmful.
Of course, the MOST harmful thing was the humans it imported. They will be the ruin of all of us yet.
18 January, 2010 at 9:50 pm
Yes, I know Scandinavia is not a “country”. I should have said “place”. I should also proof-read better! But the basic idea still holds.
18 January, 2010 at 10:12 pm
Doug displays the lack of understanding which is leading us into the ditch. Greek architecture has a feel that lasted till the end of their culture, same with roman, same with egyptians, infact same with all peoples. The love of the “novelty” is instilled to create an environment that throws us off balance. The unique western style carried on generation after generation is a bulwalk of feeling. Any negro or asiatic setting foot in such a place knows, “this is not ours, this is alien to us.” The modern fashion which changes at the drop of the hat changes alienates everybody. It is the architecture of equality, of sameness, of the clod, the buffoon, the deracianated.
It is little wonder that jewess Ayn Rand choose the subject of a architect’s selfish struggle to invert all european feeling in building design, to display his atomity, his “individuality” at the expense of the community, as a hero in one of her novels.
18 January, 2010 at 10:46 pm
I prefer the architecture, of the practical farmhouses of the Netherlands, something that is preferrable to all those haughty taughty manors. Call me low class, I’m not offended, I can take it like water running off a ducks back.
England and France may not have been into the game of empire before these mansions were built, but they were class ridden societies, often with the Normans ruling it over the yeomanry and peasants of Anglo-Saxons. I believe in a nobility, but I don’t believe in cheap labour.. Denmark small as it is, was able to construct a system of bridges linking it to Sweden that is a marvel far surpassing that so called Chunnel between France and England, and they didn’t do with cheap labour, or coolie labour, or nigger labour
18 January, 2010 at 10:57 pm
Beavers and even ants build better houses than Negroes do!
18 January, 2010 at 11:01 pm
Wait, is it ants or termites who build those big tower-like structures? No matter, insects are better architects than Blacks are. Bird-nests are also better designed and built than the average Negro’s hut or shack.
18 January, 2010 at 11:05 pm
We don’t need to prove the White mans technological competence in any field he is the innovator, especially the Northern Europeans. When the Romans were still plying the Mediterranean with oared ships, the Europeans of Northern Europe were using sail, and better constructed clinker hulls to withstand travel over rougher seas, and niggers never even dreamnt of anything but hollowed logs no doubt the result of a lightning strike! The Chinese the Japs, well we know they reach a certain level of technology and without a White mans innovation they stay forever at the same level. For some reason, perhaps because the Japs are part White, they were the ones that imparted Western (White) mans technology to the Chinese who could never comphrehend it.
18 January, 2010 at 11:10 pm
I think pygmies of the Ituri rain forest, are much smarter than the other niggers. I onced watched a documentary, where they forded a small stream (they can’t swim) by swingin a little pygmy across to the farther bank where he attatched a rope and they could all scurry across, no doubt something they learned by watching army ants.
18 January, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Correction that wasn’t a rope, just a twisted possum grape vine
18 January, 2010 at 11:14 pm
I think the nigger lost his most important technological accomplishment, when he lost his tail
19 January, 2010 at 10:10 am
You can bet if a Spic lived in them they would be painted in shades of vivid blue and orange. Perhaps a touch fluorescent violet around the windows and some neon green concrete lions near the steps. Throw some Miller’s bolttles around the lawn and any wetback would be proud to call it home and fill all the rooms with beaner kids and cockroaches. Some of them also have a lot of shrubbery with might tend to bring out the ‘jungle’ in a niggers architectural taste.
19 January, 2010 at 1:53 pm
There’s a lot of interesting videos on JooTube about abandoned American mansions and the like:
19 January, 2010 at 1:56 pm
“geodesic dome homes (most efficient design)”
Efficient in what sense? To me it seems like a lot of wasted space since most of my possessions (e.g. furniture) are rectangular.
19 January, 2010 at 1:58 pm
“Check out some of the buildings that the ancient ‘Nubians’ put up.”
Weren’t they those blacks who flew around in helicopters thousands of years ago? ;)
19 January, 2010 at 2:01 pm
“And ALL of the Renaissance and Gothic buildings were pre-colonial era. Where did that wealth and inspiration come from? It was generated WITHIN Europe, that’s where!”
Something that I’ve heard from more than one source though I don’t know if it’s true is that the Gothic cathedrals were largely built by volunteers.
19 January, 2010 at 2:08 pm
“The only thing all that gold and silver could do was purchase European commodities back in Europe from OTHER Europeans.”
Europeans were far from the only people on the planet who regarded gold and silver as valuable. Look at who’s driving the gold prices up right now: the Chinese and East Indians.
19 January, 2010 at 2:29 pm
“They were ALL miserably backward and poor until Europeans came along and showed them what they could do with their resources. If not for Europeans, those places would still be miserable today.”
I agree. Which is why I have a hard time saying that colonialism was wrong or that it won’t happen again. With few exceptions (e.g. the Japanese), most of these “indigenous peoples” didn’t have what it takes up in the attic to make use of the abundant natural resources they were squatting on. Why shouldn’t superior peoples come in and take over, then? They couldn’t have exploited those resources without us. Colonialism may have been an insult to their pride, but it raised their material standards of living higher than they ever had been.
Because we stupidly gave away the secrets of our technology, the non-white world can now do what only we used to be able to, but I’m still firmly convinced that non-whites lack the creative spark and the innate, disinterested curiousity that drives science and technology forward. Much is made of China and India these days but they’re really only playing catch-up. Did Japan actually discover or invent something new, or are they did they just refine and develop what we had already come up with? Would Japan have made it to the status of a First World country if it hadn’t been occupied and rebuilt by Americans after the war?
19 January, 2010 at 2:51 pm
lets see, board up the windows, scrawl some Mexishit graffiti on the walls, throw a trashcan load of shitty diapers on the lawn, have tv. dishes pointed southwards on the roof, have a couple of wrecked vehicles parked up as close to the house as you can get them, so the shits can just step out the door, and in to them, a couple of puddles of pee, with pee stains on the walls, blood stains from chickens decapitated by Jose or Rastus as offering to the voodoo gods, yeah that mud sense of creativity
19 January, 2010 at 3:52 pm
Igor says: “we stupidly gave away the secrets of our technology, the non-white world can now do what only we used to be able to, but I’m still firmly convinced that non-whites lack the creative spark and the innate, disinterested curiousity that drives science and technology forward. Much is made of China and India these days but they’re really only playing catch-up.”
I couldn’t agree more. Also, if you look on the label of most stuff imported from China, it will say designed in the US, or in Europe, but “MADE in China”… only because it’s cheaper to manufacture the junk over there, where pay scales are abysmally low, workers don’t strike, and there are no ecological restrictions. No equality or racial diversity problems to deal with, and none of these nutty white people with their consciences always tormenting them about this or that. Communist China: the capitalists’ heaven and workers’ hell.
Thanks so much, Henry Kissinger, for opening up China for us. Wall Street [ie. Lehman Bros. and Goldman Sachs] is forever grateful. Not to mention every Jewish-owned department store chain and shoping mall across America.
19 January, 2010 at 3:58 pm
“The only thing all that gold and silver could do was purchase European commodities back in Europe from OTHER Europeans.”
Spaniards thought that PMs were actual wealth. The actual wealth is the CREATIVITY, as poster above pointed out.
>> “We” gave away the technology? I heard the patents were put on CDs and DVDs during clinton, and given to china. The factories being moved there- JWO manipulation. Chinese factories are run by white expatriates. If they left china, goodbye chinese economy.
19 January, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Igor says: “we stupidly gave away the secrets of our technology, the non-white world can now do what only we used to be able to”
It was stupid indeed, downright idiotic. Since our greatest treasure was our technology, hard-earned over centuries of experimentation and development, we were stupid to just give it away. We invented the Industrial Age, which made us pre-eminent, and then we gave it away like free candy. We opened up our universities and gave them scholarships to come over here and study. We gave them entire industrial plants, as gifts, over there. And then we showed them how to run them. We made it more profitable for our own industries to manufacture over there than here at home. The transfer of technology has been massive. Not to mention capital. Giving away our technology, our major asset, was like handing them the keys to Fort Knox and inviting them to come in to help themselves to the gold.
19 January, 2010 at 4:22 pm
I remember a few years ago, black historians touted that the old antebellum southern houses weren’t ‘white’ architecture…they were ‘african’ architecture, since slaves built them. Really cheeky to be that obnoxiously wrong, but of course such blatherings are made in accademia, where no one dares say a discouraging word.
19 January, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Kuda says: “The only thing all that gold and silver could do was purchase European commodities back in Europe from OTHER Europeans.”
Spaniards thought that PMs were actual wealth. The actual wealth is the CREATIVITY, as poster above pointed out.
Yes. To be specific, all that Spanish gold ended up in Germany and Italy. It just flowed THROUGH Spain on its way to somewhere else. (It also went to China, as Igor above pointed out.) Spain, being so “rich” during its Golden Age, as it seemed to be, started buying everything abroad (from around Europe, mainly Germany and Italy). This ruined Spanish industry at home and ultimately left Spain impoverished, without any industry and its work ethic destroyed, and all the gold was gone elsewhere. Its people had become lazy and all aspired to live like aristocrats; work was degrading. You can’t live on gold and silver anyway. It is PRODUCTIVITY, creativity, ingenuity that count — not precious metals. (This is the Jewish-run money system. They have ALWAYS controled precious metals, every step of the way right from the mine to the mint to the bank.) We are seeing THE SAME THING happening here also, at the peak of America’s golden age, as we chase our productive industries abroad and buy everything from foreign suppliers. Our wealth now lies in Chinese banks and we are in hock up to our necks, living on loans from them. That is, they are lending back to us the money that used to be ours, so that we can continue buying their products.
To think that they were once so poor! And not that long ago. Now, it’s the reverse. The full reality just hasn’t hit us yet. It will when the dollar collapses or when China refuses us any further loans. How will we pay our bills? We’ve gone so far into debt that they own us!
19 January, 2010 at 5:18 pm
Steven says: “I remember a few years ago, black historians touted that the old antebellum southern houses weren’t ‘white’ architecture…they were ‘african’ architecture”
Just more black bragging. Actually, when you look at what is considered “Southern” culture, Southern anything … whether it is cooking, architecture, whatever… it was all TAUGHT to the Africans who were brought here as completely uncivilized slaves. If those mansions were built with black hands, they were built under white tutelage and direction. Btw, elegant mansions like that required fine skills that probably most local blacks did not have. Blacks who were trained in carpentry might have been able to do the rough work, but for the finer details like fine plasterwork and cabinetry, workmen were often imported from Europe.
In Africa, at that time, they didn’t even have clothing (they had no textiles, thus no spinning, weaving, sewing, etc), nor did they have what we would consider “cooking” either. And so, everything such as sewing, knitting, weaving, cooking, carpentry, cabinetry, furniture making, boat building… and ALL civilized skills, had to be taught to them. These skills all came from Europe, not Africa. Somebody who never saw a hammer or a nail (or a needle or thread, or a stove or oven) had to be taught what to do with them. It only figures.
Southern cooking indeed! Except for perhaps a few spices, and several ingredients (okra & yams), it came from Europe too. Collards, for instance, are European. Peppers and corn were brought from the Western Hemisphere, and peanuts (which West Africa lives on today) originated in South America. These were originally carried to Africa by Portuguese slave ships. The bright-colored clothing that we think of as “African” today comes from cotton cloth brought to them by British ships returning from India. Africa never produced any clothing of its own (outside of Egypt, of course, but I’m speaking of black Africa). Before Europeans arrived, textiles (and clothing) were unknown. And cooking very nearly was too.
When you come down to it, even African “agriculture” was so primitive that almost all of the staple crops for which Africa is known today were, in fact, brought to them from abroad — BY EUROPEANS. At that time, their notion of “cooking” was mice and monkeys. Yes! Plus fish and an occasional human. So even African cooking, as it is known today, is not that “African” at all. For the most part, they just didn’t cook. In East Africa they still don’t. The daily diet of some tribes, such as the Masai, is blood and milk — all raw and straight from the cow.
19 January, 2010 at 10:44 pm
No wonder blacks have such a huge inferiority complex. They really haven’t contributed much to world culture. Furthermore, the stuff they have is such utter garbage for the most part.
20 January, 2010 at 3:44 am
Strange how the Portguese and Spanish Empires fell in such a relatively short time. I guess the it was a combination of the Jews getting their revenge on those two Catholic countries from their HQ in Holland, the Protestant country that took in many expelled Iberian Jews, PLUS the fact that the Portugese and Spanish had no problem interbreeding with subjected Negro and Indian populations.
20 January, 2010 at 5:01 am
Hey, Old Dutch, it was your Protestant Holland that took in all those exiled Jews from Spain and Portugal! Any comments?
20 January, 2010 at 7:28 am
“Strange how the Portguese and Spanish Empires fell in such a relatively short time. I guess the it was a combination of the Jews getting their revenge on those two Catholic countries from their HQ in Holland”
I think that is EXACTLY it!
And I think your second reason is EXACTLY right too.
And that’s also a very good point about Protestant Holland taking them in, sheltering them and protecting them, just to get even with Portugal & Spain — the enemies of both of them. It’s interesting that Holland didn’t go into revolt (and become Protestant) until the Jews arrived. Before that, there was no problem.
There was a letter written to Fredinand and Isabella by the head of the Jewish community upon issuance of the decree of expulsion, promising that the Jews would never forget and would get even. (I forget his name; I’d have to look it up.) Well, the Jews never forgot, and they got even!
These are a people who don’t believe in Christian forgiveness or turning the other cheek. They get even, no matter how long it takes. Look how they’re still hunting down 90-year old Nazis in South America. They make a policy of getting even, while Christians babble about forgiveness.
20 January, 2010 at 9:01 am
To think that they were once so poor! And not that long ago. Now, it’s the reverse. The full reality just hasn’t hit us yet. It will when the dollar collapses or when China refuses us any further loans. How will we pay our bills? We’ve gone so far into debt that they own us!
20 January, 2010 at 12:48 pm
You’re right, Ein, no sooner did the exiled Jews arrive in Holland than that country revolted from Rome and became Protestant! It couldn’t have been mere coincidence.
20 January, 2010 at 9:15 pm
They’re already sending aid teams to Haiti. Establishing a presence there (just like Africa). Call it getting a yellow foot in the door. Yellow fist/yellow foot, whatever. The Chinese aren’t dewy-eyed Christian idealists — they don’t give anything away for nothing. Like the Jews, they look out for… “what’s good for China”. Like an opportunistic infection will attack the victim that’s weakest, Haiti is the weak spot in the hemisphere, and they’re moving into it.
21 January, 2010 at 4:26 pm
Well Let us take a look at what these so called “browns” have built throughout history… Pyramids, beautiful structures such as the Sphinx, oh and the Chinese built that wonderfully enormous wall, the Mayans and the Aztecs also constructed pyramids as well. let’s take a look back as to when some of theses were built… Oh yes about 1500 B.C. And what is so comical is how all you pale skinned devils enjoy researching and trying to discover the many mysteries of the “brown” skinned treasures.
P.s Jesus wasn’t, isn’t and will never be a white man as wrongfully depicted throughout bleached history. Sorry to break you hearts. Good day crackers!
25 January, 2010 at 4:08 pm
My guess is that Mr. Shoot A Cracker above is one of those Nation of Islam types. I used to have some respect for those guys until I realized they are no different from any other bunch of clownish niggers who are too dumb and disorganized to be a threat to anyone. Same goes for the so-called New Black Panthers.