1 October, 2009

Ireland: Slavery, or Not?

Posted by Socrates in "international law", EU, Europe, Frankfurt School, global government, globalization, international Jewry, Lisbon Treaty, Socrates, sovereignty, tikkun olam, UN, UN founders at 12:20 pm | Permanent Link

Mark your calendars: tomorrow will tell us if Ireland will be put on a leash by the Jews/internationalists via the Lisbon Treaty. Trivia: a Jew – U.S. government official Franz Neumann – played a key role in the creation of the EU, just like another Jew played a key role in the creation of the UN:


  • 29 Responses to “Ireland: Slavery, or Not?”

    1. old dutch Says:

      Hmmm. The United States Ambassador to Ireland is Irish Roman Catholic Dan Rooney…not some dead sheeney. LOL. Although, Dan, like his Dad Art is an Irish Catholic Republicoon as far as I know.

    2. They're at it again, Ma..! Says:

      Try not to choke on your chicharones there, Dutch.


    3. old dutch Says:

      The Holy Roman Catholic Rooneys’ are a case of the truth being stranger than any fiction or farce. Let me assure you of that. LOL.

    4. Jim Giles Says:

      Being without peer in posting comments here, be advised that until I receive notification that a ranking system has been implemented permitting full free speech to the non-anonymous and limited speech to the anonymous who engage in attacks on me that you will not here from me again.

      And like I said, you fucking pussies, you would never say it to my face. For I would construe it as an assault and then you would be in a world of trouble.

    5. Arminius Says:

      We take you at your word, Jim. Nobody here will miss you.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      The media machine in Ireland has gone into overdrive to force a yes vote. Even that scumbag CEO of Ryanair, O’Leary, has been campaigning for the jew agenda. Well, Ryanair is a lousy outfit anyway. Boycott it and fly with EazyJet or any of the other non-political airlines.

    7. Jim Giles Says:

      Since there are no rules of honor here. Let us instead continue.

      I don’t recall having ever lost a debate on the Internet and certainly never to an anonymous dishonorable piece of shit and coward and I don’t intend to let this enlightening exchange die. Let us continue to focus on me and my honor and courage, my towering NON-ANONYMOUS stature vis-à-vis the ANONYMOUS pieces of human shit who pose here as white men, white nationalists, tough guys, etc.

      Let’s begin with the “semi-[fictitious] autobiography” (You misspelled fictitious, girly man.) allegation; let’s hear it ‘Tim McGreen,’ you Piece of Shit. Tell the world what I have misrepresented in my account and expose yet another phony fraud. And ‘Adam,’ this is not only Jim ‘I’m not a homo’ Giles, this is also Jim ‘I’m not a dishonorable coward’ Giles. I’ve posted a permanent link to this thread in my forum as a prime example of the White Non-Movement, the Anonymous White Non-Movement here.

      The charge is that I am both a liar and homosexual. Let’s focus on my honesty and sexuality because there is a pattern I’ve detected in the white movement of having girly wordy effeminate male types leading the discussion, e.g., Richie Barrett and Kevin Alfred Strom; I’ve said unkind words against these girly men (Bill White and Hal Turner) and I’ve uttered unkind words against Dr. Duck and I have a lot of former friends out there who never much liked me either; they were all wordy little men; so as I’ve said the list is long of those who don’t like Jim ‘I’m not a homo’ Giles, Jim ‘I’m not a liar’ Giles, Jim ‘I’m not a Dishonorable Coward’ Giles, Jim ‘I’ll beat your fucking brains out, if you step one foot on my property’ Giles.

      Please excuse my irritation with you fucking anonymous cowards last evening; I was simply frustrated that this exchange is not one on one and in person.

    8. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “orgs” & “groups” are most decidedly NOT “the way to go” right now….so, if yr advocating such, then, understandably, some of the posters here would be just a smidge “leery” of you…..”the way to go” is leaderless resistance as many proven WN stalwarts like Tom Metzger have repeatedly advocated……”orgs” & “groups” (unless they’re merely Internet-type-information message boards for what’s happening in yr particular, local area!) are far too easily infiltrated by fedZOGjewSA as the many catastrophic failures of such have clearly demonstrated over the decades…..”lone wolf activism” or small, “Turner Diaries”-type “insurgent cells” of no more than ½-dzn @ most are what will work in the future……our immediate, urgent task is to initiate such structures ASAP & “equip” them with the necessary items that will be needed shortly…..guns, ammo’, “explosives”, medicine(s), non-perishable food, large supplies of potable water, clothing, communication equipment, tools, vehicles, money & some form of electric power generation independent of the “grid” (like this, for instance!)

    9. Jim Giles Says:

      exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim!, If you must be anonymous I like your style of anonymity in choosing your nome de guerre. Funny.

      I don’t advocate groups or organizations; I advocate independent political campaigns by candidates who endorse this compact.

      I agree with your infiltration concern completely. However, Strictly Legal political campaigns are the only way to go. And I think field grade officers have a duty to mount them! To mount Cisco.

      History supports my contention; I can’t think of any historical evidence to support your leaderless resistance approach; do you have examples or do you admit your approach is without precedent and hypothetical in terms of effectiveness?

    10. Socrates Says:

      All: please stay on-topic. The topic here is Ireland/Lisbon Treaty.

    11. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:


      yeh……..”Ireland & the Lisbon Treaty”…….well………we already know wtf is going to happen there, right?!?

      the ZOG-bot politicians will en-force ratification one way or t’other!

      Ireland (Rep of Ireland) used to have relatively “liberal” gun laws abt 20-odd yrs or so ago……as soon as they fully joined the EU, they were toughened to the point where they are now, actually, tougher than the jewK gun laws!…..and that without even ONE “false-flag”/”lone-nut” gun massacre…..go figure!

      as such: you could expect the “un-representative swill” there who call them-selves “politicians” to push through this piece of ZOG garbage by unconcernedly riding rough-shod over the white Irish masses!

      i have numerous relatives who live around the Kilkenny area (@ least: from one side of the family!)….i may just visit there some-time in the near future…..if i see even ONE fckn nog’ there, then heaven help them!

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Death to the the EUSSR.

    13. Ein Says:

      From what I see on the BBC site at the present, they are crowing about what is (claimed to be) a likely victory for the treaty.

    14. Ein Says:

      “be advised that until I receive notification that a ranking system has been implemented permitting full free speech to the non-anonymous and limited speech to the anonymous who engage in attacks on me that you will not here from me again.”

      I suppose you mean “hear” … you big fool!

      Well, anyway, good! Please keep your promise. We’re tired of your threats and rants and insults, and your bombastic, inflated ego.

      And don’t reincarnate as Jack Jiles either, Jimbo!

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      I can just imagine what Country Jim must look like…….A big, fat gut rolling out of the sides of his husky-boy overalls, smelly and stinky with an unkempt beard, a greasy ball cap set sideways on his big cow-head. And he drives a 1973 Ford Maverick that sags to the ground when he gets inside of it. Truly a credit to his race.

    16. Kuda Bux Says:


    17. Blackshirt Says:

      Ein says:

      “Well, anyway, good! Please keep your promise. We’re tired of your threats and rants and insults, and your bombastic, inflated ego.”

      I second that! I’m sick of this fathead patriotard posturing on every thread. He comes here calling everyone “pussy” and “coward” and then when he is not welcomed with kindness he gets upset and asks Socrates to do a better job moderating those of us who are just reacting to his insults.

      He keeps threatening to leave this forum because everyone is anonymous. Perhaps he should go back to moderating his own forum, which has a tremendous amount of web traffic (forum membership @ “radiofreemississippi”: 1) Please don’t leave us Jim, we need you to guide us and help attract more hard men to our struggle.

    18. O.D. Izschlippink Says:

      I’m sorry Jim, but you’re mad..that’s my kindly half speaking.
      My less-generous half says you’re just a blowhard and an exhibitionist. OF COURSE we’re mostly anonymous. Especially
      in the cities-everyone is anonymous. If there’s a news story
      in this I’d like it pointed out to me. What can you do at this
      point? The “public” figures in the white struggle for the most
      part that ARE “out”, so to speak, did so at a time when we
      had far more freedoms than we do now. You’d only have to
      look back 15-20 years to see how much progress our enemies have made. And how much we’ve lost. And you can’t unshoot the gun..once you’re public-you’re a target.

      Should we all form little racialist cells, and move them all to the Pacific Northwest or Middle America? The only thing that would come of that is that you’d end up like the Weaver family did. You may as well paint yourself dayglo pink and stand in a crop circle, you couldn’t be more of a target if you did. I think much of your
      confidence in being the in-your-face racialist has a lot to do with your geographic location, Jim. If you really want to test your theory,
      move to my old neighborhood in San Francisco. Or for that matter, anywhere else in California.

      I’m glad another poster mentioned Tom Metzger-he’s been through it all and he’s the first activist I came across
      in my youth when it was dawning on me that something was,
      if I may quote the great white band Supertramp, “not quite right”.
      He’s seen out all of his critics and he’s matured into the Grand Old Man of white imperative. Not the cool, distant intellectual like Pierce, or the randy Good Old Boy Duke. He admits to his mistakes and foibles and asks that you learn from them..as he says so often “If you don’t listen, you’ll have to feel”. Even the pinkos in my
      circle admire the man, if not his politics. Drive on, Tom.

      As for staying on-topic…well.. being a native San Franciscan, I have loads of Irish friends and family members. The Irish have a broad tolerant streak..I guess it comes of all the evils they’ve suffered in Ireland, the UK or the US. Part philosophical and part egalitarian church propaganda. Even the naturalized Irish I know don’t think too much about this sort of thing. And again, what’s the point in “outing” yourself to these people and risking their ire? Unlike yourself, Jim, I’d rather keep the “good” in them close to me-until such time that it becomes necessary to chose a side.

      Until such a time, I choose to remain quietly anonymous. Me, and my cowardly pussy.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim needs men, manly men, the kind who do push-ups buck naked, with drops of sweat glistening on their rock-hard buttocks…….


    20. Ein Says:

      You’re sending him into spasms, no doubt, just to read this!

      Yep, HIS kind of men!

      Either that, or the only kind of men he’s infatuated with is himself.

    21. Tom McReen Says:

      “I’m glad another poster mentioned Tom Metzger-he’s been through it all and he’s the first activist I came across
      in my youth when it was dawning on me that something was,
      if I may quote the great white band Supertramp, “not quite right”.
      He’s seen out all of his critics and he’s matured into the Grand Old Man of white imperative. Not the cool, distant intellectual like Pierce, or the randy Good Old Boy Duke. He admits to his mistakes and foibles and asks that you learn from them..as he says so often “If you don’t listen, you’ll have to feel”. Even the pinkos in my
      circle admire the man, if not his politics. Drive on, Tom.”

      It’s all so familiar…the pro-Metzger posts and the contrived sock pupppet ‘fight’.

      EU: There’s something fishy about that referendum result – why a ‘resounding’ yes after being insulted by being made to vote again?

    22. Blackshirt Says:

      Oh McReen, you hate Tom Metzger don’t you? You just can’t stand the fact that Metzger advocates against using the old, tired right wing tactics that you love with all your heart. Metzger also points out how Christianity is no friend to the White race and it just makes you fly into a temper tantrum, doesn’t it? Why can’t everyone love Jewsus like you do? I’m sure you spend many nights crying into your pillow begging Jewsus to show you how you can save the souls of your White brothers and sisters. The movement away from Christianity in the White world is a real worry for you. Poor McWeenie.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Given the choice between Jim Giles and Tom McReen, I’d rather have Giles around. At least he’s comical in his obnoxiousness, a fat, ridiculous fool we can all laugh at without feeling guilty about it. But McReen is as much fun to have around as an inflamed hemrhoid.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Godammit, I’m having Jim Giles withdrawal symptoms. Where is that fat stupid clown, anyway? I need to ridicule him so that I can feel better about myself.

    25. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, why don’t you go and join his forum? Poor Jimmy is the only one on there, so I’m sure he’d love for a hard man such as yourself to come along and keep him company! lol

    26. Ein Says:

      “Given the choice between Jim Giles and Tom McReen, I’d rather have Giles around.”

      Was there a difference? Seems that Tom had been strangely silent while Jim was busy composing his rants. Of course, while Jim was dominating the threads we weren’t hearing from Banjo Billy, Curt, Tex, Lonestar, etc. either.

      Well, a guy’s only got two hands!
      And they’ve been having Jewish holidays in Tel Aviv.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      Ein, I don’t think McReen and his alter egos were one in the same with Giles… As moronic as Giles is, he did post several pictures of himself and links to videos on youtube of himself. McReen & friends are most likely in the scenario you describe- a group of Jews working out of an internet cafe somewhere in that “shitty little country”.

      Giles was looking for a therapist and/or a few hard men, and he let it all hang out. McWeenie & co. are mysteriously silent on any aspect of who/what they are, so much so that they don’t even mention what country they are in.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      The bufoonish Jim Giles is what Freud would’ve called Anal Expulsive, whereas the villainous McReen/O’Brien would’ve been characterized as Anal Retentive. Lonestar and Banjo Billy were never fully developed characters, although they possessed certain negative traits in common with the other three. Could all of these absurd personalities be the creation of a single Semitic mind? Stranger things have happened.

    29. Tom McReen Says:

      “Oh McReen, you hate Tom Metzger don’t you?”

      It’s your groupies who obsess about Metzger, I couldn’t care less. Stop projecting like a kike.

      As for EINstein, you effectively discredit yourself by hanging out with the already-discredited gang of trolls and their sock puppets. The high moral act aint working for you because of that.