27 December, 2009

Kumbaya vs Polarize: Pick the Right Strategy

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, strategy, WN strategy at 9:22 pm | Permanent Link

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  • 36 Responses to “Kumbaya vs Polarize: Pick the Right Strategy”

    1. Metal Gear Says:

      I’m hardly a “good standing” member in fact you guys hate my guts. But I found the topic interesting.

      Even though I think strategy 2 is nuts, it does raise the issues. A good example is when the Jewish Defense League starting bombing people in USSR, people thought they were nuts, but it did raise the issue of Soviet Jews. Once the issue is raised, people think you are an ass, but who cares, it is already raised!

      The downside is that you alienate people and not everyone can afford the IRL consequences.

      The other downside is that strategy 2 doesn’t work in a debate.

    2. New America Says:

      Let’s sum up Kumbaya in a picture.

      Imagine, from the old “Peanuts” comic strip, good ol’ bald-headed, fat boy Charlie Brown going to kick the football, and ALWAYS having it pulled away at the last minute by Lucy, who rubs salt in the wound calling him a “blackhead.”

      Next week, it happens again, and so on and so on.

      I remember a cartoon that only ran once, featuring Schroeder – disciplined, talented, brilliant Schroeder, the piano student, who told Charlie Brown that “I’m not like you, Charlie Brown. I’ve got to win one once in a while.”

      That cartoon, a bit too close to the truth, only ran once.

      Because it’s the truth no one could face.

      What does it mean?

      Fifty years of Kumbaya has led us to nothing.

      Now, the society around us is literally collapsing – literally falling apart – because no one had the balls to speak the plain truth clearly.

      Now, Palin can pretty much take advantage of the Reapportionment following the Census of 201o to wipe out the Republican Party as we know it, making it, by 2016, as effectual as the Whig Party in 1864.

      “Yes” to polarize – it’s already there, in an inchoate manner, which accounts for Palin’s popularity – but “Yes” to polarizing correctly, by attacking positions that work to support the deliberate genocide of the White Race, and work to block their Constitutional rights to self-select in their freedom of association.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    3. Kuda Bux Says:

      The Other Site is celebrating the death of VNN.

      They can’t stop talking about the great failure- Alex Linder.

      An obsession without (apparent) end.

      The hard-core, radical approach will work.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      What accounts for Palin’s popularity is that she is a MILF. Every American White guy over 25 is supposed to be hot for her…Except me. I think she’s the most annoying bitch who ever lived. I’d even say that Fran Drescher and Sandra Bernhard are less annoying than Sarah Palin is, for Christ’s sake.

      Oh, yes, the polarize or popularize thing. Hmmm….I’d say neither. I think racially concious Whites should start moving underground to form Al Qaeda/Reconstruction-era KKK/Taliban/VietCong/Wehrwolf/Turner Diaries-style action-units. Going on TV like Nick Griffin did and trying to argue with the anti-White crowd is wrong, as is trying to form a third party or seeking the approval of Newt Gingrich or Pat Buchanan. Enough, already. It’s time to storm the Bastille.

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Now, Palin can pretty much take advantage of the Reapportionment following the Census of 2010 to wipe out the Republican Party as we know it, making it, by 2016, as effectual as the Whig Party in 1864.”

      I sure hope so. The Republican Party is the biggest obstacle to a white revolution.

    6. M9999 Says:

      Anyone still arguing to stick with the first option must love not getting anywhere.

    7. A. Says:

      I don’t know Linder. I just don’t know. Not about the alternatives. Polarization has been what VNN has been about since its inception.

      But all these years later, all these years. Kievsky going to write for a guy who worked with a jew to phish for the passwords of WNists. Yankee Jim, a decent man if ever there was one, dead by his own hand. I don’t think there will be anyone to pick up your quill when you lay it down for the last time. And maybe that is how it should be. Perhaps we are moving into a different phase now.

      “No jews. Just right” Too true, now and forever.

      Gunpowder in the open air just burns up. Sealed in a container it explodes. The jews are polarizing for us but they create safety valves to ward of “accidents”. The system must be undermined by whatever means at hand, thus forcing it to apply too much pressure at the wrong time, in the wrong place and explode. That means the system’s safety valves must also be dismantled. Let the shrapnel fall where it may.

      What are those safety valves? How should they be dealt with?

      Do you grok me my water brothers?

    8. CW-2 Says:

      ‘A’ has made an exellent point about the safety valves the system uses. One of the biggest safety valves is the White Conservative belief that voting can change things. That should be one of the easiest to block off. The White electorate for the past 50 years has been voting against mass immigration, but the globalist sponsored turd tide increases year by year.

    9. Trainspotter Says:

      O.K. I’ll explain it as I see it. Before I begin, let me make it clear that what follows is a think piece. Violence will be discussed, but I am certainly not advocating it, merely analyzing hypotheticals. Warning: this is gonna be long, and it will still only scratch the surface.

      The disclaimers being read, let’s get going:

      My argument will be based in large measure upon the following premises:

      1. Most people will never be radicals. This is just human nature, and probably is adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint. If a populace were radicalized too easily, then societal stability would suffer. Revolution after revolution; turmoil piled upon turmoil. It is true that we White Nationalists offer a world of prosperity and progress, not to mention a world in which innocent whites will not be raped and murdered by feral negroes. Yet, alas, our vision comes with a catch: there is no discernable way that we can achieve such a positive outcome without terrible levels of strife, destruction and death. Such is war. Is it any wonder that the typical member of the herd is almost biologically reluctant to sign up for this? So to repeat, most people will never be radicals. This brings us to the next premise:

      2. No way of winning without violence (again, not advocating, just offering analysis). The system is
      closed to us. There will be no march through the institutions. Our enemies are universalist totalitarians and brook no dissent. We ain’t sneaking up on them, nor are we going to nice our way out of this.

      Alright, enough of basic premises. So where does this leave us? What’s a WN to do?

      Again, ultimately the final resolution will be a violent one. It really doesn’t matter how this comes about. Perhaps WN start it, perhaps La Raza does, perhaps some other party that isn’t even on the radar yet. Perhaps there is a general economic breakdown, perhaps a mass terrorist attack. Perhaps there is another Waco or Ruby Ridge and this time some patriotard groups start firing back. Whatever. Who knows? Again, doesn’t matter.

      What does matter, what is absolutely essential, is that several conditions are met whenever the balloon goes up and opportunity knocks:

      A. There be a hardcore, no compromise WN group ready to move forward and build a white nation. It need not be huge, yet it does need to be solid. History is moved by tiny, dedicated minorities. But this is absolutely useless unless the second condition is also met:

      B. White Nationalist memes must be as widespread as possible in the broader white population. See premise number one above: most people will never be radicals. So no, the entire white population, or even a large percentage of it, is not coming to VNN. This is human nature, and this is reality. Accept it. There is a Bell Curve for radicalism, just as in intelligence, athletic talent, whatever. But what is important is that as many whites as possible have absorbed at least some White Nationalist memes, however watered down. Many will still have no idea about the Jewish question. This won’t be fatal. Again, see the Bell Curve. Ultimately, most people will be ballast anyway. This ballast argument, however, should not be taken too far. If the people are united against the revolutionary, he is doomed. He will fail. The cultural ground must be prepared as best it can, so that resistance is softer and support is greater. The memes don’t have to be strongly held by most, but they do need to be out there, and to be seen as at least somewhat legitimate by large numbers of whites. This is achievable.

      C. Legitimacy of the current system must be weakened. This is an obvious precondition for revolutionary change. Again, note that this does not require most people to be radicals. They won’t be. It does not require most people to be dyed in the wool White Nationalists. They won’t be, under normal societal conditions. It simply requires that the legitimacy of the system be weakened, and that large numbers of whites treat at least watered down White Nationalist memes with some legitimacy. “You guys have got a point…but it will never happen.” That sort of thing.

      So, to answer your question, “Kumbaya or Polarize?” The answer is, in a sense, both. No, they are not mutually exclusive, at least if properly understood. Most people will not be radicals, at least as long as the system is firmly in control, and the only way out is through bloody conflict with lots of turmoil and suffering. This is why the average man is suspicious of all revolutionary movements, and he is right to be. But once the balloon goes up, in whatever manner it goes up, all of this changes. It doesn’t matter if the revolutionary movement initiates hostilities, or if some other force or event creates an opportunity. The point is that once the turmoil is already upon the average man, his whole calculus changes. What appeared impossible or way too risky yesterday seems plausible and attractive today. It now becomes a way out, a way forward. A way toward safety, not away from it. Maybe he’ll fight for the new vision, maybe not. What is more important is that he does not fight against it.

      But again, the preconditions stated above must have been achieved, or all will be lost. You are absolutely right that the dinner party crowd is not going to get the job done. Not by themselves, anyway. But they have their role to play, their part. They can be effective at spreading memes, and those memes must be spread. I enjoy doing this myself, and very much see the value in it. I fully realize that it won’t get the job done all by itself, but it is something that needs to be done.

      And, whether one likes it or not, it’s going to happen anyway. It’s inevitable. As WN grows and its memes spread, it is absolutely inevitable that it will be watered down more and more, as the ripples spread further and further out (note: this doesn’t mean that the core is getting watered down, just that the message is getting watered down as it reaches more broadly into the masses. Don’t misunderstand this point. I am not advocating watering down our message, merely noting that as it spreads this will naturally occur, and further that this is not necessarily a bad thing. Instead, it is a good thing.)

      Anyway, there is no getting around this. One might as well complain about the tide coming in, or the sun rising. People are what they are. You can bang your head against a brick wall, or you can incorporate this reality into your strategy. I suggest the latter. Let the dinner party crowd spread the WN memes. If you want to consider me one of them fine. Let us carry some water. We’re gonna do it anyway, whether or not you approve. Based on my premise that violence is inevitable (again, not advocating, just analyzing), of course the dinner party can’t “win.” But they can help prepare the cultural ground so that a more radical group can plow through. When the balloon goes up, the dinner party crowd will either quickly radicalize, or become completely irrelevant. If history is any guide, things will move very, very fast.

      This leaves a problem: how is the radical group to treat the more moderate meme spreaders? I don’t propose a precise answer to this, and it seems reasonable that such a movement would want to distinguish itself from the others. “We’re the real deal! The rest are pussies!!” But I would advise you thusly: you can be aggressive, crude and even mean as shit. But you should never appear small and petty. My own view, fan as I am of much of your work, is that you have crossed that line recently. On OD, I attempted to dissuade you from a certain line of attack. You did not follow my advice then, nor do I expect you to now. But hey, I offer this in the hope that you just might.

      In any event, you may disagree with what I’ve written above. But it isn’t “stupid.” These are tough issues, and disastrous times that we face. Anyone who claims they know it all is a fool, and intelligent men of good will can disagree. I believe that your way is flawed, though it incorporates many truths. What I offer above is, I believe, a better way that incorporates the best of both. But more to the point, it recognizes reality: there will be radicals, but they will be a minority. The wise strategist understands this, and does not expect others to be what they are not, and will not be. He accepts them for what they are, and develops his strategy accordingly.

    10. Socrates Says:

      “Fifty years of Kumbaya has led us to nothing.”

      Exactly right. However (I’m thinking freely here), the situation FEELS, repeat, feels like a double-edged sword. The very pool of people that we WNs get 80% of our members/followers from (i.e., the “conservative” pool) is the very pool that we must criticize and alienate. It’s sort of an odd situation to be in. But a necessary one. Repeat, necessary. Fifty years of faileo-conning hasn’t worked – in fact, America has moved steadily leftward under conservatism, which “conserves” nothing and, of course, only aids the Jew and the leftist by default, since conservatism is fake, or “feel-good,” opposition. It isn’t real. It’s a magician’s act that ignores the Jew and ignores race – the two central parts of the West’s problem.

    11. CW-2 Says:

      ‘A’ sez: “Do you grok me my water brothers?” We sure do. Here are some obvious societal safety valves.

      Aggression release thru sport, ie. watching mystery meat kick a ball.

      Ability to waste time buying worthless trinkets.

      Fake intellectual achievement in the jew diploma mills.

      Comforting belief that authority figures such as politicians and religious leaders have our best interests at heart.

      Belief that we are listened to and our concerns taken seriously.

      Fake opposition political parties.

    12. Alex Linder Says:

      Problem is, best I can make out, there simply aren’t any men hard enough to get the job done. Maybe I should just stop after “there aren’t any men.”

      We don’t even have people who can stick to a party line, let alone go after the enemy. People are too nice. They’re too unwilling to offend. Too unwilling to criticize. At most they’re willing to spread lies anonymously and gerbil-nip anyone who criticizes their friends.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      {The very pool of people that we WNs get 80% of our members/followers from (i.e., the “conservative” pool) is the very pool that we must criticize and alienate. It’s sort of an odd situation to be in. But a necessary one. }


      If only there was some way to get all those intelligent and ideologically committed White lefties over to the racist side. Unlike the right-wingers, who are content to vent their spleen by calling up Sean Hannity or cry into their beers at the local bar, real Leftist liberals are willing to go out in the street and throw molotov cocktails at the police. They also recognize the danger posed by globalization and trans-national corporations. Many of them are even hostile to Israel. With people like that on the racist, pro-White side, all the do-nothing, right-wing, good ol’ boy types could be jettisoned; Real progress would finally be possible.

    14. New America Says:

      Many good points have been made, but I think the larger issue is, as always, we have set the sights too low, and then failed to meet them, or, all too often, even try to meet them.

      “Standards? Us? have of the people seen here seem to be on some sort of medication schedule, and the best ideas get neutralized by allowing their attack by people who, bluntly, scare the Hell out of anyone thinking of looking at things our way.”

      After my friend, who write compilers for Burroughs mainframes, reviewed, he looked at the masterful assault on VNN’s legitimacy in the eyes of the casual passer-by, and shook his head. The Blackshirt Entity is masterfully well-designed, the various Voices continue without fear of being stopped, and, even now, the controller for The Blackshirt Entity, Adam/”Dietrich,” continues to rant on why we should adopt a mechanistic, neo-Marxian view of ourselves, and the future of our Posterity.

      And VNN stands for it.

      Democracy and tolerance have their limits, and an organization that claims to support a (Pierce’s) “Vanguard” allows any attempts at being a news and commentary source FOR the Vanguard (again, using that term loosely), to be effectively neutralized by allowing one and all to look in on what seems to be the melding of a junior high school cafeteria food fight, and the opening of an insane asylum.

      VNN, as currently structured, spends more time on defense than it does moving the ball down the field.

      Here’s a New Idea:

      One, look at the VNN 1.0 Archive.

      Lots of great ideas, none of which anyone has tried to use to fruition, or even a substantial effect.

      In addition to William Pierce Wednesday, put one of them a day on this blog.

      Two, focus on the damn GENOCIDE of the White Race.

      You could place a UN definition of “genocide” on a screen, and have that superimposed over White birth rates, White displacement patterns, and pictures of the ruins of famous American cities.

      Three, require some form of registration.


      Too many flakes, too may losers, too many walking human detritus, ruin your message the moment they are allowed to post.

      Four, stay on point.

      ANYONE can run a bitch board, and all it displays is their (learned) helplessness in the face of what they complain about.

      VNN is best at the analysis of WHAT the Jews are doing, WHY the Jews are doing it, and HOW the Jews are doing it.

      The larger context for this MUST be the deliberate GENOCIDE of the White RACE, and what will soon happen in South Africa has, well, already happened, in microcosm, in America.

      Believe me, when Mandela dies, the accommodationists in South Africa – and Zimbabwe – will soon discover how deeply they have been played for fools.

      We’ll have part of The Answer.

      Five, stay on point.

      Take a look at the first line of my sig.

      THAT should be the – THE – Focus of VNN.

      All of us, from Rockwell forward, have been bitching about the Jews for half a century, and NOTHING has happened, because we ignore the First Rule of Politics: “What do you want to do, and what’s in it for me?”

      Six, don’t worry about the CONservatives.

      In the words of Agent Smith, at the beginning of “The Matrix,” “Lieutenant, your men are already dead. They just don’t know it.”

      So is CONservatism, trying like the Whig Party of 1856 to be relevant a decade later.

      Kumbaya is simply an admission of defeat, to those who would pull us into a dark alley, slit our throats, and laugh.

      An Intelligent Alternative must stand AGAINST Something, and FOR Something Better.

      Against the GENOCIDE of the White Race, and FOR a White Homeland, an idea that has had trillions of dollars in support over the last fifty years, with Suburbia as the prime example.

      Those are the same fifty years where we have made virtually no headway at all, and have no one to blame but our selves.

      Seven, develop a nostalgia for a Future – a Better Future.

      I have asked for people to write their biography, for their Posterity, fifty years from now.

      No replies.

      I have asked people who challenged me on the concept of a Northwest Homeland – people who claim to support White Nationalism – to write the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, to be delivered at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      No replies.

      Imagine – the Inaugural Address from a Senator from the Creation of the Racially Conscious Community, FROM A WHITE NATION, adn not one reply.

      All you need to know.

      It’s very simple, Alex.

      VNN has attracted great people, and it has lost great people, who went on to do Good Things elsewhere, because we do not pass the First Rule of Politics.

      Hate the Jews?

      Great, in their eyes, as it simply validates their superiority over you.

      Want to Do Something about it, Something Better?

      The Kumbaya Singers – of ALL Races – want to cut our throats while we lie in bed.

      If you choose “Polarize,” and it’s really late in the Game, better focus on the GENOCIDE of the White Race, the Collapse of the White Nation and all the White Nation Created, and why the White Nation was better, then, and will be much better, tomorrow, if we work Consciously towards the Ideal of a White Homeland.

      Choose, Alex, and Choose Wisely.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      ^^^^^What the hell was that all about?^^^^^

    16. Metal Gear Says:

      “Kievsky going to write for a guy who worked with a jew to phish for the passwords of WNists.”
      Funny how you pretend the phora is pro-white just because I hacked it. And you pretend I hacked it because I was anti-white.

    17. Metal Gear Says:

      Let’s set the record straight.

      Daniel Shays created the lyceum. He’s a Muslim. Not Fade.

      Besoshvili was the one responsible for pretending to be a mod on the phora but really supporting the lyceum. He’s a communist.

      I was the one responsible for writing the php code first on ixabert’s forum (phpbb) and then on Shays forum (vbulletin) to phish passwords. I did this so that I could get revenge on phora people who had pissed me off. It had nothing to do with pro-whites or anti-whites.

      Ixabert misused this power to troll people and harass them. He got the boot for it.

      Fade did little more than talk trash.

      But the phora is not pro-white. If I wanted to try to hack VNN or Stormfront, I could have. I didn’t. You are deluded if you think this was over being anti-white. It was all about revenge.

    18. A. Says:

      What record? Some pro-whites got phished and I take it you are the slimy jew who helped fade with his “revenge”. No jews. Just right.” Fuck off kike.

    19. alex Says:

      I have asked people who challenged me on the concept of a Northwest Homeland – people who claim to support White Nationalism – to write the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, to be delivered at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      No replies.

      No one replies because no one sees the relevance.

      Look at the beam in your own eye: why can’t you attract anybody? Even dipshittery like Jehovah’s Witnesses can attract people. Why can’t Harold the Magnicent? Is something wrong with his idea, or him?

      Since you won’t answer, I will. There’s lots wrong with him, which is why He can’t attract anyone, even though, He showed us the Way. As for his idea, it isn’t bad. It just isn’t better than many others.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      Trainspotter says: “White Nationalist memes must be as widespread as possible in the broader White population.” Very true!
      This is already happening thanks to vnn and others, and is an activity each of us can do as part of our daily routine.

    21. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Sarah Palin is no milf. She’s got an awful jaw line, she looks like an irate librarian. That’s not important though because I think by this time next year she’ll be a footnote, like Geraldine Ferraro.

      History teaches us that history never exactly repeats itself, it goes on like a musical motif in a good symphony, changing each time in key or time signature, or in orchestration. The successful way hasn’t become known yet: it appears organically when the right people do the right things. Expecting people to go along with any of the ideas I’ve heard so far as they are is as nutty as the guy in the Rockwell organization who was the bane of Dr. Pierce (and Robert Frenz) who insisted on pulling out old NSDAP methods and following them verbatim.

      What I do know is that violence now is plain crazy, as is attempting to build any kind of hardcore inner circle organization. Pierce had the lemming phenomenon correctly figured out, he just needed a lot more time, and for him time ran out. The quality people for the most part are not ready and the ready people for the most part are not quality.

      The bright side is that Obongo and his Jew Crew are intent on bringing matters to a head much quicker than would be the case otherwise. Socialized medicine and amnesty for steezer trash and sky high taxes on the upper middle class NOW are better than those things later, because every year more basically decent white girls go mudshark, every year the steezers crank out more mestizitos in US hospitals, every year….you know the drill. Exceeding the tolerable first derivative is the key and the Jew, overreaching as ever, is going to do it. He can’t help himself. We need to grab his hand and pull him toward us, and over our shoulder onto his ass. Fast and hard.

      Can we do it? I don’t know.

      I see three basic alternatives: one, we do it, two, we fail and the mudization of mass society causes massive failure, and a small enclave of whites survive whilst the rest of the planet implodes, three, the society trucks on awkwardly until there are no more whites and evolution is set back a hundred thousand years.

      We die or we go to the stars. I really am sure that is the literal truth. And that has nothing to do with Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica (Star Trek for Mormons) or any other science fiction.

    22. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      you can’t go past Pierce for a blue-print…..he had it right….so did RPO, from whom Pierce got many of his ideas….basically: you don’t need to “chase yr tail” ad infinitum for the solution….it’s already been ‘laid out’….it just needs some slight modification(s) to take into account phenomenon like the internet, the increasing “mud-isation” of the ‘Kwa, various economic & natural disasters & “lone-wolf-ism”;

      as for “finding the men”….yeh….that’s a problem….Robert Matthews was, probably, the last of his breed…..we may not see his like again for some time…..short of “press-ganging” young white boys and forcibly indoctrinating/”re-educating” them in WN and, later, as white warriors….(which, of course, takes time!)…..there doesn’t seem any sort of solution “to hand” in the ‘Kwa @ present…..

      Matthews was, unfortunately, 20+ yrs premature…..and, as above, yr unlikely to find any-one of his calibre, or, even, the calibre of the other “Order” members now….the average ‘Kwan WN is, quite simply, too scared of fedZOGjewSA…..too scared of its cops, its fedZOGbots, its media, its National Guard, too scared of its nigger-heavy gulags, too scared of its “jewstice” system, too scared of losing their “jobs”…..HELL!…too scared of what their white neighbours or relations might say!

      you need WN insurgents who, quite simply, couldn’t give a flying FUCK! about all of that, who, for all practicable purposes, already consider them-selves dead and who, like Matthews, will refuse to be taken alive and will sell their lives very dearly indeed!

      such a “mind-set” totally discombobulates ZOG & its minions because they have nothing to “compromise” you with….nothing to “bargain” with…..noting to “placate” you with…..it’s their worst nightmare….that’s why, currently, they’re making “peace” with the Iraqi & Afghani “insurgents”….ZOG is a mercenary entity……none of its hirelings are, really, prepared to die for it……they must be “bought off” some-how or t’other……you must have “a price”….but, if yr “price” is too high for ZOG, you will, ultimately, win!

      where does that leave us?

      maybe: recruit from over-seas…..possibly, NS skin-heads from either Russia/Eastern Europe or both…..such a hard-core, no-compromise cadre of WN insurgents/revolutionaries might be the only way to “get the ball rolling”!

    23. Metal Gear Says:

      I didn’t “help fade get revenge.” He was the smallest player in the game. I was the ring leader behind it. They had a bunch of posters pretending to be me on other websites, creating a bunch of fake profiles. They wouldn’t stop. They falsely accused me of plagiarism. So I went after them.

      What is so hard to understand about that? Stop turning this into some Jewish conspiracy to hack every pro-white forum. The phora openly claims it is a free speech forum. It openly denies being pro-white. I might as well just hacked discuss anything.

    24. A. Says:

      You think I give a shit about you, you son of a donkey fucker? You must have missed something kike. I want you and the rest of your tribe off the planet post-haste. The mere fact that Griffin was working with a “poor” jew to fuck over white people is enough. “No jews. Just right.”

    25. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Unlike the right-wingers, who are content to vent their spleen by calling up Sean Hannity or cry into their beers at the local bar, real Leftist liberals are willing to go out in the street and throw molotov cocktails at the police.”

      Check this out:

      That is what we need on our side. Those kids are the ones we should be reaching out to, not to a bunch of middle class prigs who get their panties in a knot when someone uses the f-word around them. These kids have the anger but they don’t know what to do with it. Imagine if they were doing stuff like this for a worthy cause, like say, to protest affirmative action, instead of for something idiotic like a concert being cancelled.

    26. Igor Alexander Says:

      Middle class manners are great for building a society and keeping it running smoothly, but they are not only useless, but an obstacle, when you’re trying to destroy one. And make no mistake: our task is to destroy the present society, not preserve it. Conservatives cannot be on our side because they believe in reform, in preservation. They are incapable of understanding that the building has been so devasted by termites that it needs to be torn down, not patched up.

    27. Igor Alexander Says:

      typo: devastated

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      Just imagine if those White Canadian teens decided to attack a bunch of gook or rag-head invaders there in Montreal instead of smashing the windows of other White people’s cars. With a little bit of guidance, it could have happened.

      However, rioting over something as seemingly inconsequential as a musical concert is nothing new. There was a riot in Paris in 1913 after the debut performance of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre Du Printemps.

    29. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Sarah Palin is no milf. She’s got an awful jaw line, she looks like an irate librarian.”

      She’s a bit artificial looking in that over-made-up, fake tan sort of way. She was real nice looking when she was younger though.

    30. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Expecting people to go along with any of the ideas I’ve heard so far as they are is as nutty as the guy in the Rockwell organization who was the bane of Dr. Pierce (and Robert Frenz) who insisted on pulling out old NSDAP methods and following them verbatim.”

      Alex’s polarization and “attack the conservatives” plans seem like good projects for the short-term, good ways to prepare the ground for the people coming after us who will carry out the real work and get the job done.

    31. Igor Alexander Says:

      “However, rioting over something as seemingly inconsequential as a musical concert is nothing new. There was a riot in Paris in 1913 after the debut performance of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre Du Printemps.”

      LOL. Thanks for reminding me off that.

    32. A. Says:

      The mental patient has had another post coopted on to the AccidentalQueerOnline:


      As if Grab Johnson has never heard of Stephen Steinlight. No editorial note though about why those figures might be what they are. He just lets the odd little fellow misconstrue reality. Why? Why Grab Johnson? An alumni of VNN can’t be so stupid on the JQ can they?

    33. A. Says:

      Come to think of it, has there been any indepth look into the toing-and-froing of jewish groups on immigration by the intellectuals at the AQO? Nope. Just a bunch of retarded shit like the editor’s New Years Resoutions list and some bullshit review of more navel gazing fluff. Who in their right mind would want to be associated with such outrageous levels of anti-intellectual drivel?

      There are hard topics out there which the AQO seems to have no interest in looking at except for in the most off-hand and turgid manner possible.

      That’s right, Gregalina, everytime you publish an article, a Holocaust Museum gets another wing.

      How many starved in the Ukraine? How many perished Germany? How did McArthur feel when a million chinese suddenly appeared out of nowhere and knew exactly where his men were? How many minds were murdered today?!?

      But you know, keep on pettyfogging… you know, just sit on your manicured ass while an enormous menorah stands outside the White House. You know man, just swallow shit and regurgitate it for us. You know, just publish a crock of useless tailchasing garbage, you know, while the jews continue to imbroil us in wars of conquest where, as it says in the Protocols, there will be no benefit. I mean the Chinese got the oil contracts didn’t they? I mean didn’t they Mr. Mealymouth Trouser-Weasel Johnson.

      You see, that is the real world. The world in which we live. The real world is the repository of information from which the intellect produces durable goods. Meanwhile on the AQO we have opinions on theories laced with less than laconic assumptions. Now, the real world and a bunch of meaningless horse manure: why do you choose the horse manure?

    34. A. Says:

      If a bus driver crashes into a lamp-post, do you blame the passengers? Rob Freeman does in his latest post on the Occidental Dissent. Using an opinion piece by Kara Miller, who is a history and rhetoric teacher at Babson College which prides itself on multi-culturalism, condemns Whites for not getting with the program and helping to sustain the jewish system.

      It seems we haven’t been trying to help sustain the jewish empire enough by making ourselves useful in the system. If only Whites would try to excel in the system that hates them and which uses all its power to dispossess them, he crys. We must play the jew game better so that we are the goy the jews pat on the head instead of the asiatics.

      Fuck you Rob Freeman.

      Kumbya my Rob, kumbya…

    35. Tom McReen Says:

      “If only there was some way to get all those intelligent and ideologically committed White lefties over to the racist side.”

      You just KNEW that Socrates’ post about our main pool coming from Conservatives would be a McGreen light for Mike Jahn to continue his red-loving propaganda on VNN. How predictable!

      Leftists are not intelligent. That is why they are leftists. And Socrates’ point about WNs coming from Conservatism refers to the facts that it is a phase on the way to WN for non-cowards – NOT that WNs are Conservatives! Even anti-nwo conspiracy people who are not ‘anti-semitic’ like us see through the Conservative charade so shame on McGreen, Blackshirt or any other imposter who tries to impose leftism on all of us by lying that VNNers are Conservatives.

      Conservatives are about finished anyway, the days of WNs coming from that place are coming to a close. Future WNs will come straight from the so-called mainstream or from the ‘fight the NWO’ community. More sheeple will be drawn to us as a direct result of assault by non-whites or discrimination by Big Jew.


    36. Tom McReen Says:

      CW-2 said:

      “Here are some obvious societal safety valves.

      Aggression release thru sport, ie. watching mystery meat kick a ball.

      Ability to waste time buying worthless trinkets.

      Fake intellectual achievement in the jew diploma mills.

      Comforting belief that authority figures such as politicians and religious leaders have our best interests at heart.

      Belief that we are listened to and our concerns taken seriously.

      Fake opposition political parties.”

      It’s depressing because it’s true. These points are enlightening enough to be passed around White people just as you later suggested we do.