9 December, 2009

Tennessee: Another Conviction in Christian/Newsom Case

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black crime, Christian/Newsom, Knoxville, Socrates at 8:31 pm | Permanent Link

One more negro has been found guilty of killing a White couple:


  • 20 Responses to “Tennessee: Another Conviction in Christian/Newsom Case”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      I’m sick of reading all this poor boy nigger shit. They ALL deserve to die. None is less or more guilty than the other. Wipe these fuckin’ apes off the planet.

    2. th Says:

      I am so tired of seeing niggers every where I go. How did it happen that there are so many of these worthless pieces of shit? I am ready to pack and move. Imagine what it would be like to never see a nigger again. Is that possible??

    3. ajiarcher Says:

      What’s to think about, hang ’em.

    4. lawrence dennis Says:

      ajiarcher is correct. Normal “justice” doesn’t have any effect on the nigger on the street. Only prompt lynching has ever been shown to work with niggers.

    5. Ein Says:

      I understand that the case is being handled by a very businesslike black (female) prosecutor. A friend who’s keeping track of this tells me she’s good.

      I’ve never watched it, and don’t know anything about her personally. But, on principle, I don’t like the idea of having a black prosecuting another black, in these cases at least. I don’t know if it’s done on purpose, maybe not, but the effect is to neutralize the race issue…. to downplay it, whereas I think it should be highlighted. What better case to illustrate the racial problem than this one? This case is a glaring racial outrage, and it should be shown as what it is. Instead, it’s downplayed as “not a racial thing”… which we’re told over and over until we believe it.

    6. Irma Grese Says:

      Ein Says: I don’t know if it’s done on purpose, maybe not, but the effect is to neutralize the race issue…. to downplay it, whereas I think it should be highlighted.

      It IS done on purpose, and for precisely that reason. It’s also why you suddenly see so many black “conservatives” on the air whenever some street boon does something especially stupid, like when those cops got shot recently.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yes, after a major chimp-out, the TV Jewsmedia will discuss the problem either by interviewing a bunch of house-Negro kwanservatives or, more likely, a bunch of Black “community activists” and “reverends”. There seem to be no end to the number of Blacks with “jobs” like those.

    8. Justin Huber Says:

      Good points Ein and Tim.

    9. Jim Giles Says:

      I will interview Mary Newsom (Chris Newsom’s mother) at 8:00 a.m. Thursday the 17th.

    10. Luek Says:

      Gee wiz, just what are we getting out of all these convictions?

      Oh, I see, a bunch of more niggers in jail for a long time and possibly death row.

      That is like adding more green flies to the city dump.

      Doesn’t do diddly squat for the two young white victims. They are still dead and the incentive to kill more young whites is still there!

      Nothing is gained here.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Luek Says:

      11 December, 2009 at 1:18 pm

      Gee wiz, just what are we getting out of all these convictions?

      Oh, I see, a bunch of more niggers in jail for a long time and possibly death row.

      That is like adding more green flies to the city dump.

      Doesn’t do diddly squat for the two young white victims. They are still dead and the incentive to kill more young whites is still there!

      Nothing is gained here.

      Yeap. This Regime Fully Understands That.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Absolute, total, deafening silence about this vicious Black on White crime from the Establishment Jewsmedia. I like Dr. Pierce’s solution to dealing with those arrogant, anti-Goy scum in their newsrooms and corporate media offices. You and a team start off by blocking the exits on the main floor and then begin blasting away at everything in sight. When nothing is left moving, you simply go up to the next floor and repeat the process until you get to the top floor. Simple enough!

      How I long for that day.

    13. scottie_too_hottie Says:

      to bad the WHITE dorks in this video had no pro-white obsessions smashed HEEBS would have been beautiful: http://forum.uncoverreality.com/837803-post1.html

      here is the whole story http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs#The_victim_in_the_video

    14. knoxvillegirl Says:

      The next one up is Vanessa Coleman, but not until May 2010. At some point I heard she was just as bad as the men involved, and I heard one of Channon’s parents saying they had DNA and alot of evidence on Coleman, so I dont know how far she went.
      In my opinion, anyone who was in that house is guilty and they dont even deserve a trial. If I was a defense attorney and assigned to this mess, I would be dis-barred before I took the case. There is no way I would do this.
      I think there will be an appeal on Boyd’s trial, who was tried first and only got federal charges with a chance of parole.
      And I dont care if George Thomas’s father smoked crack, beat the kids, and the rest of the family smoked crack, that is no free ticket to murder. And the parents of these ……..non-humans, beg for no death penalty? Of course life would be fine, prison life is a step up for the way they normally live.

    15. alex Says:

      A civilized society would have taken these niggers out and shot within minutes of their being captured. Then a group of enraged whites would have proceeded to the nigger section and burned it down. We don’t live in a civilized society.

    16. knoxvillegirl Says:

      Thanks Alex for clearing up what I mean by “they dont deserve a trial”. And really, they dont. They are all guilty. Now we have to listen to all of them say, “it wasnt me, it was him”. Wasting time and money.

    17. Me Says:

      golly gee wiz, thank God it wasn’t a hate crime!

    18. Ein Says:

      “We don’t live in a civilized society.”

      No, we don’t. We once did, but not now… now that the system has been taken over by Jewish-style haggling and hair-splitting over minutiae.

      Now, we spend 2 or 3 years preparing for the trial, then (whatever the verdict), and the next 15 years fighting appeals on technicalities. Not to mention millions of $ spent in elaborate legal maneuverings to give them every possible benefit of the doubt and every legal protection. In a vigorous and just society, they would be tried in the morning and executed that same afternoon. Then the organs efficiently harvested, and the remains burned by sundown. All done!

      Btw, I would also be in favor (harsh as it seems to the tender-hearted) for group punishment to their nearest kin. Some societies, such as Japan, had this. Not only would it be a tremendous deterrent to the commission of such horrible crimes, this weeding process would be a great benefit to society as a whole. After all, when you have a patch of weeds, you don’t just pull out one dandelion and let the rest of the patch remain and multiply. You pull them all! Why not do the same with degenerate human weeds? They’re all the same stock. You have to root them ALL out!

    19. John Smith Says:

      Blacks breed like cockroaches and we whites breed like gay amoebas.

    20. Divonne Orripid Says:

      Alex Linder, Dr. David Duke, Dr. James P. Wickstrom, Glenn Miller, and the late Dr. William Luther Pierce are all 100% correct.