17 October, 2009

Judaized America: Financial Speculation Goes Up While Jobs Go Down

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed culture, jewed finance, Jewish greed, judaism, money, stock markets, Wall Street at 12:50 am | Permanent Link

Money, money, money, get yours now! Call your broker – don’t wait another second! Be greedy – it’s okay! Gentiles act like Jews while our jobs go south. Nice. (Granted, why wouldn’t they act like Yids? From kindergarten onward they’re steeped in Jew-greed from TV, magazines, newspapers…in fact, why doesn’t everyone don a yarmulke now and get it over with?):


  • 8 Responses to “Judaized America: Financial Speculation Goes Up While Jobs Go Down”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      What the hell is it going to take to get the peasants to revolt? If there’s ever a White revolution, it will only be fought by a tiny fraction of fanatical Whites with nothing left to lose. The rest of the White population will just be standing around like cattle with drool hanging off their snouts.

    2. Junghans Says:

      The white inhabitants of the N. American Zoo, are still too well fed, and haven’t tasted enough Negro “brotherhood”, yet. The Planet of the Apes is upon them, so the learning curve warp effect will disrupt their complacent lives soon enough. Infiltrate the ‘tea parties’ and organize!

    3. Lutjens Says:

      Right. We are not starving yet and most still have a roof over our heads. Just keep your guns and keep them loaded.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      “What the hell is it going to take to get the peasants to revolt?”

      I’m dead serious about this… with the exception of getting the White population to the brink of starvation, the only other thing that can be done is to completely cut the media umbilical cord. In other words, shut down the cable and satellite systems to where the populace has no access to any sort of video media. Although would be quite a task and extremely unlikely, it would get the lemming’s attention REAL fast.

      “What no ESPN!!!??? How am I going to spend my Sunday now!!!???”

      Imagine no White people (or any people for that matter) getting their daily dose of mind sedative… can you just see the chaos? There would be rioting in the streets. I guess another thing you could do would be to take down the electrical grid. All nice to think about, but highly unlikely.

    5. Irma Grese Says:

      Blackshirt Says: In other words, shut down the cable and satellite systems to where the populace has no access to any sort of video media. Although would be quite a task and extremely unlikely, it would get the lemming’s attention REAL fast.

      “What no ESPN!!!??? How am I going to spend my Sunday now!!!???”

      Ha ha ha! Several years ago The Onion had an article called “TV Ends” in which all the broadcasters decided to shut down because everything had already been done and they were out of ideas or something. The result was riots in the streets, martial law and all kinds of mayhem! If the jewtube were ever cut off, that’s pretty much how itr would go down in real life.

      As for the article: well yeah OF COURSE the rich and greedy turds on wailing wall street are doing great while White workers are screwed. These are the same treasonous scum who shipped all our jobs overseas for the last two decades!

      So are job losses good for the stock market? Actually, yes.

      Yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts, SLIME. When the revolution comes? Rich, job-exporting whites and their greedy kike buddies NEED to be on The List. The payback for destroying White jobs/livelyhoods must be EPIC.

    6. Socrates Says:

      “wailing wall street”

      That’s funny, Irma Grese.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Hey, wait a second! I was the first to use the term Wailing Wall Street! Irma, give credit where it’s due.

    8. David Baker Says:

      Plain and simple: The Stock Market is a Ponzi Scheme. The only reason the market is rising now is that our socialist president has pumped billions upon billions of our tax dollars into speculative, publicly traded companies. Most of the poor saps who sold their shares before the heaviest losses wound up losing out on this current “Rally” (Wouldn’t ya know, the big investors are cleaning up with their preferred shares, and company options…) The old song goes: “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer”. The reason for that is the poor don’t have the inside track on trading, and “Bailouts”.