27 January, 2010

Organized Labor Opposes Nick Griffin Appearance

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, BNP, Socrates, unions at 4:08 pm | Permanent Link

Big surprise. Labor unions are full of Jews. In fact, the American labor union network could be called “Jewish-built”:


  • 34 Responses to “Organized Labor Opposes Nick Griffin Appearance”

    1. old dutch Says:

      Yep. The radical Jewish influenced communist/socialist/globalist types will do anything to stop a real fightback against globalism & international Jewish corporatism.

      The British Labor party hasn’t done anything for British labor for years. Didn’t the British Labor party even join with the Conservative Party, and call one British union President a “slimy reptile” because he wouldn’t knuckle under to Dame Thatcher? Remember that?

    2. CW-2 Says:

      I can’t speak of American labor unions, but the British Trade Union movement, at least in its early days, was the only way for the White working man to get a fair and living wage. Of course the TUC is now just another anti-White corrupt mafia.

      When British agricultural workers during the 1830’s attempted to form a union the leaders were rounded up and transported to Australia as slaves. Britain has for centuries been in the grip of a Talmudic system, a fact most people have forgotten.
      Incidentally, it is amusing to see the BNP wrap itself in the flag of Churchill and ‘patriotism’. They need reminding how during a prolonged strike in 1911 Churchill ordered a naval gunboat to sail the river Mersey threatening to bombard industrial installations unless workers returned to work for starvation wages.

    3. virgil Says:

      unions are the ennemies of our people. they will be obliterated.

    4. old dutch Says:


      Your spelling and punctuation need work. I guess you didn’t “git to much book learnin” at Harvard. LOL.

    5. Luke Says:

      Gee, whiz!? Does this mean that all that Jewish ass that Nick Griffin and his sidekick, Arthur Kemp, have been kissing isn’t making them receive the love, blessings, and approval that these idiots had hoped for, by engaging in such disgusting, unmanly and humiliating behavior?

      Is it time to try a different flavor of lip gloss, Nicky boy?

    6. virgil Says:

      @ old dutch i purposely use e-mail style punctuation and i usually have perfect spelling. my mother tongue is french and i graduated in genetics. i never went to harvard. the comment is pithy on purpose. any comment on the clear meaming of my thruthful and wishful comment?

    7. old dutch Says:

      French. LOL. A French Canadian? LOL.

    8. virgil Says:

      dutch? lol. you have a potato chip on your shoulder.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      US labor unions are frantically trying to replenish their dwindling ranks with Mestizoes and other non-Whites. I guess it’s the same situation with UK unions?

      “Potato chip on your shoulder”…..Haw, haw. Well said!

    10. Blackshirt Says:

      There is nothing wrong with the Union idea. Once upon a time Unions were the only thing fighting for worker’s rights during the industrial revolution where you had some employers literally owning workers as slaves, working them ridiculous hours, endangering them with unsafe working conditions, and paying them substandard wages.

      Now what you have are some unions being run or infiltrated by Jews. No denying that, but that doesn’t mean Unions don’t serve a important purpose for workers in some industries. The people who want to get rid of Unions altogether usually are people who have never been in a trade or industry where the Union has protected their interests in opposition to management. The most vociferous enemies of organized labor are almost always white collar, conservative, wealthy people in my experience. Of course these folks are against Unions, they want cheap labor and high profits at all costs, and the Unions often come between them and these goals. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water… Unions serve a purpose, but just like institutions like colleges, they must be purged of Jews.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt is right as usual….Without Unions, White employees would never had had such things as workmens’ comp, 8 hour workdays, overtime pay and safe working conditions. Capitalism has NEVER been a friend of the working class or even the middle class. Capitalism always eats its own. It is all about exploitation of the proletariat for the benefit of the moneyed class. A century ago, many White working class Americans understood that and became Prarie Populists, “Wobblies”, Anarchists and Socialists.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sorry if I am repeating myself here, but I just wanted to say that if not for unions, there would be no 8 hour workday, no workmen’s comp, no retirement benefits, paid holidays, etc. for non-government employees. Capitalism is not and never has been the friend of White working people. There was a time when many White Americans realized that and became Prairie Populists, Anarchists, Wobblies and Socialists. The Republican party is probably the biggest enemy of White workers, yet many Whites are flocking to that party once again simply as a reaction against King Obongo.

    13. old dutch Says:


      Are you the “gremlin” too? A French gremlin? A French Canadian gremlin? LOL.


      Best thing you have written in awhile:

      Now what you have are some unions being run or infiltrated by Jews. No denying that, but that doesn’t mean Unions don’t serve a important purpose for workers in some industries. The people who want to get rid of Unions altogether usually are people who have never been in a trade or industry where the Union has protected their interests in opposition to management. The most vociferous enemies of organized labor are almost always white collar, conservative, wealthy people in my experience. Of course these folks are against Unions, they want cheap labor and high profits at all costs, and the Unions often come between them and these goals. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water… Unions serve a purpose, but just like institutions like colleges, they must be purged of Jews.

      Btw, it’s pretty bad when you have a French Canadian running an American labor union publically attacking the Bill of Rights, and The First and Ninth Amendments.

      Oh, and the French Canadian is a Roman Catholic. LOL.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Richard Trumka…Pollock, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      John Sweney…Mick, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      Jimmy Hoffa, Jr…Pollock/Mick, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      OK, OD, you win this round…

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Richard Trumka…Pollock, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      John Sweeney…Mick, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      Jimmy Hoffa, Jr…Pollock/Mick, Roman Catholic, Union leader.

      OK, OD, you win this round…

    16. Kuda Bux Says:

      Wrong. Unions are pure evil. The purpose of a union is to force (by various laws) wages above the market level. Monopoly power allows the reduction in supply of labor in certain industries. This increases the supply of labor in non-unionized areas, DROPPING WAGES FOR THESE WORKERS. IT IS THE REDUCTION OF WAGES OF THE NON-UNION WORKERS WHICH IS THE SOURCE OF THE GAINS FOR THE UNION WORKERS. UNIONS STEAL FROM NON-UNION.


    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      There are plenty of examples where Unions were fraught with corruption, thuggery and waste, but Unions would never have been necessary in the first place if all those factory and mine owners (most of whom were White, btw)treated their employees fairly, instead of hiring a bunch of goons to smash in skulls. Many WAL*MART employees keep trying to Unionize, despite ferocious efforts on the part of their employer to prevent it. But maybe if they were paid a decent wage and given some decent benefits by their tight-fisted employer (a company which moves into a town and kills off all the local competition)they wouldn’t feel the need to organize, would they?

    18. J.E.D. Says:

      Picture a large oven with all races and genders thrown into it with the heat turned high, and voila! perfect working goyim, purpose and principle of relative matters aren’t important as fawning over the destruction of normality, give big goyim a high rank, lots of shiny badges, and an oscar and he’ll willfully murder his own.

    19. Angryyoungman Says:

      If organized labor in the West continues to play the outdated “left vs right” paradigm they are doomed.

      Classical conservatives in the U.S. and Britain have always been hostile to the working classes, especially the white working class, who has always been their biggest threat. They have the same mindset of their “noble blooded” forbears, “because we are wealthy, we are superior to and a race apart from the peasants”, which is totally absurd.

      What the working class hasn’t realized, is that the left wing jumped ship back in the 60’s, and formed the “new-left.” LBJ (may he rot in hell) concentrated more on helping the worthless underclass with his “great society” and couldn’t have cared less about the average working man. This morphed even further under the likes of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, who completely sold out the working class by championing globalism, this was done done to appease the greed-driven”conservative” parties make them compromise on social (racial/cultural) issues.

      What the West has today is the worst forms of government possible, which combines the worst traits of libertarianism and leftism. We have cut-throat international capitalism and finance globalism from the right-wing, along with environmental degradation. From the left we have received a PC police state and explicitly anti-white cultural agenda.

      The third way is what is needed, the doom of Western man is from a dictatorship of the “moderate center” of the political spectrum.

    20. Thinker Says:


      Yes there is something wrong with the Union idea. Unionism can only work if it is bolted with Nationalism and Racialism (as in the European Fascist States).

      Regular Unionism does not have this alliance. Unionism as a rule, and unless otherwise specified, allies itself with the Left and with Progressives. This has always been the case.

      Unionism and National-Unionism are two different things. Unionism is a Jewish fraud.

    21. Thinker Says:

      “Wrong. Unions are pure evil. The purpose of a union is to force (by various laws) wages above the market level. Monopoly power allows the reduction in supply of labor in certain industries. This increases the supply of labor in non-unionized areas, DROPPING WAGES FOR THESE WORKERS. IT IS THE REDUCTION OF WAGES OF THE NON-UNION WORKERS WHICH IS THE SOURCE OF THE GAINS FOR THE UNION WORKERS. UNIONS STEAL FROM NON-UNION.


      Unionism is evil, but not for the reasons you specify. Capitalism and “market-democracy” is just as much of an evil as the Unions are, probably more. Death to Capitalism.

    22. Nordlander Says:

      Tim McGreen: Blackshirt is right as usual….Without Unions, White employees would never had had such things as workmens’ comp, 8 hour workdays, overtime pay and safe working conditions. Capitalism has NEVER been a friend of the working class or even the middle class.

      Bull. But what to expect from someone who doesn’t understand basic economics. “Capitalism,” that smear your Jew idol Karl Marx invented, simply means the right to produce, to own, to sell, to invest. In other words, what has existed in all societies in all times. Except in communist countries, where the economies crash because of state control and a lack of competition.

      That computer you write your bullshit on, would you have been able to afford it in a society that wasn’t “capitalist”? You think government control of production would produce affordable computers for you? Let’s see, the Soviet Union … hmm, didn’t work too well. Oh well, nice try again, Timmy. Always fun to knock you down.

    23. Nordlander Says:

      Labor unions are led by power-hungry parasites, who flock to this kind of institution where they can avoid actual work. Labor unions take a few legitimate demands and slap on anything they can think of. They invent a false worldview where workers are constantly “oppressed” and where industry owners “sitting behind their desks” are doing nothing useful – something that strokes the worker’s ego, and he doesn’t understand paperwork anyway so he will never understand what that desk work is for. (If he did, he wouldn’t be a worker.)

      Labor unions live in symbiosis with liberal/socialist/communist parties in the West, the parties that will give them money from the public treasury. They will exaggerate, distort and lie to ruin the chances for conservative parties, while keeping completely silent about the mass immigration the Left has started, the one thing that threatens White workers the most.

      Like churches, they take some good ideas (“Hey, people should be nice to each other”) and pile on a lot of dung. They thrive on conflict and spend every day trying to find an opportunity for it. This is the kind of leftist institution that has been tearing White countries apart and provided White votes and footsoldiers for the Jews for more than a hundred years now. Time to end it.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Bull. But what to expect from someone who doesn’t understand basic economics. “Capitalism,” that smear your Jew idol Karl Marx invented, simply means the right to produce, to own, to sell, to invest. In other words, what has existed in all societies in all times. Except in communist countries, where the economies crash because of state control and a lack of competition.}
      Well, thank god we don’t live in a Communist system, otherwise we too would have an economy that crashed and millions of people would be out of work and bankruptcies and foreclosures would be at all time highs and….Wait, that’s all happened anyway, hasn’t it, Neo-conlander?

      It would seem, Neo-conlander, that you are the one who doesn’t understand how economies work. Otherwise, you would realize that Capitalism is the Jew-controlled dictatorship of money. Capitalism exploits and devours everything in its path and has no allegiance to anythiong except the Bottom Line. Only those at the very top of the economic food-chain will ultimately benefit from Capitalism, no different from Communism.

      How fucking naive can you be, son? I think you’ve been reading the Wall Street Journal too much. Pull your head out of your tookas and see all the devastation your goddamned Capitalist sytem has wrought.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wall Street worshipping dupes like Neo-conlander are a major reason why the White Struggle never gets anywhere. All the Christian and Capitalist detritus must be purged from this Struggle. After the Revolution, they WILL be liquidated.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      Angryyoungman, you are right on the money.

      Tim, who is this “Nordlander” character? I’ve been away for a little while and I’ve never seen this guy here before. Is he another McReen sock puppet? Neo-conlander…lol

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      Nordlander says:

      “Labor unions live in symbiosis with liberal/socialist/communist parties in the West, the parties that will give them money from the public treasury. They will exaggerate, distort and lie to ruin the chances for conservative parties, while keeping completely silent about the mass immigration the Left has started, the one thing that threatens White workers the most.”

      First, I don’t think Tim or I are saying Labor Unions as they exist now aren’t Jew dominated- they are and act accordingly. The disagreement I have with you is that they aren’t a bad idea in theory and with what they accomplished for the White working class in the past.

      “They will exaggerate, distort and lie to ruin the chances for conservative parties…”

      I think you reveal your real concern here. No real White racist would give a rat’s ass about whether “conservative parties” won elections or made progress one way or another. “Conservative parties” don’t represent real White racists/racism/racialism and these parties only use racism when it is convenient for them or when it helps them win votes.

    28. Blackshirt Says:


      I’m glad you agree with what I said about Unions. You are a pretty rational fellow when the topic doesn’t involve the anti-Christ in Rome ;-)

    29. Tim McReen Says:

      Blackshirt, this Nordlander guy came out of nowhere a few days after McReen suddenly disappeared from this forum. Many of the posters here were getting more than a little annoyed with McReen and his predictable right-wing reactionary baloney. So maybe “Nordlander” is yet another incarnation of McReen? These incarnations of his appear whenever McReen feels threatened or ganged-up on. Isn’t human psychology something.

    30. bill Says:

      it’s not being a neo con or even a regular con to be against labor unions. I used to belong to one for a time. There’s a lot of things about them I liked. Like making good money.
      Their existence to my knowledge comes from the mind of the jew Marx and was brought to America by the likes of the jew Samuel Gompers.
      They needed to dislodge the white money and power base. They used the crappy conditions of so many people’s jobs as a way to transfer the power and money of America to themselves. Now jews are the most prominent group of people who own and control the businesses that we work for.
      And what the corporations they don’t control through ownership or management, they control through various laws including labor laws.
      And the capitalist corps just move to ‘right to work’ states and pay lower wages.
      Both sides of the same coin, the two Cs.
      I would like to think that we can have free enterprise without capitalism.

    31. Blackshirt Says:

      Bill, I disagree with you about labor Unions. The idea for unions goes back a long time to the trade unions of the middle ages, I believe. It is easy to see the Jew in everything, but I think you are wrong about this.

      Regardless, I like this statement that you made: “I would like to think that we can have free enterprise without capitalism.”

      That is what I have believed all along and that is what alot of right wingers don’t understand. You can have free enterprise WITHOUT Capitalism. Capitalism to me is usury, speculation, and global “free trade”. Capitalism is completely Jewish, and anyone who is racial that says they support Capitalism is supporting Jewry. How can speculation ever be anything but Jewish? When you speculate you are betting with someone else’s labor. How is that pro White? Why do you right wingers think that Wall Street is infested with Jews? Capitalism IS Jewish.

    32. Ein Says:

      “Blackshirt, this Nordlander guy came out of nowhere a few days after McReen suddenly disappeared from this forum. Many of the posters here were getting more than a little annoyed ..”

      Indeed. About the same time Adam disappeared, wasn’t it?
      Ooops! Excuse me, Blackshirt, I meant to say “The Adam Entity”.

      Ah, it all gets so confusing! So many names, so little time.

    33. Blackshirt Says:

      “Ooops! Excuse me, Blackshirt, I meant to say “The Adam Entity”.”

      I don’t know what you are referring to Ein, but I never really had any issues with Adam, nor did I come up with any nicknames for him. :-) I think you remember the “New America” character, who started all the “entity” foolishness and labelled me as the head of some kind of vast conspiracy to undermine VNN. I wish I was so omnipotent, but my life is too busy to play those sort of games…

    34. Tim McGreen Says:

      Adam, if you’ll recall, was none other than “Dietrich”, the Blackshirt Entity’s “controller”. I was the one who suggested that BSE was a creation of the RAND Corporation and Interpol. I kind of miss all that weirdness.