7 December, 2009

The ADL: Managing White Rage

Posted by Socrates in ADL, jew mentality, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 3:46 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.


“Just as the vast majority of Jews can’t bring themselves to vote Republican because of fear and loathing of all those conservative Christians — a major theme of Podhoretz’s book, Jews can’t bring themselves to oppose immigration because of fear and loathing of Europeans and their culture.”


  • 16 Responses to “The ADL: Managing White Rage”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Jews are destructive, it’s in their nature. There are plenty of examples of Jews doing things that in the end work against their best interests. That’s why I’m not surprised that they would advocate policies that in the long run will lead to their demise. These people are schizophrenics.

      Tom Metzger often says that if there were no goyim around for the Jews to destroy they would destroy themselves… it’s in their nature. Put a wall around Israel and let nature take it’s course.

    2. Eilert Says:

      There already is a wall around Israel, Blackshirt.

    3. Adam Says:

      From the article:

      The fact is that the domination of the mass media and the academic world by elites that are hostile to White identity and interests makes it very difficult for educated Whites to sign on to a racialist movement. Such people are often vulnerable to economic pressures where they work, and, as college-educated people, they have a respect for mainstream academic and media institutions. Having been treated fairly in general, they trust the integrity of the basic institutions of the society. They identify with its basic ideology — America as emerging from its long dark night of evil into the glorious goodness and virtue of the multicultural future.

      This is not so much the case with less-educated Whites. These people often have fewer inhibitions and far less to lose by adopting explicitly racialist views. They don’t pay attention to the New York Times. Most importantly, they are less able to avoid the costs of multiculturalism: They can’t move to gated communities or send their children to all-White private schools. Their unions have been destroyed and their jobs either shipped overseas or performed by recent immigrants, legal and illegal.

      It would seem that MacDonald is pinning his hopes on the proletariat. But what makes him think that these people “often have fewer inhibitions and far less to lose by adopting explicitly racialist views”? The working class man may not have as many material things as his overseers, but he is just as anxious to keep what he has as they are. In many ways it’s much easier to keep him in line than those who are higher up. Just look at MacDonald himself, protected by tenure. There are many, many academics who know the truth and could speak out, and who would be similarly protected by virtue of their tenure, but they do not. By contrast, the working class man can be fired from his job on a whim. The merest hint by him to his superiors that he is racist will mark him as a dangerous man, someone who could cost the company a large sum of money. He CAN’T be open. To do so would be to commit financial and social suicide.

      In my experience, partly for this reason, the working class types toe the line of political correctness even more enthusiastically than their economic and social betters. Besides, most of them have a deep-seated need to identify with the upper classes, and adopting upper class attitudes toward immigration and racism are one of the few ways such a collection of losers and dimwits can feel better about themselves. This is equally true of both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. And as a further inducement, if they don’t, they can instantly find themselves jobless and soon-to-be-homeless.

      MacDonald is engaging in here exactly the sort of forecasting of revolution that Marx engaged in, only with a Darwinian twist. Probably it will fail for the same reason. Marx underestimated the role of culture in preventing what he thought would be the logical, revolutionary response on the part of the working class to abuse by economic elites. MacDonald has made a parallel error, recasting the prediction in evolutionary psychological terms. But he doesn’t see or perhaps doesn’t want to admit that even if economic and cultural dislocations resulting from mass immigration and abuse by Zionist elites continue unabated or worsen, the well-established culture of egalitarianism will prevent any explicit racial reaction on the part of whites, though evolutionary theory might predict it.

    4. Socrates Says:

      Adam Says: “In my experience, partly for this reason, the working class types toe the line of political correctness even more enthusiastically than their economic and social betters.”

      So, blue-collar types are more p.c. than white-collar types? Sounds odd to me. Sounds like something that “yeeuh” or “anti” or “flemmard” would say, hint, hint…

      While I’m typing, all VNN posters take note: Alex wants the comments section cleaned up. Too many stupid, off-topic posts. Posts will be yanked without warning. Starting now.

    5. Junghans Says:

      Socrates sez: “Alex wants the comments section cleaned up. Too many stupid, off-topic posts. Posts will be yanked without warning. Starting now.” Thank goodness, it’s about time. My complements and sentiments completely.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Big jew is walking a tight rope, finely balancing his tried a tested program of gradualism and incremental change with the temptation to overwhelm us with the mud-flood before sufficient numbers of Whites are awakened.
      I’ll put my money on jew arrogance and hubris. They will push the multiculti program beyond breaking point. What will it be like? To get a flavor of the future look up some newspaper articles of the fighting in the Congo during the early 1960’s.

    7. zoomcopter Says:

      “They identify with its basic ideology — America as emerging from its long dark night of evil into the glorious goodness and virtue of the multicultural future.”

      The exact opposite is true. I think lots of folks can see the writing on the wall. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we are circling the multicultural drain. “Diversity is our strength” is nothing more than a clever propaganda slogan. The reality is that diversity weakens us. The America, once worth defending, is rapidly fading into nostalgia. Why should I fight and die for something which no longer exists?

    8. Tom McReen Says:

      I think the Jew NWO has passed ‘incremental change’. Whether it’s race, immigration, monitoring citizens, queers or climate change the signs over the last two or three years are that they are going full tilt now(propaganda and laws, not Gulag round-ups).

      They have lost any previous fear or hesitancy.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      In the article above, there is a creature that calls itself Steven Steinlicht. This thing is quoted as saying that Amerika’s strict immigration policy of 1924-1965 was “vilely discriminatory”, ” a moral failure”, “a monstrous policy”, “anti-Semitic”, etc……

      Funny, couldn’t all those same phrases be used to describe Israel’s policy against the Palestinians??? Once again, the Jew condemns others for what he himself is guilty of.

      Up against the wall, Steinlicht, you dirty Kike.

    10. Adam Says:

      Socrates Says:

      Adam Says: “In my experience, partly for this reason, the working class types toe the line of political correctness even more enthusiastically than their economic and social betters.”

      So, blue-collar types are more p.c. than white-collar types? Sounds odd to me.

      Odd? Just listen to Glenn Beck. He’s one of the ringleaders of “the enraged Whites who are expressing themselves in the tax revolts and town hall meetings of 2009 [and who] are middle- and lower-middle class,” as MacDonald puts it. He’s a gifted demagogue, but is second to nobody in kissing the ass of MLK, or defending poor little Israel. He has no problem at all with non-white immigration, provided it’s legal. He has a completely sincere HATRED of anything that would defend whites, or slow their cultural and demographic eclipse. Nazis, anti-semites, racists, white supremacy, eugenics … he hates them all with a passion. And his working class listeners agree with him. That’s why they listen!

      The politically-correct upper classes don’t need to be so demonstrative. While Beck and guys like him are at pains to put themselves forward as anti-racist, the upper class just takes for granted that the politically-correct position is the only position on things.

      “A functioning police state needs no police.” The working class that MacDonald is counting on to eventually stand up for the white race is keeping itself in line, and in my opinion, odds are it will continue to do so.

      Sounds like something that “yeeuh” or “anti” or “flemmard” would say, hint, hint…

      Not sure what you’re getting at here, but if you want me to stop posting at this site, just say so.

    11. scottie_too_hottie Says:

      we need to all join the aclu and any other kikery organisms since they claim open enrollment honky haters should all join up






    12. scottie_too_hottie Says:

      I will compose the new racial anthem when we are freed from jew genetic enslavement. 2012 will bring are stellar allies who had there planet destroyed by eroded kike venom
      streams that implanted early tribes
      between 2012-2013 you
      must be armed and ready for this
      distraction and strike hard.
      TRUST me on this this will be are chance to rise.

    13. scottie_too_hottie Says:

      Seven-Rune Height SEE….
      The vertical beam has seven runes, which are the seven steps upward and downward in the process of initiation. In Bureus’ hieroglyph you have to ascend from “Byrghal” (representing two gates, for ‘coming in’ on the way down and ‘coming out’ on the way back up) to “Thors”, the latter representing the God Thor. “The connector in this process is Odin who is represented by Haghal”. This is a strange remark, because Odin has his own rune, the “Odhes”.

    14. New America Says:

      in reply to Socrates:

      You wrote, in part::

      …While I’m typing, all VNN posters take note: Alex wants the comments section cleaned up. Too many stupid, off-topic posts. Posts will be yanked without warning. Starting now.

      in reply:
      Given the plethora of comments that have been posted SINCE you made that statement by, among others, the Blackshirt Entity, and Adam/”Dietrich,” all targeted at certain posters who represent self-identified White Nationalism well, one might wonder when enforcement actions will take place.

      Two quick points:

      I have made no secret of my support for Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Initiative, and have explained my position, and defended it at length, going so far as to say it fills in the blanks of what Pierce wrote of in his “White Zion” address.

      If VNN believes my advocacy of what I believe to be the last, highest and best solution to all of our Racial issues crosses some line, I welcome discussion of these issues and concerns.

      However, the comments that are worthy of adolescent males – Incompetent Males,” at that – seem to remain and proliferate, with the Blackshirt Entity playing a variation of double teaming those whose positions they do not support.

      Thus, one suggestion:

      Look at the statement posted, and ask yourself if it is a statement Pierce would support as something worthy of discussion, or if it is something written by people Pierce would have held in low esteem, and rightfully so.

      Finally, note that, for all of the criticism of Arthur Kemp’s Idea, addressed partially in the “Vanguardist” thread, the larger issue is that the founding principles of White Nationalism, define it how you will, are becoming acceptable to more and more people – BETTER people, the kind of people Pierce would have wanted.

      What Would William Luther Pierce Do if HE saw such statements in a website he was in charge of?

      The choice is yours, and, again, I ask you to Choose Wisely.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    15. Ein Says:

      “Given the plethora of comments that have been posted SINCE you made that statement …. one might wonder when enforcement actions will take place.” — NA

      Never! We’ve seen this all before.

    16. David Baker Says:

      The first thing an ADL operative tries to determine is whether an “Anti-Semite” hates Jews. I wasn’t aware that I was required to like them, but Jewish history, particularly their recent history in Russia, shows that it is vitally important for Jews to either be adored, or protected from gentile enmity. I really do not care for Jews, because they are too wrapped up in their status as “Victims”. They’ll not allow counter proposals which may explain why they’ve been kicked out of every country in which they’ve managed to gain politically, and financially. In Russia, it was the Jews who assassinated the Tsar and his family. Knowing the people of Russia would not stand for such perfidy, Jews quickly employed their political acumen to have laws against so-called “Anti-Semitism”– laws which prescribed the death penalty in many cases–enacted to prevent public uprisings, should their activities be exposed. No Jews mention the fact that their race declared war on Germany. No Jews mention that many Jews were acting in a capacity as saboteurs, hostile agents, and spies. Of course, when a gentile is involved in such actions, it’s expected they will suffer the consequences. When a Jew is caught, somehow they are ‘victims’ of the evil powers-that-be. The ADL was actually formed during the trial and conviction of a Jewish Pencil Factory manager, who was convicted of raping and killing a young gentile girl. Naturally, there are rather outlandish explanations and/or exculpating exhibits Jews claim in the case (One “Pro-Semite” politician pardoned him, but he was hanged by the townsfolk prior to this gesture). Since then it has been the mission of the ADL to suppress all “Anti-Semitism”, whether it’s deserved or not. In my opinion, much enmity against the Chosen Race has been shown to be righteous, and in many cases, long overdue.