19 October, 2009

Dr. Kevin MacDonald on Video

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, video, videos at 4:50 pm | Permanent Link

“Deciphering Jewish Intellectual Movements” in 6 parts (this video is also available on DVD):


  • 20 Responses to “Dr. Kevin MacDonald on Video”

    1. Z.O.G. Says:

      Great interview. The funny part is that the interviewer, Mark Green, is obviously a Jew but he didn’t seem particularly hostile to Kevin MacDonald. I guess he just has a good poker face.

    2. Tum McBreen Says:

      I think MacDonald is lucky he hasn’t been wacked by the ten different Jewish criminal groups that I even know about. I think he is doing a very good job considering he could be killed in seconds on an open campus at a state university in California home of San Francisco and Hollywood.


      Asks if MacDonald is a ringer… no.

      He has to complement Jews “achievements” to some extent to not be just beaten to death.

      Remember how sly jews are to say their poison and not have it rejected over the years. Hollywood has to sugar coat for decades their shit to get to today where they are now right out there overt and forward. MacDonald is fighting fire with fire with some smarts.

    3. Ein Says:

      “Great interview. The funny part is that the interviewer, Mark Green, is obviously a Jew ”

      I wouldn’t say that it’s obvious. But he probably is.

      What really annoyed me is that he wouldn’t let MacD. speak or complete an idea. Everytime MacD. began to say something interesting, the fool interviewer would cut him off and change the subject.

      But that’s nothing new. I’ve seen that strategy used before. They try to steer you to what they want you to say; and if it’s not what they want to hear, they cut you off with another question. They keep your head spinning with new questions, and you’re not allowed to complete your answers.

    4. Kuda Bux Says:

      Green on the outside, red on the inside.

    5. Z.O.G. Says:

      “I wouldn’t say that it’s obvious. But he probably is.”

      Uh, yeah, it’s obvious. “Mark Green” might as well be wearing a yellow star. ;-)

    6. old dutch Says:

      If it was “Marc” Green, I would say yes. But, “Mark” Green?

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      What the hell does the spelling of the name “Mark” have to do with anything? Where do you get this stuff?

      “Green” is a stereotypical Jewish surname.

      But it wouldn’t really even matter what his name is anyway, because he oozes Jewishness.

    8. old dutch Says:

      Hey, asshole. You will find that Jews always spell it Marc.

      Btw, are you really an agent of Z.O.G or just play one here on VNN. LOL.

    9. Z.O.G. Says:

      “You will find that Jews always spell it Marc.”

      No, they don’t. You’re just pulling stuff out of your ass now. LOL

    10. Z.O.G. Says:

      I guess next you’re going to repeat that old canard about how a man with a name ending in “Jr.” can’t be Jewish.

      Go ahead, say it. You know you want to. LOL

    11. Ein Says:

      “You will find that Jews always spell it Marc.”

      I’ve always found that to be the case. They like the French spelling. More sophisticated, you know. More cachet. :)

      How about Marc Rich? Not Mark. Nah! Too plain.

      And Green is an ordinary English name. But it’s very often used by Jews as a truncation of Greenberg — which would actually be spelled Gruenberg in German, or Gruen. But just plain Green is an old English name. Anybody can have it.

      Actually, I thought the interviewer looked more Irish than anything else — with his ruddy face and reddish hair. But given his career and all other things considered, he’s probably Jewish. Most likely.

      Of course, ZOG thinks EVERYBODY is Jewish. He would accuse Santa Claus of being a Jew in disguise!

    12. Ein Says:

      “You will find that Jews always spell it Marc.”

      I’ve always found that to be the case. They like the French spelling. More sophisticated, you know. More cachet. :)

      How about Marc Rich? Not Mark. Nah! Too plain.

      And Green is an ordinary English name. But it’s very often used by Jews as a truncation of Greenberg — which would actually be spelled Gruenberg in German, or Gruen. But just plain Green is an old English name. Anybody can have it.

      Actually, I thought the interviewer looked more Irish than anything else — with his ruddy face and reddish hair. But given his career and all other things considered, he’s probably Jewish. Most likely.

      Of course, ZOG thinks EVERYBODY is Jewish. He would accuse Santa Claus of being a Jew in disguise!

    13. Z.O.G. Says:

      Yeah, we heard you the first time. No need to post your comment multiple times.

    14. Tum McBreen Says:

      Amazingly almost all the people who work against middle class white values to the point of making it on a video are partly Jewish at least. To almost a person no matter how white their plastic surgeons make them look they are part of that religious tribal group.

      So even if it’s guessing it’s always a good one.

      Btw for your info Santa Claus is Jewish. He takes advantage of any unlocked passages into the house and is interested in children. That’s pretty Jewish.

      He’s part of the whole thing of buying love with money and is out of shape – that’s pretty Jewish too.

      The whole hanging old stockings to be filled with candy is almost a celebration of the rag merchant rags to riches fable in its iconography.

      Santa Claus (nee Clausstein) is on my list ok?

    15. Anti Mark Green Defamation League Says:

      If Mark Green is a Jew, he is a pretty self-hating one.

      Here are a few examples of what Mark Green writes and thinks:

      You WILL Believe
      By Mark Green
      Dec. 3, 2005

      ‘My Virulent Anti-Semitism’ (And Theirs)
      By Mark Green
      September 6, 2006

      And here are some excellent videos with interviews:

      Flashpoint interview: Richard D. Hecht

      FlashPoint Interview: Jeff Blankfort 1 of 2 parts

      FlashPoint Interview: Jeff Blankfort 2 of 2 parts

      Flashpoint interview: Bradley R. Smith

      Mark Green doesn’t look Jewish and he doesn’t talk like a Jew. He defends holocaust revisionists and antisemitism. If anything, he looks rather Irish, and I’m pretty sure that he isn’t Jewish.

    16. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh boy, here come the disinformation trolls.

      Mark Green is Irish? Yeah, that’s a good one. I wonder, do people actually believed your bullshit?

    17. Z.O.G. Says:

      typo: “believe”

    18. Ein Says:

      “Mark Green is Irish? Yeah, that’s a good one.”

      I’ll let his face answer that. It doesn’t say “Jew”.
      Nor does his body of work.

      Oh, btw (I hadn’t thought of this before), does it make sense that Dr. Macdonald would be giving a critical interview about Jews to a Jew? Not likely.

      I think that covers it.

    19. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh, btw (I hadn’t thought of this before), does it make sense that Dr. Macdonald would be giving a critical interview about Jews to a Jew? Not likely.

      Um, yeah, is that why Dr. MacDonald had a damn Jew write a promo for the back cover of his book “Culture of Critique”? :-)

    20. Snillum Yad Says:

      Mark Green is not jewish. I know. Leave it at that. And yes, far more often than not, jews tend to spell “Mark” as “Marc”. Just as they prefer names like “Alan” “Seth” “Neil” etc. That MacDonald hasn’t been killed yet sometimes amazes me, but at the same time, if he were to die in an accident or a random “robbery” the situation would so obviously scream “set-up” that it means K Mac isn’t THAT big a deal to the yids. Yet.