17 November, 2009

Reporting on the Holocaust That Happened

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, Kaganovich, media, media control, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union at 9:18 am | Permanent Link


(Photo of Lazar Kaganovich)

Jews murdered tens of millions of gentiles in the Soviet Union, e.g., the Ukraine famine-murders (“Holodomor”) were carried out by the yid named Lazar Kaganovich, a top Soviet official who, interestingly, was from the Ukraine himself. Western journalists largely ignored the murders upon orders from their Jewish or leftist bosses, who were of course Soviet sympathizers. But a few journalists did report on the mass-killings, such as this fellow:


  • 31 Responses to “Reporting on the Holocaust That Happened”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      Adolph Hitler no doubt saw the future of Germany in the actions of Lazar Kaganovich. If the Stalin could starve to death millions of their own, what ungodly things were they capable of inflicting upon the Germans? Lazar Kaganovich laid the groundwork for the horrors to follow in WW2.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Beria, Kaganovich, Dzerzinsky…All bloodthirsty Red Talmudic Jews responsible for killing millions in the USSR. And it was all kept quiet by scumbags like Walter Duranty and his Jew bosses at the New York Times.

    3. Adam Says:

      Interesting stuff! From the Fox News article linked at the natall site:

      Jones’ eyewitness account had little effect on world opinion at the time. Stalin’s totalitarian regime tightly controlled the flow of information out of the U.S.S.R., and many Moscow-based foreign correspondents — some of whom had pro-Soviet sympathies — refused to believe Jones’ reporting.

      The New York Times’ Walter Duranty, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, dismissed Jones’ article as a scare story.

      “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine,” Duranty wrote. Other correspondents chimed in with public denials, and with his colleagues against him, Jones was discredited.

      If Duranty was a Jew, he was a real Jew’s Jew. Proof of his Jewishness is rather scant, however. I haven’t been able to find anything beyond the simple allegation of it at wiki. He doesn’t look particularly Jewish, although that is not necessarily the most reliable evidence.


      It’s possible he may simply have been a member of the tribe in spirit, rather than genetically. Those are often the worst ones.

      From wiki:

      Walter Duranty (1884–October 3, 1957) was a Liverpool-born British jewish journalist who served as the New York Times Moscow bureau chief from 1922 through 1936. Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a set of stories written in 1931 on the Soviet Union. Duranty’s reporting has fallen into disrepute primarily because of his reports denying the famine in Ukraine. He has also been criticized for his favorable portrayals of Stalin and his uncritical coverage of Stalin’s show trials.

      After finishing college, Duranty moved to Paris. During the First World War, he avoided military service through his job as a reporter.


      In 1932, reports of famine in Ukraine started appearing from journalists such as Gareth Jones of The Times and Malcolm Muggeridge of The Guardian. Both men defied travel restrictions and secretly went to view conditions in Ukraine. In the spring of 1933, Jones left the Soviet Union and reported the famine under his own name in the Manchester Guardian. Around the same time, six British citizens were arrested on charges of industrial espionage. On March 31, 1933, Walter Duranty denounced the famine stories and Gareth Jones in the New York Times. In the piece, he described the situation under the title “Russians Hungry, But Not Starving” as follows: “In the middle of the diplomatic duel between Great Britain and the Soviet Union over the accused British engineers, there appears from a British source a big scare story in the American press about famine in the Soviet Union, with ‘thousands already dead and millions menaced by death from starvation.”

      Muggeridge, who had secretly been in Ukraine for The Guardian, later called Duranty “the greatest liar I have met in journalism.”


      In his New York Times articles (including one published on March 31, 1933), Duranty repeatedly denied the existence of a Ukrainian famine in 1932–33. In an August 24, 1933 article in NYT, he claimed “any report of a famine is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda”, but admitted privately to William Strang (in the British Embassy in Moscow on September 26, 1933) that “it is quite possible that as many as ten million people may have died directly or indirectly from lack of food in the Soviet Union during the past year.”[5]

      Duranty’s biased reporting also receives a passing mention in this masterful 1995 article by Sobran, which raises a lot of issues later focused upon by Alex Linder here at vnn:


    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      “After finishing college, Duranty moved to Paris. During the First World War, he avoided military service through his job as a reporter. ”

      Well, there’s one bit of evidence that Duranty was a Jew. If his parents were “Russian” or “Polish” immigrants to England, that would be another bit. I’d say the circumstantial evidence, scant as it is, points to Duranty being more of a Dubinsky or Dershowitz.

    5. Ein Says:

      “Walter Duranty (1884–October 3, 1957) was a Liverpool-born British jewish journalist who served as the New York Times Moscow bureau chief from 1922 through 1936. Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a set of stories written in 1931 on the Soviet Union.”

      Even the above quote (leaving out the word “jewish”) still has a stongly Jewish smell to it. Everything in it hints at Jewish.

      And the name, Duranty –uh, uh, no such thing. It could have been Durante, which does exist (an Italian name). I agree that he doesn’t look recognizably Jewish. Could have been one of the many michlings who were “passing”…. of which Britain doubtless had many.

    6. Whodareswings Says:

      Walter Duranty, Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuberg conducted a homo three-way that became famous in 20th century occult history as “The Paris Working.” The idea was to invoke the god Hermes by sniffing coke and ritually buggering each other non-stop for over a week.

      “Thus therefore to the Glory of the Ineffable One of the Dove and of the Serpent, did these two Brethren begin their Working — First. From 4:55 to 5:35 did I confess myself, even I, Frater O.S.V. 6degree = 5square receiving the Sacrament from a certain priest A.B.<> and being thereby much comforted did I set myself to the painting of the prime pantacle of this book.

      Therein busied, came inspiration unto me from the Most High, and this is the consideration: that though Pan be the Master of this Work, yet is the Work naught without Wisdom divine, and that Hermes is rightly the god of this particular Operation of Magick Art. Therefore, say I, let Hermes first be invoked, and that by the Rite, and by this incantation which I made with my friend the Art-Bachelor W.D.”

      Read more of Crowley’s account here: http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib415.html

    7. Tom McReen Says:

      “Walter Duranty, Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuberg conducted a homo three-way that became famous in 20th century occult history as “The Paris Working.” The idea was to invoke the god Hermes by sniffing coke and ritually buggering each other non-stop for over a week.”

      LOL. ‘Great White man’.

      “Neuburg was born into and raised in an upper middle-class Jewish family.[1][2] Born at Islington, raised in London, his father was Carl Neuburg, a merchant from Vienna; his mother was Janette Jacobs from England.”


      About Durante: does this help?


    8. Adam Says:

      Searching deeper, I see that Dr. Revilo Oliver also considered this question, but did not resolve it. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say not a pure Jew but a mischling, possibly descended from Marranos of Sephardic stock (the last name Duranty possibly being derived from durante, a Spanish word meaning “during” or “while”). Dr. Oliver has this to say in his Sanity in South America:

      Beyond that point, it will be hazardous to make assumptions concerning what is now happening in Russia, because, as always since 1918, we cannot ascertain how much of the “news” that is printed is organized lying by the prostitutes of the press. That lesson is emphasized by the recent publication of *Stalin’s Apologist, Walter Duranty, the New York Time’s Man in Moscow*, by S(ally) J. Taylor (Oxford University Press, 1990). The lady makes it quite clear that Duranty deliberately lied for Stalin in his despatches from Moscow in the 1920s and 1930s, and was congratulated by Stalin for “having backed him to win” from the first. She is certain that the mongrel rat (8) was not a Communist, since he had no ‘ideology’ and indeed no scruples or principles whatsoever, except self-advancement, and she indicts him for the crime of having misled the Western world about the horrors of Soviet rule, particularly Stalin’s murder of millions of Ukrainians by forcing them to starve to death. She does not see that, aside from winning Stalin’s patronage, (9) Duranty was pleasing his employers, the Jews who owned the *New York Times*, often called the Slushbuggers. She also failed to consider the fact that there were still honest reporters in Russia in those years, the late Malcolm Muggeridge and, more importantly, Robert Wilton of the London *Times*, but the Jews had already attained such control over the press, (10) and the malice of fledgling “intellectuals” intoxicated with “social justice” and hatred of their betters was so great, that truthful reports about Jewish rule of Russia were discounted and ignored by the stupid British and Americans, who lapped up the swill put before them by their covert enemies. Had Duranty been an honest man, he would have been similarly ignored. He chose to please the Masters of the World, and there are many like him today.

      (8. It is evident from photographs of the creature’s ugly and sinister visage that he was not an Aryan. Although Mrs. Taylor claims to have spent ten years in research for her long book, she does not inform us what genetic strains produced the degenerate; he could have been partly or even entirely Jewish. He was a drug-addict, amateur of occult and even overtly Satanic hocus-pocus, squat, bald, and ugly, but was nevertheless able to seduce a very large number of supposedly respectable women, who must have been devoid of both taste and self-respect. For many other details concerning the personality and career of this scabrous creature, see Mrs. Taylor’s book. She incidentally notes that William Shirer, a champion liar about Germany, naturally called Duranty “the greatest of correspondents to cover Moscow.”)

      (9. Mrs. Taylor does not tell us whether Stalin paid Duranty in cash, women, drugs, or sadistic pleasures–or, perhaps, all four. Although the journalist professed to have been shocked by the carnage he saw in France during the First World War, it is likely he derived a spiritual satisfaction from human suffering and death.)

      (10. A clear illustration of the extent of that control is shown by the fact that Butterworth, the British publisher of Wilton’s book, mutilated it by omitting the most telling references to the world-conquering Sheenies, and Wilton had to set the record straight in his French version of his book, *Les derniers jours des Romanof*.)

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      {About Durante: does this help?…}

      McReen, the guy’s name was Duranty, not Durante or Durrant.

      Will you please go away, you limey hemorrhoid?

    10. Shyl0ck Says:

      In case you were wondering, Kamal Attaturk, the founder of Turkey’s secular Muslim state and the perpetrator of the Armenian genocide, is also a Jew.

    11. Tom McReen Says:

      “McReen, the guy’s name was Duranty, not Durante or Durrant.
      Will you please go away, you limey hemorrhoid?”

      Apparently thick-as-shit-in-a-bottle Troll McGreen has never heard of name variations, especially where jews/ potential jews are concerned.

      What’s wrong, upset about your ‘great White man’ Aleister Crowley? Take your disruption somewhere else.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      But wasn’t Attaturk a Turkish war-hero in WWI? He was involved in defeating the British at Galipoli, wasn’t he?

    13. Shyl0ck Says:

      @Tim McGreen:

      Attaturk was a war hero to the Turks, but he was a Jew. Those links are to articles originally written for the Forward (a Jew publication) and to an article written for the NY Sun, a heavily neocon-Jew influenced publication.

      You can read more about it here, albeit from a less credible source:

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      The lovely and talented Tom McRetin says:
      Apparently thick-as-shit-in-a-bottle Troll McGreen has never heard of name variations, especially where jews/ potential jews are concerned.
      Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, McReen… You look up the biography of a well-known person by typing in every other last name EXCEPT the one he used. Smart. How would you look up George Washington, by typing in George Wellington or George Worthington? You’re too much, McReen.

      {What’s wrong, upset about your ‘great White man’ Aleister Crowley? Take your disruption somewhere else.}
      Where did you get that information, McReen, from some whackjob Christian propaganda website? Did you know that in the original version of the gospels Jeebus was said to have had sexual relations with his male and female followers?

      Please, take YOUR disruption somewhere else, preferably to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

    15. -jc Says:

      Time has run out for doing much in the way of research into the Ukrainian holocaust. In the early 80’s, I met several Nebraskans who received mail from their Ukrainian relations of German descent during the famine. They all told essentially the same story: Steaming-off postage stamps and finding the message “We’re starving,” so complete was both the desperation and the fear of the terror threatened against anyone who tried to get the word out.

      You spot a troll by looking where and with what tone they steer discussions.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      {-jc Says:

      18 November, 2009 at 7:36 am
      You spot a troll by looking where and with what tone they steer discussions.}

      Well, jc, y’all can’t accuse me of steering this conversation in some unwanted direction:

      {Tim McGreen Says:

      17 November, 2009 at 5:39 pm

      Beria, Kaganovich, Dzerzinsky…All bloodthirsty Red Talmudic Jews responsible for killing millions in the USSR. And it was all kept quiet by scumbags like Walter Duranty and his Jew bosses at the New York Times.}

      So there.

    17. Kuda Bux Says:

      “.. .and with what tone they steer discussions. . .”

      Yes, watch out for steer manure.

    18. Tom McReen Says:

      “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, McReen… You look up the biography of a well-known person by typing in every other last name EXCEPT the one he used. Smart. How would you look up George Washington, by typing in George Wellington or George Worthington? You’re too much, McReen.”

      He still doesn’t get it.

      “Where did you get that information, McReen, from some whackjob Christian propaganda website? Did you know that in the original version of the gospels Jeebus was said to have had sexual relations with his male and female followers?”

      Trying to deflect from his stated admiration of Crowley by ranting about Christianity again.

      “Beria, Kaganovich, Dzerzinsky…All bloodthirsty Red Talmudic Jews responsible for killing millions in the USSR. And it was all kept quiet by scumbags like Walter Duranty and his Jew bosses at the New York Times.}

      So there.”

      Too late. Besides, the Russians clearly weren’t anti-semitic or race-aware enough, so by your ‘laws of nature’, they got what they deserved.

    19. Ein Says:

      Thank you, JC and Shylock. That information is amazing.
      But not really shocking.

      The articles said that his family came from Salonika, where there was a large community of wealthy, influential Jews. I have read that Sarkozy’s grandfather also came from that same wealthy Jewish community in Salonika. Interesting!
      Since leaving Salonika, the Sarkozy’s too have been “passing”. Thus, Sarkozy is probably a distant relative of Attaturk.

    20. New America aka Harold Glass-Covington Says:

      Tim McGreen,

      As a NON-Xtian I’d like to know more. Please give books, references, et al. Thanks, and keep up the good Julian Apostate hammering on the Xtian ‘tards.

      “Did you know that in the original version of the gospels Jeebus was said to have had sexual relations with his male and female followers?”

    21. Tom McReen Says:

      It is right to draw attention to these bloodthirsty murdering kikes. The most we ever get from the jewed media about jewish communism is Stalin being evil (and now an ‘anti-semite’ who ‘purged’ jews).

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Stalin didn’t like the Jews anymore than Dr. Goebbels or Reinhard Heydrich did. But he needed them to help in his rise to power. Once that power was consolidated, Stalin began his purges, sending a lot of Jewish rivals to the firing squad or Siberia. He also gladly agreed to the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany. The Fuhrer made an unbelievable blunder by ordering Operation Barbarossa.

    23. Adam Says:

      In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Jews are forever whining about what an anti-semite Stalin was. This permits them to distance themselves from what is now universally regarded as a criminal regime held in repute almost as low as Hitler’s. But it is also probable that it’s just a reaction to his realistic appraisal of them. Stalin appears to have understood well that a Jew’s deepest loyalty is to the Jewish race, and that Jews were natural spies and saboteurs in whatever land they happened to reside. This clear-sightedness on his part received the usual recompense. Then as now, anyone who assesses the Jews honestly and who is not befuddled by them is going to be called an anti-semite. A more balanced view would be that Stalin appears to have had an instinctive understanding of Jews and, for the most part, worked well with them. Some speculate that he may have had Jewish blood himself. In any case, for most of his tenure, Stalin was very pro-Jewish, promoting them to very high positions in the USSR’s bureaucracy. A case in point is our Jewish poster boy above, Lazar Kaganovich, architect of the Great Famine. Some say Stalin even took Lazar’s sister Rosa as his third wife.

      From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin's_antisemitism

      Stalin’s letter : “Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States” dated January 12, 1931 indicated his official position of the Soviet Union:

      In answer to your inquiry: National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism. Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty. [6]


      In 1947, Stalin joined the United States in supporting the creation of Israel, and supported Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War with weaponry supplied via Czechoslovakia and encouraged his supporters to serve in the Israeli armed forces.


      Stalin’s daughter Svetlana fell in love with a Jew, Alexei Kapler. Stalin disapproved.[17] He was exiled to Vorkuta on the charge of being an ‘English spy’. She later fell in love with Grigori Morozov, another Jew, and married him. Stalin agreed to their marriage after much pleading on Svetlana’s part, but refused to attend the wedding. His son Yakov also married a Jewish woman, Yulia Meltzer, and though Stalin disapproved at first, began to grow fond of her. Lavrentiy Beria’s son noted that his father could list Stalin’s affairs with Jewish women.[2]

    24. Tom McReen Says:

      “In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Jews are forever whining about what an anti-semite Stalin was. ”

      Yes, that is the jewish line about Stalin; he of jewish communism, jewish revolutionaries, jewish wives and military supporter of Israel and death penalties for ‘anti-semites’.

      And wasn’t there a thread on the forum a while back detailing that Operation Barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike against Stalin’s planned invasion of Western Europe?

    25. Ein Says:

      I’ve checked this topic out various times, and find alegations both ways: that Stalin’s three wives were Jews and he as well, even that his children married Jews. And then there are others that claim the exact reverse. Some of them give quite detailed “documentation”, though I can’t be at all sure how accurate it is.

      In conclusion, it seems to me that it’s impossible to know one way or another. The entire subject is shrouded in a swirl of allegations and propaganda to the degree that’s it’s virtually impossible to cut through it.

      I’ve been reading up on von Ribbentrop lately. It seems that he had high regard for Stalin, personally liked him, and actually hoped until the end for a renewed alliance with the Soviet Union; meanwhile, he passionately hated both Britain and America (where he had lived!).

      Maybe the account I read was biased (quite possibly) but it appears that Ribbentrop fawned and weedled his way into Hitler’s good graces. Hitler thought very highly of him, at first, because unlike the experienced diplomats in the foreign office who saw Germany’s prospects more clearly, Ribbentrop told Hitler whatever Hitler wanted to hear. By the end, Hitler had grown tired of him, found him annoying, and wouldn’t even see him. Perhaps he saw what a disaster Ribbentrop had led Germany into. Ribbentrop was a terrible mistake. He would have been happier working in Moscow than in Berlin. And in the end, the Russians abandoned him and he was hanged anyway.

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ribbentrop’s previous job was as a champagne salesman, no?

      Anyway, there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that the USSR was preparing for an attack on Germany. The Soviets were completely taken by surprise by Barbarossa. Stalin withdrew into his private office for at least ten days trying to figure out what to do. 15 million Soviets, mostly Whites, and 5 million Germans died because of that disastarous invasion. I can see why Hitler’s superiors refused to promote him above the rank of Corporal in the First War.

    27. Adam Says:

      Ein Says:

      I’ve checked this topic out various times, and find alegations both ways: that Stalin’s three wives were Jews and he as well, even that his children married Jews. And then there are others that claim the exact reverse. Some of them give quite detailed “documentation”, though I can’t be at all sure how accurate it is.

      In conclusion, it seems to me that it’s impossible to know one way or another. The entire subject is shrouded in a swirl of allegations and propaganda to the degree that’s it’s virtually impossible to cut through it.

      When a man dies, we are left with only his public acts and his corpse by which to judge him. That’s all we can go by. DNA testing of the latter could reveal the extent of his Jewishness, so that need not remain a mystery forever — yet any attempt to determine this would no doubt be decried as anti-semitic. Whether Stalin had Jewish ancestry or not is something that “respectable” people would have no interest in finding out. Even to express curiosity on this point is akin to an admission of anti-semitism, in the eyes of many. As for his public acts, they were not those of an anti-semite. Stalin made anti-semitism punishable by death under Soviet law in an era in which he had complete control. He never systematically persecuted the Jews, although he very justly (and probably often correctly) suspected them of being spies, traitors, and of plotting against him. He elevated a great many Jews to high places in the Soviet bureaucracy, and supported the creation of the state of Israel. Although he purged some Jews, he often replaced them with other Jews. AFAIK, the information about his children marrying Jews is not contested and a matter of public record.

      My conclusion is that Stalin was in no meaningful sense an anti-semite, although in an effort to distance themselves from a criminal, genocidal regime in which they held many important positions, Jews often depict him as one. Of course, to a Jew, anyone who ever opposed Jews in any way or even uttered a single word against them is a hate-filled anti-semite, and under this definition Stalin more than qualifies.

    28. Ein Says:

      Tim McGreen asks: “Ribbentrop’s previous job was as a champagne salesman, no?”

      Yes. He ran a wine importing business in Ottawa. He also worked as a jounalist in Montreal, Boston, and New York. He later married the daughter of a wealthy champagne producer back in Germany. In that way, he came into money. Apparently, he had a lot of charm (though not sense for diplomacy) which made him a good salesman and sycophant, but a terrible diplomat.

      Ribbentrop had a knowledge of languages, was from a cosmopoliitan family, and apparently spoke English very well. (After all, he had worked as a journalist in America.) He was scathing of the previous German foreign minister who made grammatical errors. Hitler, who was not a traveled person and naive about the world outside of Europe, relied for advice on Ribbenrop whom he regarded as a man of the world. But R. told H. whatever he thought would advance himself in H’s esteem, even at Germany’s expense. H. had a dream of forming an Anglo-German alliance, and R. took pains to feed that dream.

      When R. was made ambassador to London, he spent his major efforts trying to ingratiate himself with the British aristocracy, and eventually became embittered against Britain when all his efforts seemed to get him nowhere. He thought the aristocracy were the key to controlling the country. He failed to understand who was really in control, behind the scenes. R. got rid of the experienced diplomats who were doubtful about the possibility of an English alliance.

      He was also vain and arrogant and made many social gaffes. He even greeted King George with “Heil Hitler!” His wife though, a very haughty and controlling woman, was even worse. Aside from Hitler, she was the only one he really feared and obeyed. She caused a lot of trouble, meddling in diplomacy and such. (She put her interior decorator in charge of Ribbentrop’s espionage bureau!)

      Ribbenreop continued to encourage H. to have confidence in a forthcoming alliance with the British Empire, against Russia — which was just not going to happen. Certainly not if Churchill had his way. R. didn’t even know Churchill’s right name (he addressed him as Vincent!).

      I was also reading a book by George Kennan, who was in the US diplomatic service, working in Berlin at the time war broke out. Kennan seems a reasonable and decent person; and he describes R. as a strutting, shouting, pompous fool who was all full of himself, but a groveling sycophant in H’s. ppresence. But H. had great confidence in R. at the start and generally took his word above that of others.

      Moral: It doesn’t pay to surround yourself with cringing toadys who tell you what you want to hear. Better to trust those willing to “speak truth to power”…. even if the truth is unpleasant. Hitler learned the hard way!

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      Hitler should have had a lot more General Heinz Guderian types around him, men who were willing to confront the Fuhrer face to face. But he valued old friendships over competence. And so the Reich was defended by the likes of Himmler and Goering instead.

    30. Ein Says:

      It seems that I gave the wrong information about Ribbentrop’s command of English. In checking, I find this:

      “Up to his appointment as German Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop sought to undercut the current Foreign Minister, Baron von Neurath, at every turn.
      Initially, Neurath held his rival [Ribbentrop] in contempt, regarding as unworthy of attention anyone whose written German (to say nothing of his English and French), was full of atrocious spelling and grammatical mistakes.”

      Ribbentrop was furthermore never recognized as a noble, despite the added “von”, which he acquired from his aunt by persuading her to adopt him. And prior to his association with the nazis, he had done a great deal of business with Jews and was completely apolitical. He was disliked by Himmler and despised by Goebbels who said, “Von Ribbentrop bought his name, he married his money, and he swindled his way into office”.

      At the Nuremberg trials, Baron von Weizsacker was asked how Hitler could possibly have made someone like Ribbentrop a high official. Weizsacker answered that: “Hitler never noticed Ribbentrop’s babbling because Hitler always did all the talking.”

    31. Tim McGreen Says:

      Interesting info, Ein. I always thought Von Ribbentrop was a bit of a buffoon, certainly no match for Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov.